
第九十条 各级人民法院要严格要求并督促本院法官遵守本规范,具体由各级法院的政治部门和纪检监察部门负责。

Article 91 The People's Court at higher level shall guide and supervise the People's Court at lower level in implementation of these Codes of Conduct. The Supreme People's Court shall guide and supervise the local People's Courts at all levels in the implementation of these Codes of Conduct.

第九十一条 上级人民法院指导、监督下级人民法院对本规范的贯彻执行,最高人民法院指导和监督地方各级人民法院对本规范的贯彻执行。

Article 92 The local People's Courts at all levels shall incorporate the practice of their own courts, study and formulate the specific detailed rules on implementation or measures on implementation, and effectively strengthen the training and the assessment on these Codes of Conduct.

第九十二条 地方各级人民法院应当结合本院实际,研究制定具体的实施细则或实施办法,切实加强本规范的培训与考核。

Article 93 The People's Court at all levels and all the judges shall conscientiously comply and execute these Codes of Conduct. In respect of personnel in violation of these Codes of Conduct, where the circumstance is relatively mild and there is no harmful consequence, admonition and education through criticism shall be carried out. Where it constitutes violation of discipline, it shall be dealt with according to the relevant provisions of disciplinary sanction of the People's Court. Where it constitutes violation of law, it shall be dealt with sternly according to the provisions of the law.

第九十三条 各级人民法院广大法官要自觉遵守和执行本规范,对违反本规范的人员,情节较轻且没有危害后果的,进行诫勉谈话和批评教育;构成违纪的,根据人民法院有关纪律处分的规定进行处理;构成违法的,根据法律规定严肃处理。 10. Supplementary Provisions


Article 94 The people's jury as well as other working staff of the People's Court shall use these Codes of Conduct as reference in implementation. Retired judges shall refer to the relevant requirements on restriction of words and deeds in these Codes of Conduct.

第九十四条 人民陪审员以及人民法院其他工作人员参照本规范执行,法官退休后应当参照本规范有关要求约束言行。

Article 95 The Supreme People's Court shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Codes of Conduct.

第九十五条 本规范由最高人民法院负责解释。

Article 96 These Codes of Conduct shall take effect on the day it is promulgated. The Codes of Conduct for Judges (Trial) promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on November 4, 2005 shall be abolished concurrently.

第九十六条 本规范自发布之日起施行,最高人民法院2005年11月4日发布的《法官行为规范(试行)》同时废止。 TOP

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