

A.Adinosaur'stooth. B.Apaleontologist'shat. C.Somefossilsoutofsand. D.Somecolorfulamber. 25.Thewriter atthe\A.watched theplantsand animalsin theamber B.took photoswith apaleontologist'shaton C.looked through sand and tried tofind fossils D.received ashinypaleontologistmedal 26.Whatcan beinferred aboutCharlotte? A.ShewastheyoungestJuniorPaleontologist. B.Shehad collected lotsoffossilsofanimals. C.Shehad becomeafamousphotographer. D.Sheworked asavolunteeratthemuseum.


Aftereightmonthsoflivingwith otherastronautson theInternationalSpace Station ( ISS ), with fourmonthsto go before hisspace task isfinished successfully, ScottKellysaid hecould usesomemoreworkmatesfromtheearth. \









middle-schoolstudentson November19th, 2015,when theycommunicated through alivevideochat.

The students, who were attending East Side Middle School in New York City, brought questions for Kelly and his fellow NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren. The two space explorers floated on the video screen as they listened to the questions, and occasionally flipped(翻动) their bodies over to showthestudents thedangeroflivingin zero-gravityenvironment.

\itfeelsnatural.It'smuch fun tofloat.\




aboutaskingtheastronauts which



theotherspeakerquestionsabouthowtheastronautsclean themostsurprisingthingsaboutlivingon the station.


Evan McKiernan asked what it's like to drink water on the station given that human urine(尿) is recycled on the ISS. \there cycling process \technologytohaveaswethink aboutgoing on toMars.We'regoingtoneed technologylikethatsothatweneedn'tbring everythingweneed with us.\

The program included comments(评论) from Jeffrey Kluger, an author at TIME magazine who is good at writing about science and technology. Kluger explained how 17 countries worked together to build the ISS. Additionally,



Matthew Pearce, an education expert, brought samples(样本) ofthepackaged foodstheastronautseatand thespecialtypeofsleepingbagtheastronautsuse. 27.Thestudentsin theprogrammayhaveachanceto . A.useaspecialtypeofsleepingbag B.experiencetheastronauts' training C.cook spacefoodsfortheastronauts D.learn thehistoryofspaceexploration

28.Theprogramisdesigned forstudentsin orderto A.showthemtheachievementsofscientificresearch B.help studentslearn howtorecyclethingson theISS C.makethemimprovetheskillsofaskingquestions D.encouragethemtotakeinterestin an astronaut'slife 29.Whydoesthewriterwritethisarticle? A.Totellaboutthedevelopmentofspacestation. B.Toshowushowtheastronautslivein space.

C.Toteach howtoconnectwith astronautsfromtheearth. D.Totalk aboutsomedisadvantagesofthespacetraining.


Communication could be explained as passing information from one place to the other. We humans are good at communications because we developed a better tool than other or ganisms(生物) on the earth. That tool is language. We created languages. Language is nothing more than organized signalsofmessaging. Animalsusesound systembuttheyaredifferentfromourhuman languages.They seemlikelanguagesbuttheyareverylimited.Ourcommunication skillsgotbetter becauseoftheinvention oflanguages.









placeisalwaysbeingconsidered.Thatwedonotpasstheinformation placetotheotherdoesnotmean

thattheinformation isnotthere.Information and communication areinterconnected butaretwoentirely separate entities(实体). We should treat them separately in order to understand communication and its future.

After developing languages in the early history of humans, we made them organized with grammar. Languages did not have written form sat the beginning. Humans developed written forms of languages to better communicate without using sound. Letters were symbols(符号) and much more complicated at the beginning. Unlike today's letters, the early day letters almost represented( 代表) whole events or messages. And it developed slowly. But later on breakdown of such symbols resulted in letters to be used as syllables( 音节) of sound. After we humans used symbols or letters to representthesyllablesofsound, thelanguage started todevelop fast.



We also needed to construct(建构) languages when we invented computers. We needed to pass the message to the computer and wanted the computer to pass messages to us. There are several computing languages that were created by humans. We are not able to get information that can not be passed out throughlanguage.

Forexample, peoplesaythattheycouldn' texplain afeelingwith words.

You might have heard people saying that words are not enough. It is not just an expression. It is real that our languages are not to communicate certain information. However, our communication skills and systems have made us reach higher achievements.

30.Whatcan welearn fromthethird paragraph?

A.Languagesdeveloped fastaftertheletterswereused assyllables. B.Thelettersofearlylanguageslooked much easierthan thoseoftoday. C.Lettersorsymbolshad neverchanged duringlanguagedevelopment. D.Thewritten formsoflanguageswereused much earlierthan sounds. 31.Whatdoestheunderlined word \ A.secret B.enough C.perfect D.easy

32.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage? A.Letterstodaylook asthesameastheonesin old languages. B.Information hasnorelationship with communication atall. C.Languagescan help uscommunicatewith each otherwell. D.Humanshaven'tcreated anycomputinglanguagessofar. 33.What'sthepassagemainlyabout?

A.Thelanguagethatisused tocommunicatewith computers. B.Themethodsthathelp toimprovethecommunication skills. C.Therelationship between information and communication. D.Thehistoryand developmentofthelanguagecommunication.

四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)

AfterLauraDekkerhasprepared governmentdecided


shecan'twaittoset on


theDutch theworld

thatLaurawastooyoungtotake theadventureofsailingaround

alone.Butafterayearofpreparation herself, Laurahasbeen allowed tosail.Even with the delay(拖延), she stands to become the youngest person to sail around the world by herself.

\born on ayacht( 游艇) in the South Pacific, and at present she lives with her father on a boat. When Dutch child protection organization heard about her plan to sail alone, they took the case to the court(法院) and stopped her from



doing so.

Sinceshemadethedecision, Laurahad prepared with herfathertoprove thatshewasreadyforthejourney.Lastweek, shereceived thebooksand othermaterialsshewould need forschoolwhileshewasatsea.Sheadded safety equipmenttoanew, biggeryacht.And shetook firstaid lessonstolearn survival skills, likehowtoputoutfireson theboat, takecareofherown injuriesand deal with lack ofsleep.Shealsoplanned asafercourse-adding another route to avoid pirate(海盗) attacks, and planning a course that she would have on dry land as she moves from port to port across the globe.

In early June, 16-year-old Abby Sunderland, an American, had to give up her journey of becoming the youngest sailor to travel around the world. Laura plans to take longer than Abby for her voyage, and is using a larger and more stable(坚固的) boat. If she finishes successfully in less than twoyears, shewill takethetitlefromrecord holderJessicaWatson, whowas16 when shecompleted thejourney. 34.Whatdid Lauraplan todo?

35.Whohelped hertogetreadyforthejourney? 36.Whatdid shereceiveforschoolatsealastweek? 37.Howold mightLaurabeaccordingtothelastparagraph? 38.What'sthepassagemainlyabout? 书面表达(共 10 分) 五、文段表达(10 分)

39.从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50词的文段写作。 文中已给出内容不计人总词数。 所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 题目①

假如你是李华,打算在本周日上午和同学一起去红星社区参加绿色环保活动。 你准备邀请某英文报社记者 Mr.Green 参加,请用英语给他写一封信,告诉他你们活动开始的具体时间,去做些什么,以及希望他提供哪些帮助。

提示词语: recycle, collect, bottles, clothes, photos, report 提示问题:

? What time are you going to start your activity? ? Whatareyou goingtodoin thecommunity? ? What kind of help do you need from Mr Green?

DearMr.Green Id liketoinviteyou tocometoRed StarCommunity. -
