

Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil? Thanks. 你有纸和笔吗?谢谢。 So... Mister Dekins... 那么,Dekins先生。

-Brooks: And then Andy says, \接着Andy问Dekins,

do you want your sons to go to Harvard or Yale?\你想让你的儿子去哈佛还是耶鲁? -Heywood: He didn't say that! 他没有这样说!

-Brooks: As God as my witness! Dekins blinked for a second... witness: 证人


then he laughed and actually shook Andy's hand. 傻笑着和Andy握手。

-Heywood: My ass! Shook his hand. my ass: 去你的 老天!和他握手。

-Brooks: I tell you, I near soiled myself! soil: 玷污


All he needed was a suit and tie and a jiggly hula gal on his desk...

tie: 领带 jiggly: [美国俚语]勾起情欲的 hula:【草裙舞】 gal: [口语] =girl 他若穿上那套衣服

he'd have been \他就会变成Dufresne先生的了。 -Red: Making a few friends? 又交上新朋友了?

-Andy: I wouldn't say \我不认为是朋友,

I'm a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning. convicted: 已被判刑的 financial: 财政的 我是一个能提供准确财政计划的谋杀犯。 It's a wonderful pet to have. pet: 宠物


-Red: Got you out of the laundry, though. laundry: 洗衣房


-Andy: It might do more than that. How about expanding the library. expand: 扩充

可能不是那么简单的,我打算扩大图书馆, Get some new books.


-Man: If you ask for something, ask for a pool table. pool table: 桌球台 还是找张台球桌吧。

-Heywood: How do you expect to do that? 你打算怎么做,

I mean... get new books in here, \我是说,怎么得到新书,向谁请求。 -Andy: I'll ask the warden for funds. warden: 典狱长 fund: 资助 我会向典狱长要钱。

-Brooks: Six wardens have been through here in my tenure, tenure: 占有期

噢,孩子,孩子,我经历了六个典狱长, and I've learned... one immutable, universal truth: immutable: 不变的


Not one born whose asshole... wouldn't pucker up tighter than a snare drum when you ask for funds.

asshole:傻瓜 pucker up: 缩拢 tight: 紧的,牢固的 snare: 陷阱 那个人还没有生出来,你向他们提出定遭拒绝的。 -Norton: The budget's stretched thin as it is. stretch: 过度利用 budget: 预算 预算不够用。

-Andy: I see. Maybe I could write the state senate and request funds from them. senate: 议院


-Norton: They have only three ways to spend the taxpayers' money for prisons: taxpayer: 纳税人

只有三种情况能动纳税人的钱: More walls, more bars, more guards. 多建围墙、多建牢房和增加监狱。

-Andy: I'd like to try, with permission. A letter a week. 若你批准,我想尝试一下,每周一封信。 They can't ignore me forever. ignore: 忽视


-Norton: Sure can. But you write your letters if it makes you happy. 当然能够。如果你写着高兴那就写吧。 I'll even mail them for you. How's that? 我来替你寄出,怎样?

-Red: “So Andy started writing a letter a week... just like he said. And like Norton said...” “就这样,Andy开始每周写一封信,就像他说得那样。但如Norton所说”

“... Andy got no answers. The following April, he did tax returns for half the guards at Shaw


“一直都无回覆。过了四月,Andy已帮半数狱警们报税。” “Year after that, he did them all... including the warden's. “ “后来,全都找他帮忙了,连典狱长纳税务都由他处理。” “Year after that, they rescheduled the intramural season...” reschedule: 重新排定...日程 intramural: 单位内部的 “后来,他们安排,”

“... to coincide with tax season. The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2s.”

coincide: 符合 opposing tea : 比赛双方

“球队在税季中比赛。所有的球队都带着报税表。” -Andy: issued you a gun, but you paid for it. Issue: 配给

所以Moresby监狱??配给你一支枪,但要你自己付钱。 -Man: Right. The holster too. holster:手枪皮套


-Andy: That's tax-deductible. You can write that off. tax-deductible: 可免税的


-Red: Yes, sir! Andy was a regular cottage industry. cottage industry: 家庭作坊 cottage: 家庭式的 是的!Andy就像一个正常的会计师。

In fact, it got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff. staff: 同事

事实上,在税季中他如此的忙,允许有一个帮手。 -Andy: Could you hand me a stack of 1040s? a stack of: 一摞


-Red: “Got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and that was fine by me. “每年有一个月离开监狱去木工场做工,” “And still, he kept sending those letters.” “同时,安迪仍旧不断的写信。” -Man: It's Brooks. Brooks出事了!

-Red: Watch the door. Please, Brooks. Calm the fuck down. 看着门,冷静点,Brooks。千万别冲动,放下来! -Brooks: Stay back, goddamn it! What's going on? 放下来,该死!发生什么事?

-Man: One second he's fine, then out come the knives. 他突然掏出刀来。

-Red: We can talk about this, right? 有事慢慢商量好吗?

-Brooks: There's nothing to talk about. I'll cut his fucking throat.

“没商量余地的,我要割断他的喉咙。 -Red: What's he done to you? 他有什么对不起你?

-Brooks: It's what they done! I got no choice. 去问狱警吧!我别无选择。

-Andy: You won't hurt Heywood. We all know that.

我们都知道,你不会伤害Heywood的对吗,Heywood? -Heywood: yes. 是的。

-Andy: He's a friend of yours, and Brooks is a reasonable man. Right, guys? 他是你的朋友,Brooks是讲道理的,对吗?

So put the knife down. Look at me. Put the knife down. 那么把刀放下,看着我。把刀放下。

Look at his neck, for God's sake. Look at his neck. He's bleeding. neck: 脖子

看看他的脖子,看看他的脖子,他在流血。 -Brooks: It's the only way... they'd let me stay. 这是唯一,使我留在这里的办法。

-Andy: This is crazy. You don't want to do this. Put it, put it down. 你疯了,你不会这样做的。放下,放下刀。 Take it easy. You'll be all right. 放松。一切都会好的。

-Heywood: Him? What about me? Crazy old fool damn near cut my throat! throat: 喉咙


-Red: You've had worse from shaving. What did you do to set him off? shave: 刮胡子


-Heywood: Nothing. I come in here to say farewell. Ain't you heard? farewell: 再会 ain't: =is not

没什么,我只是进来和他道别。难到你没听说? His parole's come through. parole:假释出狱 他获得假释。

-Andy: I just don't understand what happened in there. 我就是不明白,发生什么了。

-Heywood: Old man's crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse. rat: 耗子 tin: 罐 shithouse: 厕所 老家伙疯了。

-Red: That's enough out of you. 够了。

-Man: Heard He had You shitting your pants. 我听说你吓得尿流。 -Heywood: fuck you.
