

司玉琢等编著:《新编海商法学(新二版)》,大连海事大学出版社2006年版 海商法Maritime law 提单Bill of Lading-B/L

租船合同Charter Party-C/P,主要指航次租船合同Voyage Charter Party 拖带合同Contract of Towage

旅客运输合同Contract of Carriage of Passengers 救助合同Contract of Salvage 保险合同Contract of Insurance 国际海事组织IMO

联合国贸易和发展会议UNCTAD 联合国国际贸易法委员会UNCITRAL 一元论Monism 二元论Dualism

海商法典Maritime Code

遵循先例Following Precedent 自由裁量权Discretion 冲突规范Conflict Rules 准据法Applicable Law 首要条款Paramount Clause 实体法规范Substantive Rules

程序法规范Procedural Rules

特别提款权Special Drawing Right-SDR 方便旗Flag of Convenience

船舶优先权Maritime Lien on Vessel

船舶抵押权Ship Mortgage,Mortgage on Vessel 船舶留置权Possessory Lien on Vessel 附属利益Accessaries

优先请求权Preferential Claims 冒险押船贷款Bottomry

优先船舶抵押权Preferred Mortgage

时间倒序原则Inverse Priority Rule

时间在先,权利在后First in Time,Last in Right 懈怠原则Doctrine of Laches 事实问题Matter of Fact 司法拍卖Judicial Sale 强制拍卖Forced Sale 私下出售Private Sale 扣押Arrest

对物诉讼Action in Rem

建造中船舶Vessel under Construction 附加贷款Additional Advance 新贷款Future Advance


普通法Common Law 衡平法Equity 成文法Statute 海事法Admiralty

一般留置权General Lien 特别留置权Particular Lien 船员Crew,Seamen


司法职能Function of Judicature 公证职能Function of Notarization

紧急处分职能Function of Meeting an Emergency 代理职能Function of Agent

船员劳动合同Crewing Agreement

《海员协议条款公约》Convention Concerning Seamen’s Article of Agreement 其余三个航运管理法规:



(International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) 《国际防止船舶污染公约》MARPOL

海上货物运输合同Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 承运人carrier

船舶所有人Shipowner 船舶经营人Ship Operator 船舶承租人Charterer

货运代理人Freight Forwarder 无船经营公共承运人Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier-NVOCC 二船东Disponent Owner 托运人Shipper 收货人Consignee 沿海运输权Cabotage 件杂货General Cargo

班轮运输,定期船运输Liner Shipping 集装箱,货柜Container 提单Bill of Lading

海运单Sea Waybill-SWB 电子提单Electronic Bill of Lading

航次租船合同Voyage Charterparty-Voy. C/P 不定期船运输Tramp Shipping 单航次租船合同Single Trip C/P

往返航次租船合同Return Trip C/P

连续单航次租船合同Consecutive Single Trip C/P 连续往返航次租船合同Consecutive Return Trip C/P


海上货物联运合同Contract of Ocean Through Carriage of Goods 区段承运人Local Carrier 实际承运人Actual Carrier 履约承运人Performing Carrier 海上联运提单Ocean Through B/L

多式联运经营人Multimodal Transport Operator-MTO,Combined Transport Operator-CTO 多式联运单证Multimodal Transport Document

多式联运提单Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading,Multimodal Transport B/L 海上货运运输总合同Contract of Affreightment-COA 《海牙规则》Hague Rules

《海牙-维斯比规则》Hague-Visby Rules 《汉堡规则》Hamburg Rules 订舱单或托运单Booking Note 船舶经纪人Shipbroker

租船合同格式Charterparty Form 租约代号Code Name,Code Word

附加条款Rider Clauses,Additional Clauses 电子数据交换Electronic Data Exchange-EDI

船舶适航Seaworthy 船体Hull



适任证书Certificate of Competency 船舶适货Cargoworthy

船级社Ship’s Classification Society 谨慎处理Due Diligence

潜在缺陷Latent Defect

船舶开航前和开航当时Before and at the beginning of the voyage 航次Voyage 独立合同人Independent Contractor

船舶适航证书Certificate of Seaworthiness 装载Loading 搬移Handling 积载Stowage 保管Custody 照料Care for 卸载Discharge 妥善Properly 谨慎Carefully 绕航Deviation

迟延交付Delay in delivery of goods

承运人责任期间Period of Responsibility



整箱货Full Container Load-FCL 费率本Tariff

从价运费Ad Valorem Freight 包干运费Lumpsum Freight

预付运费Freight Prepaid,Advance Freight

到付运费Freight to Collect,Freight Payable at Destination 亏舱费,空舱费Dead Freight 滞期费Demurrage 装卸时间Laytime 货物留置权Lien on Cargo 航海过失Nautical Fault 驾驶船舶Navigation of the Ship 良好船艺Good Seamanship 管理船舶Management of the Ship 天灾Act of God

不可抗力Force Majeure 同类规则Ejusdem Generis 舱面货,甲板货Deck Cargo

承运人赔偿责任限制,承运人单位责任限制Package Limitation of Liability 非合同之请求,非合同之诉讼Non-contractual Claim 灭失或者损坏的书面通知Notice of Loss or Damage 初步证据Prima Facie Evidence 不知条款Unknown Clause 绝对证据Conclusive Evidence 善意Acting in good faith 据称Said to be

重量不知Weight unknown

正本提单Original Bill of Lading 副本提单Copy of Bill of Lading 保函Letter of Undertaking

物权凭证,所有权凭证Document of Title 记名提单Straight B/L

无船承运人签发给托给人的提单House Bill of Lading(指示提单) 船公司签发给托给人的提单Master Bill of Lading记名提单 指示提单Order B/L 由某人指示Order of *** 凭指示To Order

托运人指示Order of Shipper 银行指示Order of Bank 背书Indorsement,Endorsement 记名背书Special Indorsement 空白背书Indorsement in Blank

