
A: It's easy. You should simply apologize to your friend and say that you were a fool.

D: Well, maybe that's good idea. I'll give it a try.

A: Good! Well, folks, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” I always say. I'm Dr. Hilda…until the next time. [Music]

Unit 16 What's your excuse? A: Hi, Amanda.

B: Oh, Daniel! I was going to call you tonight. A: What's up?

B: Well, it's Albert's birthday on Saturday, and I'm planning a surprise party for him.

A: Sounds like fun.

B: The idea is this: I've asked Albert to go to a movie with me at six. After the movie, we go back to his apartment to have dinner. So be at Albert's by 7:30 to wait for us and surprise him. His roommate will let you in. A: OK. Great.

B: Uh, can you bring some soda? Oh, and don't say anything to Albert. A: No problem.

A: Hi, Daniel. This is Albert. B: Oh, hi. How are things?

A: Just fine, thanks. Uh, are you doing anything on Saturday night?

B: Hmm. Saturday night? Let me think. Oh, yes. My cousin just called to say he was flying in that night. I told him I would pick him up.

A: Oh, that's too bad. It's my birthday. I'm having dinner with Amanda, and I thought I'd invited more people and make it a party.

B: Gee, I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to make it. A: I'm sorry, too. But that's OK

A: [Dials number]

B: Hi, Scott! This is Albert. How are things? A: Oh, hi, Albert.

B: Um, you know, it's my birthday on Saturday, and I thought maybe you'd like to come to my party.

A: Oh, I really wish I could , but I won't be around this weekend. I'm leaving Friday night and won't get back till Sunday afternoon. B: Oh.

A: I'm sorry, Albert. Uh, have a great party, though, and happy birthday. B: Oh, thanks. And you have a great weekend, Scott. A: Oh, thanks. B: Well, bye.

A: See you around. [Both hang up]

A: [Dials number] B: Hello?

A: Fumiko? Hi, it's Albert. How are you? B: I'm fine. How are you?

A: Oh, I'm fine, too. Um, you know, Saturday is my birthday, and I was wondering if you'd like to come to my party. B: Oh. What time?

A: Say around seven thirty?

B: Oh, I'm sorry. I think I may already have plans…to go to the movies with my friends.

A: Oh, OK, Fumiko. I… I hope you have a good time. B: Thank you. And I hope your party's fun.

A: Yeah, well, I hope so, too. Uh, see you in class on Monday? B: Sure! Bye-bye!

A: Bye! [Both hang up]

A: [Dials number] B: Hello?

A: Hi, Albert. Hey! How are you doing? B: I'm pretty good. A: What's up? B: Well, my birthday is Saturday and I'm having a little party with some friends, and I thought maybe you'd like to come. A: Saturday? B: Yeah.

A: Oh, you know, listen, I already promised my mother I'd take her to the new dance club downtown. She loves to dance, and she's really working forward to it.

B: Oh, I didn't know you mom liked to dance, Manuel. A: Oh, yeah, she loves it! And, well, Mom… B: It's OK, Manuel. Don't worry about it. A: I'm really sorry. OK, well- B: See you soon.

A: Take care, Albert. B: OK, bye. Manuel. A: Bye! [Both hang up]

A: [Dials number] B: Hello?

A: Hello? Regina? This is Albert. B: Oh, hi, Albert. [Coughs] A: What's wrong?

B: I… I've got the flu.

A: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I guess you won't be coming to my party on Saturday, huh?

B: No, I guess not. I'm feeling pretty run-down.

A: Oh, I'm sorry. Well, hey, take care of yourself, Regina. I hope to see you next week.

B: Yeah, me, too. [Coughs] Bye.

A: [Just back from the movies with Amanda, Albert is unlocking the door of his apartment] Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy-

B: Surprise! Surprise! Happy birthday! A: Oh, wow! Oh, no! Oh, my goodness! Scott, Fumiko…wow, what a terrific surprise! Manuel, Regina! Well, you really fooled me! I can't believe it! Amanda, did you set this up? Gee!

A: [Phone rings and answering machine starts] “Hi. This is Nancy. Please leave your name and number and a short message, and I'll call you back. Thanks!” B: [Beep] Hi, Nancy. This is Bill. It's about nine o'clock on Friday evening. About our dinner date: I'll meet you in front of Pizza House at six-thirty P.M on Monday. OK? Bye!

C: [Beep] Hi, this is Mary. It's around eleven on Saturday morning. I'm just calling to let you know there's a French club meeting on Tuesday afternoon at two. See you then! Bye-Bye!

D: [Beep] Hello, Nancy! This is your Aunt Maria! I'm arriving on Wednesday, May fifth, late. I'll need you to pick me up at the airport at eleven-thirty. By the way, I'm going to stay with you for three weeks. I hope that's all right. Good-bye, dear.

E: [Beep] Hi, Nancy. This is Tony. Remember we planned to have dinner together on Monday? I'll meet you at seven o'clock in front of the Seafood Grill at the Hilton Hotel. OK? Hope your weekend was great! See you Monday!
