2017年上海市奉贤区中考英语二模试卷 - 图文

15. Kite flying is a popular activity in spring in China.

I6. Kites shaped like swallows (燕子)mean long life and peaches mean good luck.

17. Many people visit the city of Weifang every April to take part in the International Kite Festival. 18. The kite was invented by Chinese people over 200 years ago.

19. People got the idea of inventing the lightning rod (避雷针)from a kite.

20. The passage mainly talks about how to fly kites safely in spring.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(10分)

21. At the age of 5, Lang Lang won first place in a _____ ______.

22. To______ _______to his dream, when Lang Lang

was 9, he and his father went to Beijing to study piano.

23. But, _______ _______the praise he had received

at home, little Lang Lang experienced the hardest time in his life.

24. Lang Lang gradually found his passion and

again felt______ _____about his piano playing. 25. Now, 30-year-old Lang Lang is known______

______the world for his great performances.

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary

(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)

Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) 26. The mother elephant was walking “hand in hand” with her baby. Which of the following is correct for the underline word in the sentence? A) ['wз:ki?] ['wa:ki?]

B) ['w?:ki?] C)

D) ['wi:ki?]

27. The UK is _____ European country and China is _____ Asian country.

A) an; an B) a; a C) a; an D) an; a 28. IOC(国际奥委会)has recently decided that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic will be held ______ November and December.

A) for B) on C) in D) at

29. Peter often talks ____ but does_____ . So everyone says he is a good boy.

A) little; much B)few; much C)more; little D) little; many

30. We should never be pleased with book knowledge. We also need Practical ______.

A)action B)ability C)skill D)experience

31. With the teacher's encouragement, the boy works even______.

A) hard B)hardly C) harder D) hardest

32. ---____does it take you to improve your English listening skill?

---For nearly half an hour every day.

A) How often B) How far C) How long D) How soon

33. Keep your eyes open, _____ you will miss the most exciting moment of the magic.

A) and B) or C) so


34. ____my brother arrived in Thailand, he visited the local biggest temple at once. D)before

35. When having a fire drill, we _____run downstairs. D) may not

36. While Jenny _____ letters in her office, Jessica was watching a game on the Net.

A) typed B) was typing C) has typed D)would type

37. Before he went to Beijing, he____ in Hong Kong for four years.

A) has studied B) studies C) studied D) had studied

38. When your homework _____ ,you can go out to have a rest.

A) was finished B) will be finished C) is finished D) has been finished

39. As we all know, good memory_____ memorizing

A) as soon as B) while C) until

A) needn’t B) mustn’t C) can’t
