IBM POWER AIX系统软硬件问题征兆及解决办法 下载本文

The BOS boot image contains a copy of the system's kernel and device drivers needed to boot from the mksysb tape,It is created by the bosboot command

There are three important files in the mkinsttape image: ./tapeblksz contains the block size

./ allow you to specify the requirements at the target system and how the user interacts with the target system

./ contain information describing the image installed during the BOS installation process,This information includes the size,names ,maps,and mount points of logical volumes and file systems in the rootvg

# mksysb -i 产生一个新的 on the tape during a backup( mkszfile命令产生的

The mksysb commmand creates a bootable image of the rootvg file system either in a file system directory onto a bootable tape,an is used to restore a system after a system failure or for system cloning

# savevg -if /dev/rmt0 uservg 使用tar备份目录:

进入该目录,运行: # tar -cvf /dev/fd0 * 使用backup备份目录:

进入该目录,运行: # find . -print ( or -depth ) | backup -i -f /dev/rmt0 (相对的路径)恢复时使用restore

使用cpio备份目录: # cd /

# find /userdirectory -print | cpio -o -c -v -B >; /dev/rmt0 (恢复时使用cpio -i) (绝对的路径)


# backup -0 -uf /dev/rmt0 /home # backup -1 -uf /dev/rmt0 /home


Rewind the tape to the beginning by using the following # tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind ( mt 也可以 )

显示在一个备份的媒质上的内容 # restore -T -d -v -q -s4 -f /dev/rmt0.1


# restore -x -d -v -q -s4 -f /dev/rmt0.1 ./etc/hosts # tar -xvg /dev/rmt0 /etc/hosts

# cpio -i -c -v -d -u -m -B < /dev/rmt0 \ (注意多了一个 -d )

The following shows how to restore the file /etc/hosts from a backup that was made using the -i

flag option during a backup by file sytem , notice the -d flag is used to restore the file # restore -x -d -v -q -f /dev/rmt0 /etc/hosts

The following shows how to restore the file /etc/hosts when a file system backup was used to make the backup

# restore -x -v -q -f /dev/rmt0 /etc/hosts


先 tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind

# restore -x -d -v -s4 -f/dev/rmt0.1 ./var/dt # tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 /var/dt

# cpio -i -c -v -d -u -m -B < /dev/rmt0 \

考点: 一个典型的错误发生在磁带和系统之间移动数据的时候,是因为不正确的 Block size 使用 # tcopy /dev/rmt0 来决定 tape block size

# dd if=/dev/rmt0 bs=128k count=1 | wc -c 来决定 tape block size 改变 tape block size 使用 # chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512 复制磁带: # tcopy /dev/rmt0 /dev/rmt1 创建一个软盘的copy:

# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/ddcopy # dd if=/tmp/ddcopy of=/dev/fd0

第九部分: SRC 启动SRC:

涉及到一个 /usr/sbin/srcmstr 进程,Remove the srcmstr daemon from the /etc/inittab file would cause these startsrc command to fail

Make a record for the srcmstr daemon in the /etc/inittab file using the mkitab command # mkitab -i fbcheck srcmstr:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/srcmstr #telinit q

The syslogd daemon read the /etc/syslog.conf configuration file when it is activated or when it receives a hangup signal

If you decide to capture the warning messages from all users int hte /var/spool/syslog file, 1、 .warning /var/spool/syslog (在 /etc/syslog.conf中加入相关信息 ) 2、 touch /var/spool/syslog ( 创建该文件 )

3、 chmod 666 /var/spool/syslog ( 改变权限使所有的用户都可以写信息到该文件 ) 4、 refresh -s syslogd

安装skuler command只需要将/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root文件中的注释去掉

第十部分: Newwork adminsitration

At IPL time, the /init process will run /etc/rc.tcpip after starting the SRC

The script /etc/tcp.clean can be used to stop TCP/IP daemon, It will stop some daemons and remove the /etc/locks/lpd TCP/IP lock file

Note that the /etc/tcp.clean does not stop the portmap and nfsd daemons ( 要使用stopsrc 和

startsrc )

该命令调用方法: # sh /etc/tcp.clean

注意:不要使用 # startsrc -g tcpip 来启动TCP/IP daemons(它将同时启动routed和gated) Remove the rc.tcpip条目在/etc/inittab中将在IPL阶段不会启动任何 server application,如果使用的图形终端,一定要确认删除了rc.dt和rc.tcpip条目,否则系统将挂起

Inetd进程调用了inet.conf文件,如果使用smit改变该/etc/inetd.conf的话,inetd进程自动refresh,如果使用vi来更新的话,则要使用refresh -s inetd 或者是 kill -l inetdPID来手工刷新 subserver controlled by inetd in the inetd.conf文件 # lssrc -ls inetd 列示启动的subserver

When the inetd daemon is stopped, The previously started subserver processes are not affected , However , new service requests for the subservers can no longer be satisfied,此时,就不能telnet 或 ftp了


The protmap daemon converts remote procedure call (RPC) program numbers into Internet port numbers

When an RPC server starts up , it registers with the portmap daemon

Since standard RPC servers are normally started by the inetd daemon,The portmap daemon must be started before the inetd daemon is invoked

注意: if the portmap daemon is stopped or comes to an abnormal end,all RPC servers on the hosts must be restarted, The nfsd is a common RPC server

The default order in resolving host names is : 1、 BIND/DNS (named) 2、NIS 3、/etc/hosts 通过创建/etc/netsvc.conf文件可以改变该顺序


一个/etc/resolv.conf的例子: # cat /etc/resolvl.conf nameserver



确认named进程的状态: # lssrc -s named

插入一块新的网卡后需要的配置步骤:(基于硬件的配置) 1、必要的话重新调用cfgmgr命令来加载硬件 2、smitty devices安装驱动软件

3、# diag -a 确认新的网卡已经加入到硬件配置中了 4、再次运行cfgmgr

5、# lsdev -cl ent0 确认该网卡处于available的状态

6、使用 # smitty inet来配置nework interface,不要使用smitty mktcpip,It is used for configuration TCP/IP for the first time

To change advanced feature of network adapters # smitty chgenet

To configure TCP/IP # smitty tcpip

To change/show Characteristics of a nework interface # smitty chinet

Enable IP forwarding: no -o ipforwarding=1

配置IP地址: # smitty mktcpip

Identify network interface on your server # lsdev -Cc if

This will list of all interfaces on the system,whether they are being actively or not

或者使用 # ifconfig -a

This will produce a list of all network interfaces on the system that have ip addresses and are actively

To get information about one specific network interface # ifconfig en0

To activate a network interface # ifconfig tr0 up

# ifconfig tr0 netmaski up (同时分配一个IP address) To deactivate a network interface # ifconfig tro down

To delete an address from a network interface

# ifconfig tro delete ( this command does not place the interface in the down state,nor does it remove the interface from the work interface list )

To remove the interface tro from the network interface list

# ifconfig tr0 detach ( This command remove all network addresses assigned to the interface and removes the interface from the output of the ifconfig -a command,To add an interface back to the system , or to add a new interface to the newwork interface list , run # ifconfig Interface

考点: 给一块网卡绑两个IP address :

# ifconfig tr0 netmask alias

删掉该IP # ifconfig tr0 netmask delete

MTU to small :may be lost during transmission MTU to length :may be collide with other packets

如何看一块网卡的MTU ( 同一个LAN中必须有相同的MTU) # lsattr -El en0
