

8 Home from Vietnam, Smith became fascinated by the notion that if you connected all the points of a network through an intermediary hub, the streamlined efficiency could be enormous compared to other disjointed, decentralized businesses, whether the system involved moving packages and letters or people and planes. He decided to take a stab at starting his own business. With an investment from his father's company, as well as a chunk of his own inheritance, Smith bought his first delivery planes and in 1971 formed the Federal Express. 从越南战场回国后,史密斯开始执着于这样一个理念,即如果能将某个运输网络的各个节点通过一个中介枢纽相互连接,其效率较之其他各环节相互之间无联系的分散经营的模式来说要高出许多,不论这一系统所涉及的是运送包裹和信件还是人员和飞机。他决定放手一搏,创建自己的企业。史密斯用父亲公司的投资和他自己继承财产的一部分购买了第一架快递飞机,并于1971年创建了联邦快递。

9 The early days were underscored by extreme frugality and financial losses. It was not uncommon for FedEx drivers to pay for gasoline for their vans out of their own pockets. But despite such problems, Smith showed concern for the welfare of his employees. Just as he recalled, even when they didn't have the money, even when there weren't couches in the office and electric typewriters, they still set the precedent to ensure a good medical and dental plan for their people.


10 Along the way, FedEx pioneered centralization and the \and spoke\system, which has since been adopted by almost all major airlines. The phrase FedEx it has become a fixture in our language as much as Xerox or Google.


11 Smith says success in business boils down to three things. First, you need to have appealing product or service and a compelling strategy. Then you need to have an efficient management system. Assuming you have those things, leading a team is the single most important issue in running an organization today.


12 Although Smith avoids the media and the trappings of public life, he is said to be a friendly

and accessible employer. He values his people and never takes them for granted. He reportedly visits FedEx's Memphis site at night from time to time and addresses sorters by name. For years he extended an offer to any courier with 10 years of service to come to Memphis for an \Smith says, \P-S-P philosophy is like an unbroken circle or chain. There are no clearly definable points of entry or exit. Each link upholds the others and is, in turn, supported by them.\In articulating this philosophy and in personally involving himself in its implementation, Frederick Smith is the forerunner of the new sphere of leadership that success in the future will demand. 尽管史密斯回避媒体采访和公众生活的荣耀,但他却被称为是一位友善而平易近人的雇主。他重视自己的雇员,从不认为他们理所应当该为自己工作。有报道称,他会时不时在晚上造访联邦快递位于孟菲斯的基地,并且称名道姓地与包裹分拣人员打招呼。他会主动发邀请给任何一位已在公司服务十年的快递员,请他们到孟菲斯出席“周年庆典早餐”,这已经持续了很多年。而这其中包含了弗雷德·史密斯自己的哲学:人员,服务,利润(P-S-P)。史密斯说,“P-S-P的哲学理念就好像一个不可分割的循环,没有清晰可辨的入口或出口,每一个环节都支持着其他环节,同时也反过来受其他环节支撑。”通过明确表达并亲身践行这一理念,弗雷德里克·史密斯已成为未来成功所必需的新领导领域的开拓者。


Building the dream of Starbucks 霍华德·舒尔茨创造“星巴克”之梦

1 Howard Schultz is not a household name to most North Americans, but those living in urban or suburban communities know his company: the specialty coffee retailer Starbucks. With impressive velocity, Starbucks has grown into the largest coffee roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in North America in a span of only a decade. By 2000, its coffee houses could be found in more than 3,000 locations worldwide; even President Bill Clinton was seen in a snapshot with a Starbucks brew in his hand. According to the US weekly magazine, Newsweek, Schultz's merging of the three Cs — coffee, commerce and community — surely ranks as one of the '90s greatest retail successes.


2 Schultz was born in 1953 and grew up in an extremely poor Text of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. His mother worked as a receptionist, and his father held a variety of jobs, none of which offered decent pay or medical insurance. When Schultz was seven, his father lost his job as a delivery driver when he broke his ankle in an accident. In the ensuing months, the family was literally too poor to put food on the table.



3 During his youth, Schultz was hounded by the shame of his family's \escaped the hot Brooklyn summer one year to attend camp, but would not return when he learned it was for low-income families. He was teased by boys in high school and ashamed to tell his girlfriend where he lived. The harsh memories of those early times stayed with him for the rest of his life.


4 Sports became an escape from the shame of poverty. Schultz earned an athletic scholarship to Northern Michigan University in 1975. He was the first person in his family to graduate from college as none of his predecessors had training beyond vocational school.


5 The bud of inspiration for his phenomenal coffee business began growing in a 1983 visit to Milan, Italy. Schultz conceived of a new American way of life in the coffee bars of Milan. He sought to recreate such forums for people in the US to start their days or visit with friends. In 1987, at the age of 34, Schultz organized a group of investors and purchased the company that had formerly employed him, the Starbucks Coffee Company in Seattle, which he restructured as the Starbucks Corporation.


6 The public verdict was overwhelmingly positive. Schultz's premium coffee bars were an instant success, acting as a stimulus of rapid growth and expansion not only for Starbucks but also for the coffee industry around the world. In 1992, Starbucks became the first specialty coffee company to go public, affirming its magnitude and prospects. 公众的反映出奇地好。舒尔茨创建的高端咖啡厅立即获得了成功,这刺激了星巴克乃至全球整个咖啡产业的迅速成长和发展。1992年,星巴克成为第一家公开上市的特色咖啡经营公司,确证了公司的发展规模和前景。

7 Starbucks' first major venture outside of the northwestern part of the nation was Chicago, where the company's specialty sales division developed new business with department stores and established Starbucks coffee bars adjacent to the business Texts in national bookstores. Starbucks also formed a partnership with PepsiCo to create and distribute a new ready-to-drink

coffee-based beverage, and entered into a licensing agreement with Kraft Foods. As a company seeking to develop with a multilateral approach, Starbucks even developed a relationship with the music industry to sell Starbucks-tailored CDs of classical brass and orchestral music in the coffee bars.


8 When Starbucks opened its first store in New York City, it was a homecoming for Schultz, but he did not act like the head of the reigning royalty of coffee he had become. The New York Times commented, \almost apologetic manner.\


9 Schultz has also attracted considerable attention with his unconventional employment policies. He wanted to give Starbucks' employees both a philosophical and a financial stake in the business. He decreed that employees who worked the quota of 20 hours a week or more were eligible for medical, dental, and optical coverage as well as for stock options. At a time when other companies were trimming benefits as a cost-cutting measure, Schultz, who grew up in a family without any medical coverage, was vocal in his belief that genuinely caring about your employees is critical to building a sturdy workforce. \Times. \We want to provide our people with dignity and self-esteem, and we can't do that with lip service.\Starbucks stipulates that every employee with at least half-time hours can receive health-care benefits. Schultz credits the utilization of such a benefits policy as the key to the company's growth because it has given Starbucks a more dedicated workforce and an extremely high level of customer service. The chain also achieved a dramatically low turnover rate, half that of the average fast food business. This creates a significant numerical payoff for Starbucks, since each new employee represents an expenditure of $3,000 in recruiting and training costs and productivity losses.

