
-Red: Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. hole:(独间)牢房 stunt: 花招 Andy被关禁闭两周。 -Hadley: On your feet. 站起来。

-All: Hey, look who's here. 看看谁回来了。 Maestro!

maestro: 艺术大师 大艺术家!

-Heywood: You couldn't play something good, huh? Like Hank Williams?

Hank Williams: 【美国20世纪著名歌手,是乡村摇滚的标志性人物,被认为是20世纪最有影响力的音乐人之一】「Hank Williams, was an American singer and songwriter and musician who has become an icon of country music and one of the most influential songwriters of the 20th century.—from Wikipedia」

你就不能放些好听的吗,嗯?比如Hank Williams!

-Andy: They broke the door down before I could take requests. break down: 打破 request: 请求

还没来得及接受点播,他们就破门进来了。 -Heywood: Was it worth two Weeks? 被关了两周,值得吗?

-Andy: Easiest Time I ever did. 那是我最好的时光。

-Skeets: No such thing as easy time in the hole. 没有比被关小号容易过的事。

-Snooze: A week in the hole is like a year. Damn straight. 那个地方一个星期就像一年。

-Andy: I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. company: 陪伴


So they let you tote that record player down there, huh? tote: 携带 record player: 电唱机 他们让你带留声机到那儿? -Andy: It was in here. In here. 它就在这儿,在这儿。

That's the beauty of music. They can't get that from you. 这就是音乐的魅力,他们不能把它从你这儿夺走。 Haven't you ever felt that way about music? 你们从没此感觉吗?

-Red: Well, I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost interest in it, though. harmonica: 口琴

我年轻时曾学过吹口琴,可是,现在已经失去兴趣了。 Didn't make much sense in here. make sense: 有意义


-Andy: Here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget. 这里才是它最有意义的地方,你需要它就不会忘记它。 -Red: Forget? 忘记?

-Andy: Forget that there are places, in the world that aren't made out of stone. 忘记有一些地方,在这个世界上,不是用石头围成。

There's something inside that they can't get to, that they can't touch. That's yours. touch: 触及

有些东西,在内心,不能到达,不能触摸,属于你。 -Red: What are you talking about? 你在说什么? -Andy: Hope. 希望。

-Red: Hope. Let me tell you something, my friend. 希望,我告诉你,我的朋友。

Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. dangerous: 危险的 drive: 迫使 insane: 疯狂的 希望是很危险的东西,希望会让人疯狂。

It's got no use on the inside. You'd better get used to that idea. get used to: 弄惯(习惯于)

它在这儿没用,你最好习惯这想法。 -Andy: Like Brooks did? 就像Brooks?

-Police officer B: Sit down. 坐下。

Says here that you've served 30 years of a life sentence. You feel you've been rehabilitated? serve: 服务 life sentence: 无期徒刑之判决 rehabilitate: 改造(罪犯等) 你因终身监禁在此三十年,觉得自己被改造了吗?

-Red: Oh, yes, sir. Without a doubt. I can honestly say I'm a changed man. honestly: 诚实地 changed: 改变


No danger to society here. God's honest truth. Absolutely rehabilitated. honest: 诚实的 truth: 事实 absolutely: 绝对地 我已不会危害社会,上帝可以作证,真的改变了。 ( Rejected.) “不合格”

-Red: Thirty years. Jesus, when you say it like that... Jesus: 天哪


-Andy: You wonder where it went. I wonder where 10 years went. wonder: 想知道


Here. A little parole rejection present. Go ahead and open it. Went through one of your


go ahead: 着手 go through: 成交 competitor: 竞争者

这儿,这是庆祝你假释被拒绝的礼物,打来看看吧,跟你的竞争对手买的。 I hope you don't mind. I wanted it to be a surprise. mind: 介意 surprise: 惊喜

别介意,我想让它给你一个惊喜。 -Red: It's very pretty. Andy. Thank you. 它真漂亮,谢谢你。

-Andy: You going to play it? 你会用它来吹奏吗?

