
已加入某些蒸馏物的原油(有时称为穗油Spiked crudes或者改质油Recontituted crudes) 经济损失Economic Loss

相继经济损失Consequential Loss 纯经济损失Pure Economic Loss

船舶燃油污染损害Bunker Pollution Damage from Ships 海事赔偿责任限制Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 综合(责任)限制Global Limitation

单位(责任)限制Unit Limitation, Package Limitation

船舶所有人责任限制,船东责任限制Limitation of Liability of Shipowners 实际过失或参与Actual Fault or Privity 特定场合Distinct Occasion

责任基金,(责任)限制基金Limitation Fund

交叉责任限制Cross Liability Limitation,一般称为“先限制,后冲抵”原则 单一责任限制Single Liability Limitation,一般称为“先冲抵,后限制”原则 海船Sea-going Ships

海上保险合同是一种赔偿性质的合同Contract of Indemnity 赔偿原则Principle of Indemnity 射幸合同Contract upon Speculation

保险利益原则Principle of Insurable Interest 最大诚信原则Principle of Utmost Good Faith 格式条款合同,附意合同Contract of Adhesion 海上保险合同Marine Insurance Contract 海事合同Maritime Contract 保险人Insurer, Underwriter 被保险人Insured, Assured 投保人Applicant

保险代理人Insurance Agent 保险经纪人Insurance Broker 佣金Commission

保险事故Perils Covered

海上航行Maritime Adventure 仓库到仓库Warehouse to Warehouse 保险标的Subject-matter Insured 保险利益Insurable Interest 保险价值Insured Value 约定的保险价值Agreed Value 非海上财产保险Non-marine Insurance 保险金额Insured Amount, Sum Insured 足额保险Full Insurance 不足额保险Under Insurance

超额保险Over Insurance

在确定保险赔偿的限度Measurement of Indemnity 投保单Application Form



签收保险费Receipt of Premium 保险单Policy

海上保险单Marine Policy 保险凭证Insurance Certificate


联合保险单证Combined Insurance Certificate 个别保险单Single Policy 集合保险单Collective Policy 预约(开口)保险单Open Policy 定值保险单Valued Policy 不定值保险单Unvalued Policy 航次保险单Voyage Policy 定期保险单Time Policy 混合保险单Mixed Policy 最高保险金额Locality Clause

预约保险单Open Policy 原始承保条Original Slip

活动(浮动、报告式)保险单Floating Policy 告知义务Duty of Disclosure 诚信原则Principle of Good Faith

重复保险Double Insurance

将船舶赔偿请求权转让Assign给船舶抵押权人Ship Mortgagee 经保险人同意并将保险单或者保险凭证批改Endorse后方为有效 批改或用批单Endorsement贴在保险单证上以资证明 保险费Premium 保证Warranty

出险后的施救义务Sue and Labour 赔偿限度Measurement of Indemnity 连续损失Successive Loss 施救费用Sue and Labour

被保险人的故意行为Intent Act 不法行为Barratry 迟延Delay

本身缺陷Inherent Vice

自然Spontaneous Combustion 生病Disease 腐烂Decay



自然磨损Ordinary Wear and Tear 船舶不适航Unseaworthiness 默示保证Implied Warranty 全损Total Loss


部分损失Partial Loss

实际全损Actual Total Loss

推定全损Constructive Total Loss 单独海损Particular Average Loss 施救费用Sue and labour

共同海损分摊General Average Contribution 全损险Total Loss Only

委付通知Notice of Abandonment 共同海损牺牲G. A. Sacrifice 共同海损费用G. A. Expenditure

对共同海损的分摊责任Liability towards G. A. Contribution 失去商销性Unmerchantable

委付Abandon, Abandonment

所保航程的完成Completion of Adventure 责任范围Risks Covered

列明微信Perils Insured Against 地震Earthquake 火山爆发Volcanic Eruption 闪电Lightning 搁浅Stranding 碰撞Collision

触碰任何固定或浮动物质Contact with any fixed of floating objects 其他海上灾害Perils of the Seas 火灾Fire


来自船外的暴力盗窃Violent theft by persons from outside the vessel 海盗行为Piracy

抛弃货物Jettison of Goods

核装置或核反应堆发生的故障或意外事故Breakdown of or accident to nuclear installations or reactors

装卸或移动货物或燃料时发生的以外事故Accidents in loading, discharging or shifting cargo or fuel

潜在缺陷Latent Defect 不法行为Barratry


“殷其玛瑞”条款Inchemaree Clause

任何政府当局为防止或减轻因承保风险造成被保险船舶损坏引起的污染、所采取的行为,简称Pollution Hazard

未恪尽职守Want of Due Diligence 碰撞责任Collision Liability 侵权责任Tort Liability 除外责任Exclusions 免赔额Deductible 海运navigation


保险期限duration of Insurance

驶往不同的目的港Sailing for Different Destination 改变航程Change of Voyage

多个卸港Several Ports of Discharge 保险终止Termination of Insurance 船级社Ship Class Society 船级Ship Class 船旗Flag/Nationality 管理人Manager

光租Demise/Bare-boat Charter 征用Requisition 拖带Towage

救助工作Salvage Service 开航日期Sailing Date 特款规定Warranty 续保Held Covered

保险费和退费Premium and Return of Premium 被保险人的义务Duty of the Assured 招标Ship Repair Tender

索赔和赔偿Claim and Indemnity 争议的处理Settlement of Disputes

船舶战争、罢工险条款Hull War & Strikes Clauses 船舶保险条款Hull Insurance Clauses 战争War

内战Civil War 革命Revolution 叛乱Rebellion 内乱Civil Strife 捕获Capture 扣押Seizure 扣留Arrest

羁押Detainment 没收Confiscation 封锁Blockade 水雷Mines 鱼雷Torpedoes 炸弹Bombs 罢工Strikes

被迫停工Lock-outs 民变Civil Commotion 暴动Riots

恶意行为Malicious Acts 原子弹Atomic Bombs 氢弹Hydrogen Bombs

