
I know you're there. I can hear you breathing. 我知道你在那里,我能听见你的呼吸声。 Don't you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? nitwit:笨蛋


This place ain't so bad. Tell you what... ain't:(=are not)


I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. 我介绍你认识他们,就像一家人。

I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just .. a couple of: 几个 bull: 粗汉 queer: 同性恋者 我知道有几个人,

Love to make your acquaintance. especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours. acquaintance:相识 mushy: 多愁善感的,感伤的 butt: [美国口语]屁股 会很乐意认识你的,尤其是你那又白又嫩的屁股。 -Fat: God! I don't belong here! 天啊!我不属于这里! -All: We have a winner! 嗨,有人赢了。

-Fat: I want to go home! 我要回家。

-All: And it's Fat Ass by a nose! Fresh fish! 是胖子。新人!

-Fat: I want to go home! I want my mother! 我要回家,我要见我妈妈。

-All: I had your mother! She wasn't that great! 我操过你妈妈!她不怎么样。

-Hadley: What the Christ is this horseshit? christ: 天啊 horseshit: 胡说 发生了什么事?

-Fat: He blasphemed. I'll tell the warden. blaspheme: 辱骂


-All: You'll tell him with my baton up your ass! baton: 指挥棒

告诉他我操你屁股吧! -Fat: Let me out! 让我出去!

-Hadley: What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk?

malfunction: 故障 barrel: (四足动物如牛、马、骡等的)躯干 spunk: 发怒,发火 胖子,你想怎么样?

-Fat: Please! I ain't supposed to be here. Not me! ain't: = am not


-Hadley: I won't count to three. Not even to one. You shut up, or I'll sing you a lullaby! count: (依次)数到 lullaby:催眠曲

我不会警告你的马上你闭上你的臭嘴,否则送你回老家! -Heywood: Shut up, man. Shut up! 闭嘴,闭嘴。求求你??

-Fat: You don't understand. I'm not supposed to be here. 你不明白的,我不该在这里的。 -Hadley: Open that cell. 把囚笼打开。

-All: Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison! 我也是!这里被他们弄得就像监狱。 -Hadley: Son of a bitch! bitch:贱女人 狗娘养的。

-All: Captain, take it easy! take it easy: 轻松一点 长官,算了。

-Hadley: If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight... I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary.

fart:放屁 swear: 发誓 infirmary: 治疗室 Jesus: 耶稣


Every last motherfucker in here. Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary. motherfucker:混账东西 trustee: 受托人 tub: 桶 所有的人都不会放过的。把他抬到医疗室去。

-Red: “His first night in the joint, Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound.”

joint: [俚语]监狱


-Police: Tier 3 north, clear count! Tier 2 north, clear count. Tier 3 south, clear. Prepare to roll out. Roll out!

tier: 列,行 roll out: 滚出来

北仓三楼,出来。北仓二楼,出来。南仓三楼,出来。准备出来放风。出去! -Brooks: Are you going to eat that? 你准备吃那个吗?

-Andy: I hadn't planned on it. 不,我没这打算。

-Brooks: Do you mind? That's nice and ripe. Jake says thank you. ripe: 成熟的


Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop.

nest: 巢 fell out: 跌出 plate shop: 制板工厂 Jake说谢谢你。它从巢里掉下来了,

I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly.

我要照顾它直到它会飞为止。 -Man: Oh, no! Here he comes. 不!他过来了。

-Heywood: Morning, fellas. Fine morning, isn't it? fella: <俚>伙计


You know why it's a fine morning, don't you? Send them down. I want them lined up... send down: 投 line up: 排队,使排成一行

你们知道我的意思的,对吗?把它们拿出来,把它们排成排?? ...just like a pretty little chorus line. Look at that. chorus: 合唱队


I can't stand this guy. Oh, Lord! Yes! Richmond, Virginia. Smell my ass! 我真受不了了。Richmond、Virginia??闻我的屁吧。 -Man: After he smells mine. 再闻闻我的。

-Heywood: That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all. shame: 遗憾


But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though. 但我很喜欢我下注的那个人。

I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him. owe: 欠


-Red: Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck! 你为何不把香烟分给他点?

-Heywood: Hey, Tyrell. You pull infirmary duty this week? How's my horse doing anyway? 嗨,Tyrell,这周你在医疗室当值是吗?我下注的那个怎么样了? -Man: Dead. Hadley busted his head up pretty good. bust: 爆裂的 bastard: 可怜虫 死了,Hadley打爆了他的头,

Doc had gone home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. 晚上医生都回家了,可怜的家伙就在那里躺到早上。 By then, there wasn't nothing we could do. 可是那时我们已经无能为力了。 -Andy: What was his name? 他叫什么?

-Heywood: What'd you say? 你说什么?

-Andy: I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. 我只是想问有人知道他的名字吗?

-Heywood: What the fuck do you care, new fish? 关你屁事,新来的?

Doesn't fucking matter what his name was. He's dead.


-Sister: Anybody come at you yet? Anybody get to you yet? come at:接近


Hey, we all need friends in here. I could be a friend to you. 嗨,在这里我们都需要朋友,我可以做你的朋友。 Hard to get. I like that. 难得手,我喜欢。

-Red: “Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. Andy一开始很自闭,

I guess he had a lot on his mind... trying to adapt to life on the inside.” adapt to: 适应


“wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth... to say more than two words to somebody.”

一个月以后他才开口和某人谈话, As it turned out... that somebody was me. 就像你们所看见的,那个人就是我。 -Andy: I'm Andy Dufresne. 我是Andy Dufresne,

-Red: Wife-killing banker. Why'd you do it? 杀妻的银行家,你为何要杀你的妻子? -Andy: I didn't, since you ask. 我没有杀她。

-Red: You're going to fit right in. Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that? fit: 适应 innocent: 无辜的

你很适应合这里,这儿每个人都是无辜的,你不知道吗? -Andy: What you in here for? 你为何进监狱?

-Heywood: Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me. lawyer: 律师


-Red: Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. 听说你很冷酷。

You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? rumor: 谣传 sweet: 可爱的 你以为自己很了不起,对吗? -Andy: What do you think? 你怎么认为呢?

-Red: To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind. make up mind: 确定 说实话,我还不知道。

-Andy: I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. 我知道你能拿到违禁品。