-Red: No. Not right now. Roll in! 不,不会是现在,关上!

-Red: A new girl for your 10 year anniversary. anniversary: 周年纪念(日)

这个新女孩给你纪念十周年,Andy。 -Police officer C: Lights out! 熄灯。

-Red: “Andy was as good as his word. He wrote two letters a week instead of one.” as good as: 和?几乎一样(差不多) “Andy说到做到,他每周写两封信。”

“In 1959, the state senate finally clued in to the fact they couldn't buy him off with just a $ 200 check.”

state senate: 州议员 clue in: 向某人提供情况 buy off: 收买 finally: 最后,最终 “1959年,州议员最后终于面对现实,那200元的支票起不了作用。”

“Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of $500 just to shut him up.” Appropriations Committee: 拨款委员会 payment: 付款,支付 shut up: 住口 “最后通过每年拨款500元来让他闭嘴。”

“And you'd be amazed how far Andy could stretch it.” amazed: 吃惊的 stretch: 延伸


“He made deals with book clubs, charity groups.”

make deal with: 与?达成交易 club: 俱乐部 charity group: 慈善团体 “他跟读书会和慈善机构谈。”

“He bought remaindered books by the pound.” remaindered: 剩余的


-Heywood: Treasure Island. Robert Louis.

Treasure Island: 【著名的文学作家罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森的作品】「an adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of \—from Wikipedia」 《金银岛》,Robert Louis。

-Andy: Stevenson. Fiction, adventure. What's next? fiction:科幻小说 adventure: 冒险

Stevenson。科幻类,冒险类。下一本是什么? -Red: I got here Auto Repair and Soap Carving.

auto: 汽车 repair: 修理 soap: 肥皂 carving: 雕刻术 是汽车修理和肥皂雕刻技术。

-Andy: Trade skills and hobbies. Under \skill: 技巧,技能

技术与爱好,教育性那一栏。 -Heywood: Count of Monte Crisco. Count of Monte Cristo: 【《基督山伯爵》(又称《基督山恩仇记》)是法国作家大仲马的杰出作品。Crisco 应为Cristo此处为Heywood误读】「an adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas, It is often considered to be Dumas' most popular work—from Wikipedia」 《基督山伯爵》

-Red: That's \那书不值一看

-Heywood: By Alexander, Dum-ass. Dumb ass. 作者是Alexander,什么??马,“草泥马”。

-Andy: Dumb ass? Dumas. I Know what that's about? You'd like it. It's about a prison break. “草泥马”?是大仲马。知道那是什么故事吗?讲越狱的,你喜欢看的。 -Red: “We ought to file that under \“ file: 归档


“The rest of us did our best to pitch in when and where we could.” pitch in: 做出贡献

“我们其余的随时尽可能帮忙。” “By the year Kennedy was shot...” “到了Kennedy遇刺那一年。”

“Andy had transformed a storage room smelling of turpentine into the best prison library in New England

transform into: 转变成 storage room: 储藏室 turpentine: 松节油

“Andy把一个充满松脂味的储藏间,变成了新英格兰州最好的的监狱图书馆, complete with a fine selection of Hank Williams....” complete with: 具有 selection: 精选品 那里有最好的Hank Williams唱片集。”

“That was also when Warden Norton instituted his famous \” institute: 制定 program: 计划


“You may remember reading about it. It made the papers and got his picture in Look magazine.” “你可能从报纸上读到过,所有的媒体都刊出他的照片。”

-Warden: it’s no free ride, but rather a genuine progressive advance, in corrections and rehabilitation.

free ride: 自由通过 genuine: 真正的 progressive: 进步的 advance:进步 correction: 改正的地方 rehabilitation: 改造(罪犯)等

这不是放任的方式,而是一种真正的进步,让犯人恢复道德。 Our inmates properly supervised will be put to work outside these walls, inmate: 同室者 properly: 适当地 supervise: 监督 收容人被适当的监督,使他们能在外面工作,
