
“感觉就像在装修自己家的屋项。” “We were the lords of all creation.” lord: 上帝 creation: 天地万物 “我们就像造物主。”

“As for Andy... he spent that break hunkered in the shade... hunker: 蹲 shade: 荫凉处


a strange little smile on his face... watching us drink his beer.” 他脸上露出奇怪的笑容,望着我们喝他的啤酒。” -Heywood: Want a cold one? 要来点吗?

-Andy: No, thanks. I gave up drinking. 不,谢谢,我戒酒了。

-Red: “You could argue he done it to curry favor with the guards. “ curry favor with: 拍马屁 “如果他不和狱警打交道,

Or maybe make a few friends among us cons.” con: [美国口语]骗得信任的 或许就不能和我们交上朋友”

“Me? I think he did it just to feel normal again... if only for a short while. I King me.” “我?我觉得他这样做只是为了在此感到自由,哪怕只是一小会儿。将军。” -Andy: Chess. Now there's a game of kings. chess: 象棋

象棋,这是一个王者的游戏。 -Red: What? 什么?

-Andy: Civilized. Strategic.

civilized: 文明的 strategic: 战略的 文明,战略。

-Red: And a total fucking mystery. I hate it. mystery: 难以理解的事

我一点都没察觉,我讨厌这样。 -Andy: Let me teach you someday. 改天我教教你吧。 -Red: Sure. 好的。

-Andy: We could get a board together. board: 船


-Red: You're talking to the right man. I can get things, right? 你找对人了,我能弄到很多东西?

-Andy: We might do business on a board, and I'll carve the pieces myself. carve: 雕刻


One side in alabaster, one in soapstone. What do you think? alabaster: 石膏石 soapstone: 肥皂石

一面是石膏像,另一面是肥皂石,你觉得怎样? -Red: I think it'll take years. 这需要很多时间。

-Andy: Years I got. What I don't have are the rocks. Pickings are pretty slim in the yard. picking: 采得物 slim: 狭长的 yard: 围场

时间不是问题,只是没有石头。操场里拾到的都是小石头。 Pebbles, mostly. We're getting to be kind of friends, aren't we? pebble: 鹅卵石

大多是鹅卵石。我们是朋友,对吗? -Andy: Yeah, I guess. 我想是的。

-Red: Can I ask you something? Why'd you do it? 我能问你个问题吗?你为何要杀你妻子?

-Andy: I'm innocent, Red. Just like everybody else here. What are you in for? innocent: 清白的

我是清白的,Red。就像这狱中其他人一样。你怎会进来的? -Red: Murder. Same as you. murder: 谋杀

和你一样,是谋杀。 -Andy: Innocent? 清白的?

-Red: Only guilty man in Shaw shank. guilty: 有罪的


-TV: Where's the canary? How did you know? How did I know what? So you don't know. canary: 金丝雀

金丝雀在哪里?你怎么知道的?我怎么知道?原来你不知道。 Come. This is where the canary is. 来,金丝雀就在那里,

Quite a surprise to hear a woman singing in my house, eh? 在我家听到女人唱歌很惊讶是吗? That's quite a... surprise. 那确实令我??很惊讶。

-Red: Wait, wait. Here she comes. I like this part when she does that shit with her hair. 等等。她出场了。我最爱看她摆弄头发那场戏。 -Andy: I know. I've seen it three times this month. 我知道,这个月已经看了三遍了。 -TV: Gilda, are you decent? Me? Gilda,你好吗?我? -Red: God, I love it. 天啊,我喜欢这场戏。

-Andy: I understand you're a man that knows how to get things.


-Red: I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. What do you want? 是的,要什么有什么,你要什么? -Andy: Rita Hayworth. Rita Hayworth -Red: What? 什么?

-Andy: Can you get her? 你能找到她吗?

-TV: So this is Johnny Farrel. I've heard a lot about you. 你就是Johnny Farrel吗,久闻大名了。 -Red: Take a few weeks. 要几个星期的时间。 -Andy: Weeks? 几个星期?

-Red: I don't have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now, sorry to say. pant: 裤子

很抱歉,现在她又没有坐在我的大腿上, But I'll get her. Relax.

但我能找到的,放松些。 -Andy: Thanks. 谢谢。

-Bogs: Get out! 滚出去!

-Brooks: I got to change reels! reel: (磁带、电影胶片等的)卷盘 我要换带子了。

-Bogs: I said fuck off! Ain't you going to scream? ain't:( =are not) scream: 尖叫

我说了,滚出去!你打算大叫吗? -Andy: Let's get this over with. 让我们做个了结吧。

-All: He broke my fucking nose! 他打爆了我的鼻子。

-Bogs: Now... .I'm going to open my fly... fly: (尤指男子裤子前面的)纽扣遮盖 现在,我要拉开拉链,

and you'll swallow what I give you to swallow. swallow: 吞下


Then you'll swallow Rooster's. You broke his nose. 然后再吃Rooster的,你打爆了他的鼻子, He ought to have something to show for it. 他该得到点补偿。

-Andy: You put it in my mouth, you lose it. 我会咬断任何放进我嘴里的东西。

-Bogs: No, you don't understand. Do that and I'll put all eight inches of this in your ear. inche: 英寸


-Andy: All right, but you should know that sudden, serious brain injury... brain injury: 脑损伤

好吧,但你得知道突如其来的脑部撞击, causes the victim to bite down hard. 会令受害人剧烈反应。

In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong... bite: 咬 reflex: 反射


they have to pry the victim's jaws open...with a crowbar. pry: 用杠杆撬开 victim: 受害者 jaw: 嘴 crowbar: 撬棍 要用铁棍才能撬开他的嘴巴。 -Bogs: Where do you get this shit? 你怎么知道的?

-Andy: I read it. You know how to read, you ignorant fuck? 从书里看到的。你不会看书?白痴? -Bogs: Honey! You shouldn't! 亲爱的你不应该这样的。

-Red: “Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth. And neither did his friends.” “Bogs没有把任何东西放进Andy的嘴里,他的朋友们也没有。” “What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life.” beat: 打


“Andy spent a month in the infirmary. Bogs spent a week in the hole.” infirmary: 疗养院

“Andy在疗养院里整整躺了一个月。Bogs则被锁进黑房关了一周。” -Police: Time's up, Bogs. Bogs,时间到了

-Bogs: It's your world, boss. 遵命,头。

-Police: Return to your cellblocks for evening count. All prisoners report for lock down. cellblock:囚犯室 lock down: [俚语]禁闭

回到你的囚仓,等着查房。所有犯人返回囚房。 -Bogs: What? 什么事?

-Hadley: Where's he going? Grab his ankles. grab: 抓 ankle: 踝关节 他要到哪里去?抓住他 -Bogs: Help! 救命!
