
roof: 屋顶 license-plate: 【车牌调查】[a tattoo located above the buttocks, generally spanning from one hip to the other --from Urban dictionary] resurface: 重新铺设 a dozen: 一打 工厂的屋顶需要重修,

I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. volunteer: 志愿者


As you know... special detail carries with it special privileges. detail: 特别任务 privilege: 特权


-Red: It was outdoor detail... and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors. outdoor: 户外 damned: [俚语]非常的

这是户外劳动。五月是户外劳动的好时间。 -Police: Stay in line there. 排好队。

-Red: More than a hundred men volunteered for the job. 超过100人报名参加劳动。

-Police: Wallace E. Unger. Ellis Redding. Wallace E. Unger??Ellis Redding??

-Red: Wouldn't you know it? Me and some fellows I know were among the names called. fellow: 伙伴们

你明白了吧?我和几个我认识的都被选中了。 -Police: Andrew Dufresne. Andrew Dufresne??

-Red: It only cost us a pack of smokes per man. I made my usual 20 percent, of course. 这只花了我们每人一包烟的代价,我当然也像往常一样赚了20%。

-Hadley: So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas. I say, \big-shot: [美国俚语](有势力的)大人物 Texas: 德克萨斯州,(美国州名) 德州的律师打长途给我。我说,“喂?”

He says, \他说,“很遗憾,你哥哥死了”。 -Police: I'm sorry to hear that. 我很难过。

-Hadley: I'm not. He was an asshole. Ran off years ago. Figured him for dead. So this lawyer fellow says to me:

asshole:可恶的家伙 ran off: 离开 figure: 设想

我并不难过,他是个混蛋,离家多年,早就当他死了。这个律师对我说: He died a rich man. Oil wells and shit. Close to a million bucks. oil well: 油井

“他死的时候很富有”,有价值超过百万的油井。 -Police: A million bucks? 超过百万的?

-Hadley: Incredible How lucky some assholes get. 有些混蛋的运气有时候就是好。 -Police: You going to see any of that?


-Hadley: Thirty-five thousand. That's what he left me. 三万五千块,那就他留给我的。

-Police: Dollars? That's great! That's like winning the sweepstakes. Isn't it? sweepstake: 彩票


-Hadley: Dumb shit, what do you think the government will do to me? dumb: [美国口语]愚蠢的


Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what. bite: 咬 ass: 臀部 他们会拿去一大半。

-Heywood: Poor Byron. Terrible fucking luck, huh? Crying shame. 可怜的Byron。真是走运,嗯?奇耻大辱。 Some people really got it awful. awful: 极坏的,糟透的 有些人觉得很糟糕。

-Red: Andy, are you nuts? I Keep your eyes on your mop, man! nut: [俚语、冒犯语]傻子 mop: 拖把 Andy,你傻了吗?看着你的拖把,嘿!

-Police: You'll pay some tax, but you'll still end up... 虽然要交点税,但你还可以??

-Hadley: Yeah, maybe enough to buy a new car, and then what? 也许够买辆新车,但接着呢?

I got to pay tax on the car. Repair... maintenance, maintenance: 维护


kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time. pester: 使烦恼,使苦恼


Then if you figure your tax wrong, you pay out of your own pocket. 如果年底算错了税金,还要掏自己的腰包。

I tell you! Uncle Sam! He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. squeeze: 压榨 tit: 乳房 purple: 紫色的 告诉你!山姆叔叔!他只是假仁假义。

-Heywood: Getting himself killed. I Keep tarring. tar: 涂(或浇)焦油(或柏油)于 他在找死,继续干活吧。 -Hadley: Some brother. Shit! 什么兄弟,呸!

-Andy: Mr. Hadley... do you trust your wife? Hadley先生,你信任你太太吗?

-Hadley: Oh, that's funny. You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth. suck:吸吮 dick: 阴茎


-Andy: What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? 我是说,你是否会认为她对你不忠?

-Hadley: Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having himself an accident. 让开点,Mert,让他自己出意外。 -Heywood: He'll push him off! 他会把他推下去的。

-Andy: If you trust her, you can keep... .that 35,000 如果你信任她,你就能??拿到三万五千元。 -Red: What did You say? 你说什么?

-Andy: Thirty-five thousand. All of it. every penny. 一分不少。

-Red: You better start making sense. make sense: 讲得通


-Hadley: If you want to keep it, give it to your wife. 你要拿到这笔钱的话,就把它送给你妻子。

The IRS allows a one-time-only gift to your spouse for up to $ 60,000. spouse: 配偶

政府允许一次性赠与配偶金额的上限是六万美元。 -Hadley: Bullshit. Tax-free? bullshit: 胡说 胡扯!免税的吗?

-Andy: Tax-free. IRS can't touch one cent. cent: 分


-Hadley: You're that smart banker that killed his wife. 你是那个谋杀妻子的银行家吗?

Why should I believe you? So I can end up in here with you? 我为何要相信你?要我跟你一样的下场吗?

-Andy: It's legal. Ask the IRS. They'll say the same thing. legal: 合法的 investigate: 调查

这是合法的,你可以去问国税局,他们会给你同样的回答。 I feel stupid telling you this. I'm sure you would have investigated. 我知道即使我不告诉你,你也能查到的。

-Hadley: I don't need you to tell me where the bear shit in the buckwheat. bear: 成功地经受 buckwheat: [俚语]新手 我不需要你来教我怎么做。

-Andy: Of course not. But you do need someone to set it up for you. That'll cost you. A lawyer.

set it up: 去做

当然,但你需要有人帮你逃税。你需要请一个律师。 -Hadley: A bunch of ball-washing bastards!

ball-washing: 粗俗语 [meant as an extreme insult when people cared about such things, it has maintained its weight by now being used with obscene implications. --from Urban dictionary] bastard: 卑鄙的人 那些华盛顿的混蛋?

-Andy: I suppose I could set it up for you. 我想我能帮你,

That would save you some money. You get the forms, I'll prepare them... 那你就能省点钱,我帮你填好文件,

...nearly free of charge. I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my coworkers. charge: 费用 beer: 啤酒 apiece: 每人 coworker: 合作者 几乎是免费的,我只要求给每个同事三瓶啤酒。 -Police: Coworkers. That's rich! 同事?你真的发达了!

-Andy: A man working outdoors feels more like a man... if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion... sir sud: [美国俚语]啤酒

一个户外工作的人能有啤酒喝的话??会感觉更像一个男人,那是我的意见??长官。 -Hadley: What are you jimmies staring at? jimmies: 【黑鬼】[An old racial slur that means a black person. Used primarily in the south. --from Urban dictionary ] star at: 凝视 你们在看什么? -All: Let's go! Work! 继续干活。

-Red: “And that's how it came to pass... that on the second-to-last day of the job...” “就这样,在完工前的第二天??”

“... the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of '49...” convict: 囚犯,罪犯 crew: 一起工作 tar: 涂(或浇)焦油(或柏油)于 在49年的春天里,

“wound up sitting in a row at 10:00 in the morning...” wound up:非常激动的 row: 一排

一群在工厂上面装修的罪犯,早上十点坐在屋顶上, drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardest screw... courtesy:优待 screw: [俚语]盯


... that ever walked a turn at Shaw shank State Prison. 这种事在肖申克从没有发生。

-Hadley: Drink up while it's cold, ladies. 趁凉喝,女士们。

-Red: “The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous.” colossal: [口语]巨大的 prick:讨厌鬼 magnanimous: 度量大的 “他还装作很大度似的走来走去。”

“We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men.” “我们坐着喝着啤酒,阳光洒在肩头,觉得是个自由人。” “We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses.”
