
A.商业发票 B.海关发票 C.制造厂商发票 D.形式发票 E.领事发票

68.根据出口合同履行的程序,正常情况下,下列单据中,签发时间最早的是(A )。

A.商品检验证书 B.货物运输单据 C.汇票 D.保险单据

69.除非信用证上另有规定,提单上的Shipper一般应为(C )。 A.申请人 B.开证行 C.受益人 D.船公司

70.某笔信用证业务中,信用证要求受益人按发票金额的110%投保。这增加的10%是(D )。

A.进口商自愿多向保险公司交纳保险费 B.保险公司向进口商提出的要求

C.进口商想从保险公司多得到补偿 D.进口商的预期毛利润率

71.若信用证未具体规定可否分批装运和可否转运,则受益人(D )。 A.可分批装运,也可以转运 B.不得分批装运,但可以转运 C.可分批装运,但不能转运 D.不得分批装运,也不能转运


72.某信用证规定,交货数量为2500吨散装货,不准分批装运,但其数量有ABOUT条款。据此,受益人提交的运输单据上,根据UCP600,(D )。

A.货物数量和总金额均可增减10% B.货物数量可增减5%,但总金额不能超过

C.货物和总金额均可以增减5% D.货物数量增减10%,但总金额不能超过

73.信用证要求受益人提交的提单上注明?Freight Prepaid?,但不要求提交保险单,则该项商品交易双方是以(B )成交的。 A.FOB B.CFR C.CIF D.CIP

74.( D)必然要求受益人提交汇票。

A.即期付款信用证 B.延期付款信用证 C.议付信用证 D.承兑信用证

75.申请人收到信用证下单据后,除非(D ),否则申请人必须兑付。 A.货物不符合销售合同 B.货物存在严重质量问题 C.收到的单据无法通关 D.单据与信用证条款不符

76.信用证业务属于(B )业务。

A.顺汇 B.逆汇 C.电汇 D.票汇


Q12 As an exporter you are offered by the importer: (a) a usance credit; (b) a deferred payment credit. Which would you prefer and why? (a)已承兑汇票可以融资


Q13 (a) What is the difference between a bill of exchange drawn at 90 days fixed and one drawn at 90 days sight? 见票90天后付款 出票后90天付款 见票有待时日 出票后到期更早

(b)As a negotiating bank, which would you prefer if the drawee was in a foreign country?

Q14 You are the advising bank for a $250 000 credit valid for 9 months.

The issuing bank asks you to confirm the credit. Are you obliged to:

(a)confirm it? (b)confirm it for 9 months? (c)confirm it for $250 000?


Q15 Documents for a value of US$150 000 are presented against a CIF credit. They include an insurance certificate for ?100 000. The current exchange rage is US$1.50= ?1. Is the insurance certificate acceptable?


不可以。①币种投保要按照信用证的币种。②CIF 110%去投保。 Q16 An irrevocable credit is opened covering 6000 tons of steel; part shipments are not permitted. What is the minimum quantity the exporter may ship in accordance with UCP600? 无ABOUT 散装货 6000×95%←不能少于

Q17 How would you describe a clean bill of lading? 略

Q18 Who can sign a bill of lading? 承运人或承运人的代理 船长或船长的代理

Q19 What is the difference between a shipping company’s bill of lading and a charterparty bill of lading? 船货双方的权利义务不包含,目的港不确定。

Q20 If a credit calls for a ‘shipped’ bill of lading, what would you look for to ensure that the bill of lading presented was correct?


Q21 Documents are presented under a credit covering shipment of six cases of machine tools. What particular detail, which will appear on all documents, must be identical on each?

Q22 You are the issuing bank and you receive documents under one of your credits from a negotiating bank. Upon

