
– No, ________ (不去).

A. they willn’t. B. they won’t. C. they aren’t. D. they don’t. ( ) 16. Who ________ we ________ swimming with tomorrow afternoon? A. will; go B. do; go C. will; going D. shall; go ( ) 17. We ________ the work this way next time. A. do B. will do C. going to do D. will doing

( ) 18. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ________ boating

in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ( ) 19. The day after tomorrow they ________ a volleyball match. A. will watching B. watches

C. is watching D. is going to watch ( ) 20. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be

C. shall going to be D. will going to be

