
2. \

3. This poem is written in classic five-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-a-b and conversational rhythm. The poem seems to be about the poet, walking in the woods in autumn, choosing which road he should follow on his walk. In reality, it concerns the important decisions which one must make in life, when one must give up one desirable thing in order to possess another. Then, whatever the outcome, one must accept the consequences of one' s choice for it is not possible to go back and have another chance to choose differently.

4. In the poem, the poet hesitates for a long time, wondering which road to take, because they are both pretty. In the end, he follows the one which seems to have fewer travelers on it. Symbolically, he chose to follow an unusual, solitary life; perhaps he was speaking of his choice to become a poet rather than some commoner profession. But he always remembers the road which he might have taken, and which would have given him a different kind of life. Passage 3 Walden (1)

Henry David Thoreau (1)

Find the answer from the passage. (5) Passage 4

1. The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne. (2) 2. life and liberty.(2) Passage 5

1. My Lost Youth.(1)

2. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1)

3. “haunting\ sums up the feeling that was begun earlier with \\Passage 6

1. Upon the Burning of Our House, Anne Bradstreet.(2)

2. One's real house is in heaven, built by the great architect, God. (2)

VI. Choose TWO of the three passages and comment on them. (20%)

1. Analyze Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. (10%)

2. Analyze Emily Dickinson's “Because I Could not stop for Death”.(10%) 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self-Reliance. (10%)

The score is given to the theme, (7) content (6) and writing style(7) of the work chosen.
