
19 The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( ) 0.0 分 871157431.0300true

The larges[{\a75c61d8febe 正确答案: × 我的答案: √ 20 Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( ) 1.0 分 871157431.0300true

Originally,565fb061755b[{\ 正确答案: √ 我的答案: √ 21 The total area of China is bigger than America.( ) 1.0 分 871157431.0300false

The total a[{\67a40f7388464 正确答案: × 我的答案: × 22 Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( ) 1.0 分 871157431.0300true

Modern w[{\8d49a4e168ed 正确答案: √ 我的答案: √ 23 A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( ) 1.0 分 871157431.0300false

A senator468ee4709cff4[{\ 正确答案: × 我的答案: × 24 Bargaining is common in western countries.( ) 1.0 分 871157431.0300false

Bargaining[{\a6757fd6b5ca 正确答案: × 我的答案: × 25 The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( ) 0.0 分 871157431.0300true

The Decla4375d4d7b228 [{\正确答案: × 我的答案: √ 26
