
卓越个性化教案 GFJW0901

九年级上册 Unit2


一 重点词汇用法详讲 1 depend vi.

【用法1】 if something depends on something else, it is directly affected of decided by that thing 取决于,由…决定;常与on/upon 连用 When to climb the mountain depends on the weather. 何时去爬山取决于天气。 I want to leave early but it depends. 我想早点离开,但那要看情况。

【用法2】 to need the support, help, or existence of someone or something in order to exist, be healthy, be successful etc (=rely on) 依靠,依赖,需要

We shouldn’t depend on too much on our parents.我们不应该过度依赖父母。 I’m depending on you to tell me everything.我靠你来告诉我所有的事情。 【用法3】to trust or have confidence in someone or something 信任;依赖 You can depend on Jane. She always keeps her promises. 你可以信任珍。她永远信守承诺。

2 suit v. (to be appropriate or suitable for) 合适;相配

The climate there will suit you down to the ground. 那里的天气完全适合你。 Jill’s new hairstyle dosen’t really suit her. 吉儿的新发型其实并不适合她。 Blue suits her very well, I think. 我认为蓝色很适合她。

【复习】 suit n. a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a jacket with trousers or a skirt 一套衣服

3 diet n. (the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day) 日常食物,日常饮食 It’s important to hace a balanced and healthy diet. 保持均衡和健康的饮食是很重要的。

Bamboo is panda’s staple diet. 竹子是熊猫的主要食物。

4 normal adj. (usually, typical) 典型的,正常的,一般的

It’s normal to feel nervous before an exam.考试前感到紧张是很正常的。 All I want is to lead a normal life. 我所想要的是过普通生活。


5 loosen v. (to make something less tight or less firmly fastened, or to become less tight or less firmly fastened ) 使放松,变松

You’ll need a spanner to loosen that screw. 你需要一把扳手来松开那颗螺丝钉。 It was hot. He loosen his collar and tie on arriving home. 天气热,他一回家就松开衣领和领带。

【拓展1】在一些形容词后加en可以构成相应的动词,意思为“使……”, “使成为……”, “变得……:”,如 : darken(弄暗), weaken(使……变弱) 【拓展2】反义词: tighten v. (使)变紧,更加牢固

二 重点短语用法详讲

1. on top of the world 欢天喜地;心满意足

This good present made the child feel on top of the world. 这件好礼物使这个小孩欢天喜地。 2.depend on取决于,由……决定

When to climb the mountain depends on the weather. 何时去爬山取决于天气。 3.first of all 第一,首先

First of all, we should make up our mind to study hard. 首先,我们应该下决心努力学习。 4.prevent from doing阻止…做,防止…做

we should prevent people from cutting down too many trees. 我们应该阻止人们滥伐树木。

5.suggest(that) sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事,其中that 和should可以省略,sb. 用主格

The doctor suggested he stop smoking.医生建议他戒烟。 6.anyone else’s 任何别人的

His handwriting is better than anyone else’s in his class. 他的书法比班上其他人都好。 7.care for关心,照料

Who will care for your children when you are in Beijing? 你在北京出差的时候,谁照料你的孩子?

二 重点句型



1 it is+ 形容词+for+代词+不定式

在这个句型中,it作为形式主语,代替for sb. to do

【若形容词是表示事物的客观特征,不是对不定式的动作发出者的品格进行评价的,如: difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous, possible, impossible等,用for】 It is important for us to learn English well.我们学好英语是很重要的。 it’s difficult for me to finish the work in two days. 要我在两天内完成这项工作是很困难的。

2 it is +形容词+of+代词+不定式

【此句型的形容词与第一个句型的形容词有所不同,此句型的形容词可以表示人的本质特征,通常有以下的形容词:good, kind, fine, clever, careful, careless, rude, silly, bad, generous, wise, wrong等】

It’s very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我,真好。

It’s clever of you to work out the maths problem. 你真聪明,解出了这道数学题。 【拓展】of sb. 句型通常都可以改为用of后的宾语作主语的句式,但for sb.句型不可以,例如:

It’s very nice of you to offer me a seat.= You are nice to offer me a seat.

It is careless of him to lose so many things.= He is careless to lose so many things.

3 形容词+enough+不定式 此句型表示“足够……能够……”

He is old enough to go to school. 他已经足够大,到了上学的年龄了。 She is careful enough to do the work well. 她很仔细,能够干好这项工作。 四 练习 A 单词拼写

1. Children d on their parents for food and clothing. 2. Lily has just had her haircut but her new h doesn’t really suit her. 3. It’s n to feel nervous before an exam.

4. It’s important to choose a s that suit your type of hairs. 5. In a modern city, people usually have a quick l . 6. Don’t eat so much fried food, because it’s u . 7. Before shampooing, brush your hair carefully to l and dirt.

8. They r the bank of millions of dollars last week, so they were in prison




9. Don’t be nervous, Try to reduce your p .

10. Mr. Zhang is a friendly teacher, we t him as our friend. 11. I call to make an a with Mike at 2 o’clock. 12. Mary can’t treat so much work, so she wants an a . 13. Jack likes traveling very much. Now he is telling us his e adventure stories. 14. I feel very hot. Would you m opening the door? 15. Planes are faster and more c than trains.

B 完成句子 1. 价格由质量决定。

The price the quality. 2. 这件漂亮的礼物使这个小孩心满意足。

This beautiful present made the child feel .

3. 我们首先应该下决心努力学习。 , we should make up our to .

4. 我会足够小心以免弄碎这个花瓶。

I will be break the vase. 5. 缺乏经验,他面试失败了。

Experience, he failed in the interview. 6. 那个贼夺走了我的项链。

The robber me the necklace. 7. 我们应该阻止人们过度砍伐树木。

We should people cutting down too many trees. 8. 母亲担心她那生病的孩子。

The mother her sick baby. 9. 珍妮正在为她明天的演讲作准备。

Jane is the speech tomorrow. 10. Debbie去发廊剪头发。

Debbie went to a salon and her hair .

C 单项选择

( ) 1. This room is not for them to .


