
核武器Nuclear Weapons of War

保赔保险Protection and Indemnity Insurance是船舶所有人责任相互保险Mutual Insurance的习惯称谓。

保障Protection是指承保1/4碰撞责任和人身伤亡责任,赔偿指承保货物责任。 SKULD五级分类为: Class Ⅰ: Protection保障; Class Ⅱ: Indemnity赔偿;

Class Ⅲ: War Risks战争风险;

Class Ⅳ: Freight, Demurrage and Defence (F.D. & D.,运费、滞期费和抗辩); Class Ⅴ: Strike Risks罢工风险。 通信代理Correspondent 会员Members


法律和理赔部Legal and Claims 预付保费Advanced Call

追加保费Supplementary Call

承保风险Risks Covered

入会船船员的人身伤亡、疾病Injury, Illness and Death-Seamen

入会船船员外的任何人的人身伤亡、疾病Injury, Illness and Death-Persons other than Seamen 入会船船员的遣返和替换船员的派遣费用Repatriation and Substitute Expenses 个人物品、财产Loss or Damage to Personal Effects, Property

由合同产生的责任Liability Arising under Certain Indemnity and Contracts 碰撞责任Collision Liability

财产的灭失或损坏Loss of or Damage to Property 改变航线的费用Diversion Expenses

安置偷渡与避难人员的费用Stowaways and Refugees 救助人命费用Life Salvage

污染风险Pollution Risks

根据拖带合同产生的责任Liability under Towage Contract 残骸处理的责任Wreck Liability 检疫费用Quarantine Expenses 货物责任Cargo Liability

入会船上的财产Property on the Entered Ship

无法取得赔偿的共同海损分摊费用Unrecoverable General Average Contributions 由船方负责的共同海损费用Ship’s Proportion of General Average 各种罚款Fines

支付救助人的特殊费用Salvors’ Expenses

海事调查费用Enquiry Expenses

为船舶营运而产生的费用Expenses Incidental to the Operation of Ship

损害防止和法律费用Sue and Labour and Legal Costs

执行本协会指示而开支的费用Expenses Incurred by Direction of the Association 集装箱联运责任Through Transit Liabilities in Relation to Containers 集装箱的灭失或损坏Loss of or Damage

抗辩费用Freight, Demurrage & Defence,简称F.D. & D.。


抗辩险业务Defence Club

战争险扩展条款War Risks Extention Clause 特别战争保赔保险Special P&I War Risks Cover 陆地战争险War Risk on Land-WROL 主险Principal Risks条款

附加险Additional Risks

平安险Free From Particular Average-F.P.A 水渍险With Particular Average-W.A. 一切险All Risks 载货船Carrying Vessel

保险期间Duration/Period of Insurance

仓至仓条款Warehouse to Warehouse Clause-W/W

延伸条款Extended Cover Clause

运输合同终止条款Termination of Contract of Carriage Clause 航程终止条款Termination of Adventure Clause 航程变更Change of Voyage 批改Endorsement


船舶建造险Builders Risks Insurance

海事国际私法Private International Maritime Law 准据法Lex Causae

区际私法Private Interregional Law

公共秩序保留Reservation of Public Order 物权Right in Rem

