

非法的最后航次Illegitimate Last Voyage 交船检验和还船检验On-Off Hire Survey

出租人的责任与免责Shipowners’ Responsibility & Exceptions 维持条款Maintenance Clause

在船长监督之下Under the Supervision of the Master 及负责and responsibility

航行错误Errors of Navigation

光船租赁合同,光船租船合同Bareboat Charterparty, Charterparty by Demise

波罗的海国际航运公会于1974年制定的《标准光船租赁合同》Standard Bareboat Charter,租约代号“贝尔康”BARECON。

仅适用于新造船舶的规定Provisions to Apply for Newbuilding Vessels Only 租/购协议Hire/Purchase Agreement

适用于进行光船租赁合同登记的船舶的规定Provisions to Apply for Vessels Registered in a Bareboat Charter Registry 船舶呼号Call Sign 特检Special Survey

船舶租购合同,光船租购合同Bareboat Charter with Hire Purchase 卖据Bill of Sale

船舶建造合同Shipbuilding Contract

船舶建造人Shipbuilder,又称为承揽人Contractor 船舶定造人Customer,又称为购买人Buyer, Purchaser 船舶建造技术规格书Ship’s Specifications 指导计划Guidance Plan

承揽合同Contract for Work and Materials 伸缩条款Escalation Clause

有意的不当行为Wilful Misconduct 重大过失Gross Negligence 全损条款Total Loss Clause

不可抗力条款Force Majeure Clause

船舶买卖合同Ship Sale and Purchase Contract 协议备忘录Memorandum of Agreement 定金Deposit 检查Inspections

船级记录Vessel’s Classification Records 设有附记Free of Recommendations 入干坞Drydocking

清洁船级证书Vessel’s Clean Certificate of Class 担保物权Encumbrance

船舶碰撞系指船舶间发生的任何事故,即使没有实际接触而造成的灭失或损害Collision means any accident occurring between vessels which causes loss or damage even if no actual


contact has taken place.

船舶碰撞是指一船或几船的过失造成两船或多船的相互作用,即使没有实际接触而引起的灭失或损害Collision means any interaction between two or more vessels caused by the fault of one or more of them resulting in loss or damage whether or not contact between the vessels has occurred.

机器、井架和平台Machine, rig or platform 天灾由受害人承担原则Resperit Domino 不可避免的事故Inevitable Accident 不明过失Inscrutable Fault 过失Fault, Negligence 良好船艺Good Seamanship 推定Presumption, Inference

事实本身说明问题Resipea Loquitur 最后机会原则Last Opportunity Rule,英国称此原则为避让机会原则Clear Chance Rule,过失中断Faults Separate,美国叫做最后避让机会Last Clear Chance 原因链Chains of Causation

宾夕法尼亚规则Pennsylvania Rule 恢复原状Restitutio in Integrum,在英美法中也叫完全赔偿权The Right to a Full and Complete Indemnity

遥远损失Remoteness of Damages不赔的原则

除本公约另有规定外,碰撞直接造成的损害方可追偿Unless otherwise provided in this convention only damages proximately caused by the collision shall be resolverable 相继碰撞事故之后立即发生的后果Immediate Consequence of the Collision

受害方减少损害的相应责任Correlative duty of injured party to minimise damages

海难救助,海上救助Salvage at Sea 救助Assistance, Hilfsleistung 救捞Salvage, Bergung 罗得法Rhodian Law 纯救助Pure Salvage

合同救助Contract Salvage

无效果,无报酬No Cure, No Pay

劳氏救助标准合同格式Lloyd’s Open Form-LOF LOF2000劳合氏救助合同标准格式

雇佣救助,实际费用救助Employed Salvage Service 救助标的是法律所承认的Objects recognized by law

救助作业系指在可航水域或任何其他水域发生的为救助处于危险中的船舶或任何其他财产而采取的行动或活动。Salvage operations mean any act or activity undertaken to assist a vessel or any other property in danger in navigable waters or in any other waters whatsoever. 自愿救助Voluntary Salvage

要求救助要有效果Useful Result

在英国法中,把间接效果和无形效果叫做对救助作业作出了“实质性贡献”Meritorious Contribution或“有效服务”Effective Service。 公平费率Fair Rate


