肖申克的救赎全部台词 - 百度文库


-Red: I Knock it off. Brooks ain't no bug. He's just institutionalized. ain't: =is not bug: []ϣë institutionalized: ʹɹ Ҫ˵ˣBrooksǷˡֻDZƻˡ -Heywood: Institutionalized, my ass. my ass: ȥ


-Red: The man's been in here 50 years, Heywood, 50 years! This is all he knows. ڴʮˣHeywoodʮ꣡Ψһʶĵط In here, he's an important man......an educated man. Outside, he's nothing. ǸҪˣһнˣ棬ʲôǡ Just a used-up con with arthritis in both hands. used-up: ƣ arthritis: ؽ ֻһͳ

Probably couldn't get a library card if he tried. You know what I'm trying to say? Ž֤ѣ˵Ļ -Man: I do believe you're talking out of your ass. ˵ƨ

-Red: You believe whatever you want. But I tell you these walls are funny. ôɡҸ㣬ЩΧǽȤġ First you hate them. ʼǣ

Then you get used to them. Enough time passes... you get so you depend on them. ţӦǣʱˣ㿪ʼ벻ǣ That's \ǾDZƻˡ

-Man: I could never Get Like that. ԶҲ

-Man: Oh, yeah? Shit. Wait till you've been here as long as Brooks. ΪûBrooksʱڴˡ

-Red: Goddamn right. They send you here for life...that's exactly what they take. Goddamn: dz ̫ˣǰ͵ȷʵҪģ Part that counts, anyway. Ѿִﵽˡ

-Brooks: I can't take care of you no more, Jake. You go on now. You're free. You're free. ҲչˣJake߰ɣˣˡ -Police: Good luck, Brooksie. Brooksieףˡ

-Brooks: Dear fellas: I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. fella: 飬


-Man: Watch it, old-timer! Want to get killed? ͷ

-Brooks: I saw an automobile once when I was a kid?


ͯʱֻһ but now they're everywhere. ڵǣ

The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. hurry:æ


The parole board got me into this halfway house called \parole: ͵ brewer: ơ

ίԱҰ;ᣬˡ and a job... bagging groceries at the Food-Way. bag: ...װ groceries: ʳƷ


It's hard work and I try to keep up... but my hands hurt most of the time. Ȼ࣬ҺŬҵ־еʹ

-Women: Make sure your man double-bags. Last time, the bottom near came out. ǵϴμˡ

-Man: Make sure you double-bag like the lady says. Understand? Ůʿ˵

-Brooks: Yes, sir. Surely will. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. ǵģǵ̫ϲң

Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. ʱҵ԰ȥιЩӣ

I keep thinking... Jake might just show up and say hello. һֱϣJakeҴк

But he never does. I hope, wherever he is, δϣģ

he's doing okay and making new friends. I have trouble sleeping at night. ĺܺãֽѣҲ˯ I have bad dreams like I'm falling. جΣһֱµ

I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. ʱе־壬Ҫһ֪ԼĶ

Maybe I should get a gun and rob the Food-Way so they'd send me home. rob:


I could shoot the manager while I was at it. Sort of like a bonus. bonus: Ķ


I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense anymore. I don't like it here. nonsense:

Ѿ̫ˣҲɲִ£Ҳϲط, I'm tired of being afraid all the time. Ҹе£

I've decided... not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss... not for an old crook like me. doubt: kick up: fuss: crook:

Ҿ??뿪һǻۣΪϻ I doubt they'll kick up any fuss, not for an old crook like me. P.S. һǻۣΪϻ⣬ Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. Heywood˵ϴεºܶԲ𣬱ϡ No hard feelings. Brooks.

ʹĸоˣBrooks -Red: He should have died in here. Ӧ

-Hadley: What the fuck have you done? It's a goddamn mess, I'll tell you that. mess: ߰

ʲôһ㣬㣬 What's all this? Щʲô

You tell me. They're addressed to you. ,ȫĸġ -Police: Take it. š

-Andy: Dear Mr. Dufresne: In response to your inquiries... inquiry:


the state has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project. This is $ 200. allocate: enclosed: ϵ


In addition, the library district has generously responded with a donation of used books and sundries.

in addition: district: generously: respond with: donation: used: ֵ sundry:


We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed.

trust: fill your needs: Ҫ consider: Ϊ closed: ЩӦҪģһ䣬 Please stop sending us letters. send:


-Hadley: Clear all this out before the warden gets back. ǰҪá -Andy: Yes, sir. ֪

-Police officer A: Good for you, Andy. Andy治

-Andy: Wow! It only took six years.


From now on, I'll write two letters a week instead of one. from now on: instead: ÿдš

-Police officer A: I believe you're crazy enough. Get this stuff out, like he said. believe: Ϊ crazy: stuff:


I've got to pinch a loaf. When I come back, this is all gone, all right? pinch a loaf: ϴš[take a dump--from Urban Dictionary] ȥʱЩ顣

Andy, do you hear that? Dufresne! Andy, let me out! Andy. AndyDufresneAndyҳȥAndy

-Red: I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. have no idea:

ҵҲûףŮڳʲô Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. truth: ʵ unsaid: δ˵ڵ


I like to think it was something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words? express:

ǣ˵޷ݣ ... and makes your heart ache because of it. ache: ʹ


I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. soar: Ϸ


It was like a beautiful bird flapped into our drab cage and made those walls dissolve away. flap: drab: dissolve away: ʧ

һֻС񣬷ɽɫЩΧǽʧˡ And for the briefest of moments, every last man at Shawshank felt free. brief: ̵ every last man: ÿ

һ̣ÿФ˵ߣе˵ɡ It pissed the warden off something awful. pissed off: ŭ awful: µ ȷŭ

-Warden: Open the door. Open it up! Dufresne, open this door! Turn that off! turn off: ص

šţDufresneţص I am warning you. Dufresne.Turn that off! warn:

Ҿ㣬Dufresneص -Hadley: Dufresne, You're mine now. Dufresne䵽ˡ
