(完整word版)2017年英语专四真题word版 - 图文





Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.

Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II


In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at the task on the ANSWER SHEETONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

Now, listen to the talk. When it is over, you will be given TWO minutes to check your work.




In this section, you will hear two conversations. At the end of the conversion, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. Now, listen to the conversations. CONVERSATION ONE

1. A. It can’t read data from the flash drive. B. It has wiped the data from the flash drive

C. The files stored in it have got lost D. The files in it can't be opened 2. A. Get a total refund B. Get a partial refund C. Get a new computer D. Get a new hard disk.

3. A. Indifferent. B. Surprised C. Anxious D. Dissatisfied 4. A By 8: 30 tomorrow morming B. After 8: 30 tomorrow morning C. At 8: 30 this evenin D. Anytime tomorrow

5.A.65743205 B.6547-2305 C.6457-2035. D.6475302 CONVERSATION TWO 6. A. Hold a party at home. B. Introduce ourselves first. C. Avoid meeting them D. Wait for them to visit us 7. A. Do nothing about it. B. Tell him to stop.

C. Give him a reason to stop D. Call the police immediately. 8.A. don't answer their questions B. don't appear to be friendly. C. Try to be sympathetic D. Try to be patient.

9. A. No more than five minutes. B. Five to ten minutes C. About half an hour. D. About an hour.

10. A. Family Circle Magazine B. Morning radio programs C. betty's website

D. CBS news website.


Part III. Language ueage

11. ______ combination of techniques authors use, all stories---from the briefest anecdotes to the longest novels ----have a plot.

A. Regarding B. Whatever. C. In so far as D. No matter

12. She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, ________ the women gave a quick knock before opening it..

A. wherein B. on which C. but when D. then

13. Ms Ennab is one of the first Palestinian ________ with seven years’ racing experience. A. woman drivers B. women driver C. women drivers D. woman driver

14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.” The past tense in the sentence refers to a _ _. A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness

15. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait to propose to her.” The subjunctive mood in the sentence is used to ________.

A. alleviate hostility B. express unfavorable feelings C. indicate uncertainty D. make a suggestion

16. “It’s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD express __ ____.

A obligation B disappointment C future in the past D. tentativeness

17. Timothy Ray Brown, the first man cured of HIV, initially opted against the stem cell transplantation that _______ history.

A. could have later made B. should have made later C. might make later D. would later make

18. Some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on Earth that are known ____by microbes.

A. having been created B. being created C. to have been created D. to be created

19. At that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as ______ if I _________alone.

A. would have been …had been B. should be … had been C. could be … were D. might have been… were 20. You must fire _ __ incompetent assistant of yours A. the B. an C. that D. whichever

21. Some narratives seem more like plays, heavy with dialogue by which writers allow their _____to reveal themselves.

A. characters B. characteristics C. charisma D characterizations

22. If you intend to melt the snow for drinking water, you can ___ _____ extra purity by running it 3

through a coffee filter.

A. assure B. insure C. reassure D. ensure

23. The daisy-like flowers of chamomile have been used for centuries to __ ____anxiety and insomnia.

A. decline B. relieve C quench D suppress

24. Despite concern about the disappearance of the album in popular music, 2014 delivered a great crop of album ___ _____.

A. publications B appearances C. releases D. presentations

25. The party’s reduced vote in the general election was _______of lack of support for its policies.

A. revealing B. confirming C. indicative D. evident

26. He closed his eyes and held the two versions of La Mappa to his mind’s _ ______ to analyze their differences.

A. vision B eye C. view D. sight

27. Twelve pupils were killed and five _______injured after gunmen attacked the school during lunchtime.

A. critically B. enormously C. greatly D. hard

28. A 15-year-old girl has been arrested _____ accusations of using Instagram to anonymously threaten her high-school.

A. over B. with C. on D. for

29. It was reported that a 73-year-old man died on an Etihad flight __ _____to Germany from Abu Dhabi.

A. bounded B. binded C. boundary D. bound

30. It’s ____ ___ the case in the region; a story always sounds clear enough at a distanced, but the nearer you get to the scene of events the vaguer it becomes.

A. unchangeably B. invariably C. unalterably D. immovably

Part IV. Close

A. always B. barely C. demise D. emergence E. gained F. implications G. leaf H. lost I. naturally J. object K. one L. online M. rising N. single O. value

MILLIONS of people now rent their movies the Netflix way. They fill out a wish list from the 50,000 titles on the company's Web site and receive the first few DVD's in the mail; when they mail each one back, the next one on the list is sent. The Netflix model has been exhaustively analyzed for its disruptive, new-economy(31) What will it mean for video stores like

