北师大版高中英语选修六第7讲:Unit18 Beauty-词汇篇1(学生版)-word文档资料

Unit 18 Beauty词汇篇1

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 2、灵活运用第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。

1. beauty n. 美,美丽;美人;美好的东西;极好的榜样;典型的例子;好处,优点 ①[U]美,美丽(指抽象概念)

Her beauty had faded over the years. 这么多年过去了,她渐渐失去了美貌。 ②美人,美好的东西;极好的榜样,典型的例子

She was considered a great beauty in her youth. 她年轻时是个公认的大美人。 词汇链接:

①beautiful adj. 美丽的 ②beautify vt. 美化,使美丽 短语拓展:

①beauty contest 选美比赛

②beauty queen 选美比赛冠军,选美皇后 ③beauty salon/ parlour/ shop 美容院 ④beauty spot = beauty mark 美人痣;风景点 ⑤beauty products 美容产品

⑥the beauty of... ......的优点,......的好处,......的妙处

⑦the beauty of the sunset/ poetry/ his singing 落日/诗作/他的歌声之美 2. attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有迷惑力的;动人的,妩媚的

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I must admit that I've never found him particularly attractive. 我必须承认我从未发觉他有什么特别吸引人的地方。

She is an attractive girl. 她是个妩媚的女孩。 词汇链接:

①attract vt. 吸引,引起......的注意,诱惑,招引;vi. 吸引,有吸引力,引人注意 ②attraction n. 吸引人的事物,吸引力 ③attractively adv. 有吸引力地

3. superior adj. 更高的,上级的,更强的;优质的;有优越感的; n. 上级,长官 Which of the two methods is superior? 这两种方法哪种更好? 短语拓展:

①be superior to 比......高级/好/强 ②be inferior to 在......之下;次于;不如 ③be senior to 级别更高的 ④be prior to 在......之前;优先的 ⑤be junior to 级别低的

Only one manager is senior to me now. 现在只有一位经理级别比我高。

All the arrangements should be completed prior to your departure. 所有安排都应在你离开前完成。 4. adore vt. 敬爱,非常喜欢

I absolutely adore flowers. 我非常喜欢花。 Her grandmother adores her. 她祖母很宠爱她。 词汇链接:

①adoration n. 敬慕;爱慕

②adorable adj. 值得爱慕的,可爱的

Can you see the look of admiration in his eyes? 你能看到他那爱慕的眼神吗?

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What an adorable baby it is! 多么可爱的宝宝啊! 5. consistent adj. 坚持的,一贯的;一致的,符合的

She is one of the most consistent players on the tennis circuit. 她是网球巡回赛中最为坚持不懈的运动员之一。

This evidence is not consistent with what you said earlier. 这项证据与你先前说的不一致。 词汇链接:

①consist vi. 由...组成;符合;在于

②consistence/ consistency n. 连贯性,一致性;坚固性,浓度 ③consistently adv. 一贯地 短语拓展:

①consist in 在于,决定于 ②consist of 由......组成

③be consistent with 相一致,相吻合

The beauty of the city consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings. 这座城市的美很大程度上决定于城中古建筑的风格。

6. influence n. [U] 影响,作用;[C] 有影响的人或事物;v. 影响,对......起作用 His girlfriend has a good influence on him. 他的女朋友对他有好的影响。 He committed the crime under the influence of drugs. 他是吸毒后犯罪的。 短语拓展:

①have an influence on sb./ sth. 对......有影响 ②under the influence of 在......的影响下 ③influence sb. to do sth. 影响某人做某事 7. judge

①n. [C] 法官,裁判员,鉴定人

The judge was satisfied with what the Arab said. 法官对这个阿拉伯人说的话感到满意

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②v. 判决,裁判,判断

I can't judge whether he is right or wrong. 我不能判断他是否正确。 短语拓展:

judge...by... 依据/凭......判断

Her leadership will be judged by how she deals with difficult problems. 她的领导才能将通过她处理问题的方式来判断。 考点聚焦:


judging by/from... 从......判断,按照......判断

I'd say she's pretty rich, judging from his clothes. 通过她的穿着来判断,我觉得她相当富有。 8. die out 灭绝;消失

Small pox has completely died out in this country. 天花在这个国家已经绝迹了。 短语拓展:

①die away(声音、风或光线)慢慢变弱,逐渐消失

The sound of their laughter died away. 他们的笑声逐渐消失了。 ②die down 逐渐变弱(平息,暗淡)

These rumors will soon die down. 这些谣言不久就会平息。 ③die off 相继死去,先后死去

The cattle died off in the cold winter. 这些牛在寒冬相继死去。 ④die from 死于(外部、偶然原因或疾病,如车祸) His grandfather died from an earthquake. 他的爷爷死于地震。 ⑤die of 死于(内部原因或疾病,如忧伤)

He died of heart disease last year. 他去年死于心脏病。 ⑥be dying for 极想要

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