
一、Definition and purpose of research paper

定义:A research paper usually deals with an important issue, factual or theoretical, and it is usually fairly long and well-documented. 目的:1. Learn how to use libraries, how to read books critically and efficiently, and how to use them wisely and correctly;

2. Familiarize ourselves with the knowledge and mechanics necessary for writing a research paper;

3. Gain some experience in writing long papers or reports.

二、Steps of preparing research paper

We go through 5 steps or stages in the process of preparing a research paper: 1.choosing a topic

2.collecting information

3.analyzing the information, organizing ideas, and working out an outline 4.writing the first draft; and

5.revising the draft and finalizing the paper.

1.1 Ways of choosing a topic:(原则:from the general to the specific) ①selecting a general topic(interested; already have some ideas; could develop it into a research paper)

②reading and thinking(new) ③narrowing down the scope of our topic to a facet or facets which can be developed into a research paper ④formulating the final topic

1.2 Criteria for our final topic: It should be a topic

①which is meaningful and serious. ②which we are able to handle. ③for which sufficient materials are available. ④that can be treated objectively. ⑤that is not too topical.

2.1Ways of collecting information ①using the library ②reading ③taking notes

2.2How can we find books in library?

We can find the books according to the first words of the titles of books or the ;last names of the authors. 2.3书目卡

Call last(姓),first(名)

Number title(下划线或斜体)


城市:出版社,时间 ***p

2.4 How are the books in libraries arranged?

Books are arranged alphabetically according to their authors ,titles and the subjects they belong to.

2.5 How do you look for A Doll’s House?

We go to the title catalogue file and look up Doll’s House and Color Purple ,ignoring the indefinite article “A” in the first book and the definite article “The” in the second book.

2.6 What do you do to get the information of E.M. Foster?

We go to the author catalogue file and look up Foster, E.M. , for the cards are arranged according to the last names of the authors. 2.7 What is the right way of reading ?

To read book quickly and critically .We may first look at the title of contents or the index to find out what chapter or parts of a book might give us some useful material.

2.8 How can you be sure that your information is not outdated or biased ?

We find the latest edition of the book and compare what is said in it with what other books say on the same topic to make sure that the information we have is not outdated or biased.

2.9 Rules of taking notes

①take notes on cards, or on separate pieces of paper ②place only one note on a card. ③be selective.

2.10 Kinds of information on a note card a. the fact, idea or opinion, b. the source.

c. the author’s last name and the page number 2.11 Kinds of notes

a. the direct quotation (a note that takes down the exact wording of a particular effective statement on a subject)

b. the paraphrase (a note that takes down the information of a source in our own words)

c. the summary ( a note that abstracts and condenses a large amount of material into a small space)

Whichever method we use, we must cite the source of the information.如果原文有误,但仍就引用过来,须在后面标注[sic]。 2.12 Model of notes 标题 姓名,p.页码


[d.q.](若是paraphrase和summary不需标明) 2.13Two rules for the use of the ellipsis

a. never change the meaning of the original by using an ellipsis.


b. make sure that we still have a complete sentence when we use the ellipsis.

3.1 Analyzing the information collected, organize our ideas, and work out a thesis statement and outline for our paper.

定义: The thesis statement is usually a single sentence that expresses the main point of view on our topic.

原则:in our thesis statement, we should only put the central idea of our paper, leaving out such words as “I intend to…”,”The purpose of this paper is to…”.or “the method of research I am going to adopt is…”.

4.1 The principles(special attention) of writing the first draft ①using our own words, our ideas and organization ②using the proper tenses ③uniting facts and views ④paying attention to logic and organization

⑤making our tone objective rather than personal ⑥choosing the right style

4.2 Rules of Using the proper tenses :

(1)When we are dealing with an event or a concept of the past,the past tense should be our basic tense .

(2)Biographical details of a person’s life should normally be reported in the past tense.

(3)If we mention events in a story in chronological order, we should use the simple present tense for all. But the simple past or the present perfect should be used for an event that happened before one that has been mentioned. Here is a summary of The Scarlet Letter in The Oxford Companion to American Literature.

(4)The present tense should also be used for our comments on the content of a book or the language and style of the author.

(5)When we quote from an authority, the reporting verb can also be in the present tense .

三、Format of the research paper 1\\ Components of a paper

Generally speaking, a research paper consists of five parts: ①thesis statement and outline ②introduction ③body


⑤in-text notes and works cited

2\\ Use of quotations

2.1 Kinds of quotations: direct and indirect(interpretation, paraphrase and summary) 2.2 Rules regarding the use of quotations a. use quotations sparingly;


b. make them a natural part of the paper; and c. provide the source of the every quotation. 2.3 How to use direct quotations:

a. when we do quote, we should make every effort to work the direct quotation into our own statement so that it may become part of an organic whole.

b. use a colon if our direct quotation is introduce by a complete sentence.

c. treat the direct quotation as part of the sentence and punctuate accordingly if it is not introduced by a complete sentence 2.4When to use direct quotations

a. when writing about literature, we may want to show the style of the author or analyze certain lines/passages in the work.. in that case, we need to quote the original so that we may discuss it in detail.

b. when we find that the original is so perfectly stated that much of its value is in the way it is worded, we may want to quote the original.

c. when we find that our source has made a statement which is so outrageous or controversial that our reader might question whether we have represented the idea correctly, we should also quote the original statement.

3\\ Use of notes ①avoiding plagiarism ②note forms ③notes for supplementary information 3.1 rules of avoiding plagiarism

a. the language in our paper must be either our own or a direct quote from the original author

b. changing a few words or phrases from another writer’s work is not enough to make the writing “our own”

c. notes acknowledge that facts or opinions in our paper come from another writer. If the language comes from another writer, quotation marks are necessary in addition to a note.

3.2 rules of note forms

a. parenthetical references in our test must point clearly to the specific sources in our list of works cited at the end of our paper so that our readers can easily locate the complete information of the sources.

b. the location of the borrowed information must be made as clear as possible in our parenthetical references

4\\ Works cited

Works cited is a list of books, articles, and other publications which serve as the source of information for our paper and it is placed at end of our paper on a separate sheet or sheets. There are two kinds of works cited: 1.the working works cited ;2. the final works cited.

a. the book catalogue

b. making bibliography cards


c. bibliography cards for books d. final works cited

4.1 Information of Bibliography cards for books

①the complete call number of the book. We cannot get the book if we do not copy the complete call number correctly;

②the author’s name(last name first), followed by a period;

③the title of the book, underlined (or italicized if we use a computer) and followed by a period;

④for an essay, a short story, or a play in a collection, the title of the relevant selection, followed by a period and enclosed in quotation marks; ⑤the city in which the book was published, followed by a colon; ⑥the name of the publishing company, followed by a comma; ⑦the copyright date, followed by a period

If the book is edited or translated, the editor’s name or the translator’s name must be given. If the book has more than one edition or has been revised, that information should also appear on the card. Finally, if the work contains more than one volume, the number of the volumes and the volume used should be indicated.