共同海损General Average 海损Average

单独海损Particular Average-PA 共同海损General Average-GA

共同危险Common Danger

同一海上航程Common Maritime Adventure 真实危险Real Peril

急迫危险Immediate Danger 有意采取的措施Intentional Act 合理的措施Reasonable Act

特殊牺牲和特殊费用Extraordinary Sacrifices and Expenditure 有效果Useful Effect

共同海损牺牲Sacrifice of General Average 抛弃货物Jettison of Cargo

扑灭船上活在Extinguishing Fire on Shipboard

切除残损物Cutting Away Wreck

有意搁浅所致的损害Damage Done by Voluntary Stranding 机器和锅炉的损害Damage to Engines and Boilers

用作燃料的货物、船用材料和物料Cargo, Ship’s Materials and Stores Used for Fuel 作为燃料烧掉的船用材料或物料Ship’s Materials and Stores Burnt for Fuel

货物在装卸等过程中造成的损害Damage to Cargo in Loading/Discharging, etc 共同海损费用General Average Expenditure

由航程中的一方当事人代他方支付的救助款项Salvage Reward

搁浅船舶减载费用以及因此而受的损害Expense Lightening a Ship when Ashore, and Consequent Damage

在避难港等地的费用Expenses in Port of Refuge

驶往和停留在避难港等地的船员工资、给养和其他费用Wages and Maintenance of Crew and Other Expenses Bearing Up for and in a Port of Refuge etc. 修理费用Repairing Expenses 永久性修理Permanent Repairs 以新换旧New for Old 临时性修理Temporary Repairs 代替费用Substituted Expenses

资金损失The Capital Loss

共同海损利息Interest on Losses Made Good in General Average 理算费用Adjustment Fee

不可免责的过失,可诉性过失Actionable Fault

共同海损疏忽条款General Average Negligence Clause 共同海损时限Time Limit of General Average 共同海损担保General Average Security 海损保障金General Average Deposit

共同海损担保函General Average Guarantee 限额担保函Limited Guarantee


无限额担保函Unlimited Guarantee 反担保函Counter Guarantee 海损协议书Average Bond

不分离协议Non-Separation Agreement 货物留置权Lien on Cargo

共同海损理算Adjustment of General Average 海损理算人Adjuster

海损理算师协会Average Adjuster Association-AAA 共同海损理算书G/A Adjustment

共同海损损失金额Total Amount of General Average

船舶损失金额Amount Allowable for Loss of or Damage to Ship 货物损失金额Amount Allowable for Loss of or Damage to Cargo 商业发票Commercial Invoice 装运价值Shipped value

运费损失金额Amount Allowable for Loss of Freight 共同海损分摊价值Contributory Value of General Average 船舶分摊价值Contributory Value of Ship 货物分摊价值Contributory Value of Cargo 运费分摊价值Contributory Value of Freight 毛运费Gross Freight 净运费Net Freight


旅客行李和私人物件Passengers’ Luggage and Personal Effect 随身携带的私人机动车辆Accompanied Private Motor Vehicles 《约克-安特卫普规则》York-Antwerp Rules 字母规则Lettered Rules 数字规则Numbered Rules

以英国为代表的“共同安全派”School of Thought For the Common Safety

以法国为代表的“共同利益派”School of Thought For the Common Good/Common Interests 解释规则Rule of Interpretation

小额共同海损条款Small Amount General Average Clause 共同海损吸收条款General Average Absorption Clause

实施细则Rule of Practice

三个公约针对不同的物质造成的污染损害,分别建立独立于海事赔偿责任现在Separate Limitation之外的特别责任限制

船舶油污损害Oil Pollution Damage from Ships 废油Slops

污染造成的灭失或损害Loss or Damage by Contamination 采取预防措施的费用Cost of Preventive Measures

采取预防措施造成的进一步灭失或损害Further Loss of Damage Caused by Preventive Measure 已实际采取或即将采取的合理恢复措施的费用costs of reasonable measures of reinstatement actually undertaken or to be undertaken 干事Director

已经提出过某些蒸馏物的原油(有时成为拔头原油Topped crudes)

