【冀教版】七年级英语下册:Unit 6 Seasons全单元教案 (2)

Unit 6 Seasons

Lesson 31:What strange weather!

Ⅰ.Learning Aims:

1. Grasp main words:strange notice wild wake surprised become dark ski snowball

2. Understand the usages of notice, wake up/wake turn/become, want.

3. Talking about favorite seasons and reasons. 4. Master the grammar: Exclamatory Sentences (Ⅰ). Ⅱ.Learning main points:

1. Main words in this lesson. 2. Favorite seasons and reasons. 3. The grammar: Exclamatory Sentences. Ⅲ.Learning difficulties:

1. About favorite seasons and reasons. 2. The grammar: Exclamatory Sentences. Ⅳ.导学环节: (一)self-learning

1. 温故知新:

1) Use English to phone sb. about recent learning. 2) Read the dialogue and solve the problems in groups. 2. 互助释疑:

sb. up,

the noun of strange-----stranger e.g. He is stranger. notice sb. do/doing sth. (经常做与正在做)

wake up(醒来),wake sb. up(叫醒或唤醒某人) become/turn + adj. want sb. to do sth. 什么叫感叹句?

感叹句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。感叹句句末通常用感叹号,读时一般用降调。 Exclamatory Sentences (Ⅰ)

What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语! What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊! What an interesting story it is! (这是个)多么有趣的故事啊! What fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!

What beautiful flowers they are! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊! 【说明】 在感叹句中,What a / an 常用来修饰单数可数名词,若其前面的形容词为元音开头,则用 an。what 是用来修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词。但有些不可数名词,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用 what a / an,如:

What a heavy rain it is! 多大的一场雨啊! What a great surprise it is! 这多么令人惊奇啊! What a rich breakfast it is! 多么丰盛的一顿早餐啊!

3. 研究出招:

1) 做的不错 2) 去滑雪 3) When he (醒来), he found his mum left. 4) In spring, all snow (融化).

5) I like spring so much, because leaves (turn ) green. 6) 多冷的冬季啊! ! 7) Important spring for us!

A. What B. What a C. B. What an (二)展示交流:

In groups, make a view, what is your favorite season and tell why? (三)拓展提升:

Finish part 1 and 2 on Activity Book. (四)课堂作业:


Doing the exercise on page 83. 2. 挑战自我:

What will you tell us about your favorite season? (五)板书设计: (六)当堂反思:

Lesson 32: I can′t wait for winter!

Ⅰ.Learning Aims:

1.Grasp main vocabulary:research website hill ice snowman clear wait for do some research get… together 2. Understand: website It is a great season for…

3. Talking about favorite seasons, including weather and activities. 4. Master the grammar: Exclamatory Sentences (Ⅱ). Ⅱ.Learning main points:

1. Main vocabulary in this lesson.

2. Favorite seasons including weather and activities. 3. The grammar: Exclamatory Sentences (Ⅱ). Ⅲ.Learning difficulties:

1. About favorite seasons including weather and activities. 2. The grammar: Exclamatory Sentences (Ⅱ). Ⅳ.导学环节: (一)self-learning

1. 温故知新:

1) Use English to talk favorite seasons and reasons. 2) Read the dialogue and solve the problems in groups. 2. 互助释疑: It is a great season for…
