
cycle; period时期

? Financial liberalization(金融自由化) ? Financial globalization (金融全球化)

Inter-bank borrowing


(银行A 多提了5万元的准备金,应拆出,可以用该5万元作为贷款发放,所以资产额减少;银行B由于少提了5万元的准备金,所以要从可发放贷款中转入准备金,所以资产额增加)

Banking Regulation 银行监管的原因

Pros and Cons of Strict Rules 严格规则的利与弊 To protect the public's savings 保护公众储蓄 To control the money supply 控制货币供给

To ensure adequate supply of loans and to ensure fairness 确保获得充足公平的贷款 To maintain confidence in the system 促进公众对银行的信心 To avoid monopoly powers 避免垄断权力

To provide support for government activities 支持政府活动

To support special sectors of the economy 帮助经济体系中的特殊部门

? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Banking's PrincipalRegulatory Agencies and Their Responsibilities主要监管部门

? federal reserve system联邦储备体系 (对会员银行的监管以及对金融控股公司的伞


? comptroller of the currency货币监理署(授权成立新的国民银行,并定期稽核所有

? ? ? ?


federal deposit insurance corporation联邦存款保险公司(对存款的保险,对参与保险银行的合并的审批,要求会员银行报告财务状况) department of justice司法部(对金融机构合并等对市场竞争的效果进行评估与审批) securities and exchange commission证券与交易委员会(对银行或银行控股公司公募债券的审核和对银行附属的证券公司的业务的监管)

state boards or commissions 州银行委员会(发放州立银行执照,监管州立银行,本州范围内成立银行控股公司的审核)

The Impact of Regulation :监管影响

The Arguments for Strict Rules versus Lenient Rules严格监管与温和监管的争论

national bank(国立银行)

depository institution(州立银行)

Major Banking Laws美国

Meet the “Parents”: The Legislation That Created Today’s Bank Regulators

? National Currency and Bank Acts (1863-64)《国民货币及银行法案》美国银行史


? The Federal Reserve Act (1913)《联邦储备法案》联邦储备体系银行的最后贷款

? The Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall)《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》实行更为严格


? Establishing the FDIC under Glass-Steagall依据《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》设立联


? Criticisms of the FDIC and Responses Via New Legislation对FDIC的批评和对新立


? Raising the FDIC Insurance Limit提高对联邦存款保险公司保险的限额

Instilling Social Graces and Morales-Social Responsibility Laws灌输社会规范与道德:社会责任法案

? 1968--Consumer Credit Protection Act《消费者信贷保护法》

? 1974--Equal Credit Opportunity Act《信贷机会均等法案》防止服务歧视 ? 1977--Community Reinvestment Act《社会再投资法案》

Legislation Aimed at Allowing Interstate Banking准许跨洲银行业务的立法

Riegle-Neal Interstste Banking and Branching Efficiency Act 《瑞格尔-尼尔跨州银行和分行效率法案》1994年允许银行控股公司跨洲收购银行,允许州立银行设立分支行和兼并

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999)或Financial service Modernization


Telling the Truth and Not Stretching It:说明真相但不要夸大

The Sarbanes-Oxley Accounting Standards Act (2002)《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》组成了公共公司会计监管委员会以促进财务报告的准确与公正。(9.11事件,安然事件)

The 21st Century Issues in an Array of New Laws, Regulations and Regulatory Strategies 21世纪新的法律,法规和监管策略。

? The FACT Act (The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act)《公平准确信用交易


? Check 21《21世纪支票清算法案》 ? New Bankruptcy Rules新破产法

? Federal Deposit Insurance Reform《联邦存款保险公司改革法案》 ? New Regulatory Strategies in a New Century新世纪监管的新策略

The Regulation of Nonbank Financial-Service Firms 非银行金融机构

Regulating Thrift (Savings) Industry对储蓄业的监管 ? Credit Unions (NCUA 国民信用社管理局)

? Savings and Loans and Savings Banks (Office of Thrift Supervision 储蓄机构监理

所 FDIC Insurance 联邦存款保险公司)

? Money Market Funds (Securities and Exchange Commission )SEC证券交易委



? Life and Property/Casualty Insurance Companies (State insurance commissions) ? Finance Companies (State goverment 州政府)

? Mutual Funds (Securities and Exchange Commission)

? Security Brokers and Dealers (Securities and Exchange Commission)

? Financial Conglomerates 金融寡头(Functional Regulation 功能性监管)

Are Regulations Really Necessary in the Financial Services Sector?

Third party payment Paypal

The Central Banking System: 中央银行

It?s Impact on Banks and the Decisions and Policies of Financial Institutions 对银行及其他金融机构决策和政策的影响

(1) Organizational Structure of the Federal Reserve System 美联储的结构

? Board of Governors 美联储委员会

? Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 公开市场委员会(FOMC具体任务


? 12 district Federal Reserve Bank 12家地方储备银行

(2) The Central Bank's Principal Task -- Making and Implementing Monetary

Policy 主要职责—制定和实施货币政策

? The Open Market Policy Tool of Central Banking (OMO 公开市场业务工具) ? Other Central Bank Policy Tools

? Rediscount Rate再贴现率

? Statutory deposit reserve ratio法定存款准备率

? A Final Note on Central Banking?s Impact of Financial Firms 对金融机构影响的最后



1. Financial-services regulations are created to implement federal and state laws by providing practical guidelines for financial firms’ behavior and performance.金融服务监管是通过为金融机构的行为和表现提供指导原则来执行联邦和州政府的法律。

2. Regulation of financial firms takes place in a dual system in the United States---both federal

and state goverments are involved in chartering,supervising,and examining selected financial service companies.在美国,金融机构的监管采取的是双重体制,联邦和州政府都有授权,监管,检查和关闭金融机构的权利。

3. The key federal regulators of banks include the Federal Deposit Insurance

Corporation(FDIC),the Federal Reserve System(FRS),and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC).联邦层次大的主要银行监管机构有联邦存款保险公司(FDIC),联邦储备系统(FRS)和货币监理署(OCC)

4. One of the most powerful of all financial institutions in the financial system is the central

bank,which regulates money and credit conditions(i.e,conducts monetary policy)using such tools as open market operations,short-term loans,and legal reserve requirements.Central banks huave a powerful impact upon the profitability,growth,and viability of financial service
