北师大版高中英语选修六第7讲:Unit18 Beauty-词汇篇1(学生版)-word文档资料

B. signal C. called D. attracted

例3.(2019 湖南五校联考)Don't leave he water while you brush your teeth. A. run B. running C. being run D. to run

例4. I think his suggestion is much value. A. of B. in C. with D. too

例5. (2019 湖北重点联考)If too many of these rare animals are killed, their kind will . A. die away B. die off C. die out D. die down

例6.(2019 宁波检测)There will be an increase 0 to 3 percent. A. in the range of B. out of range of C. a kind of D. a series of


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一. 根据提示在空白处填写单词。

1. Dao Lang is my favorite singer. I regard him as __________(胜过)to other singers. 2. I a__________(喜爱)Zhou Jielun's music! 3. She is a woman of __________(能力).

4. Replies to these questions show no __________(一致性).

5. His writings have had a great __ ______(影响)on the lives of millions. 6. We can ________(投递)goods to your door. 7. Prices continue to show an upward ___ ___(趋势). 8. The international situation is very ____ ____(微妙)at present. 9. My friend has a ____ ____(精明的)eye for a bargain. 10. To be ___ _____(诚实), the book isn't as good as I expected. 二. 单项选择。

1. (2019 武汉一中质检)In order to have a good ___ ___ of English, he resigned and went abroad. A. command

B. need

C. master

D. direction

2. The exchange program between the UK and China may affect various schools ___ ___ from kindergarten to high school. A. spreading

B. locating

C. ranging

D. including

3. Her mother ___ ___ her stories patiently every evening when she was a little girl. A. was used to tell

B. is used to telling

C. used to tell

D. used to telling

4.(2019 温州模拟)What you say should be ___ ___ what you'll do. Otherwise, no one will ___ ___ you.

A. consistent with; believe of C. contain; believe in

B. consistent with; trust D. in consistent to; trust

5.(2019 衡阳模拟)Hearing the ___ ___ voice around twelve last night, my girl was ___ ___. A. terrified; terrified

B. terrified; terrifying

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C. terrifying; terrifying D. terrifying; terrified


一. 用所给短语的适当形式填空。

in preparation for, die out, consistent with, in vain, in command of, a range of, more than, be accessible to , used to, in the eye of 1. His whole school education added up to no ________ one year. 2. What you say now is not ________ what you said last week. 3. ________ cultural conditions are thought to boost divorce rates. 4. In World War II, General Lee was ________ the air force. 5. He is packing his bags ________ the journey.

6. She ________ walk around the area of scenic beauty with her dog following her. 7. ________ his fans, he is a genius.

8. At present, some rare animals are in danger of ________. 9. Police searched ________ for the missing gunman. 10. A manager should ________ his staff. 二. 单项选择。

1. A university ________ of teachers, administers, and students. A. consists

B. composes

C. includes

D. contains

2. ---What did she die ________? ---She died ________ old age. A. of; from

B. from; of

C. from; from

D. of; of

3. Those classmates have ________ her. A. a bad influence to C. bad influence with

B. a bad influence on D. bad influence on

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4. The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story. A. bring out

B. let out

C. leave out

D. make out

5. Three times he was brought to court for trial, the prisoner was sentenced by the ________. A. lawyer

B. official

C. officer

D. judge

6. It is commanded that the manager ________ the plan at once. A. working out

B. to work out

C. work out

D. would work out

7. How long can you hold your ________? A. breathe

B. breath

C. breathless

D. breathed

8. The thief was left ________ there with his hands ________. A. standing; tied

B. to stand; tied D. to stand; being tied

C. standing; being tied

9. ---She is a good student and works hard. --- ________. A. So it is with him C. So is he

B. So does he D. Neither does he

10. The visitors were ________ by the ________ experience. A. thrilling; thrilling C. thrilled; thrilling 一. 完成句子。

1. Children under 14 ________ ________ ________(必须陪同)by adults to the theme park. 2. Many of the old village traditions ________ ________ ________(正在灭绝). 3. A famous scientist is ________ ________ ________(指挥)this project.

4. You conduct ________ ________ ________ ________(与......不一致)what you say.

B. thrilled; thrilled D. thrilling; thrilled

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