复旦《高级英语》下册答案(陈庆生) 下载本文

sorry for what I?ve done to the church.”

11. The weather beaten peasant woman stormed into the hall, threw herself on her dead mother in the coffin, and began to wail bitterly.

12. Her classmates turned off all the lights and hid in the wardrobes in the corners, or behind the doors, trying to make game of her on this April Fools? Day.

13. At the sight of his burnt-down native village and the charred bodies of his loved ones, a fury began to expand in the guerrilla leader. He stamped his feet, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, determined to take his revenge on the enemy for their heinous crime.

14. Using a box of chocolates as a bribe, the middle-aged woman coaxed the little boy into taking a message to his father for her.

15. The angry woman said to her husband,“ I think you?re just making a show of agreeing with me in order to get some peace.”

16. He was so ready to fall in with her offers that she scented a trap in the business transaction. Lesson Ten


Ⅲ. A. 1. fumbled 2. kindled 3. measure off 4.dug-outs 5. turmoil, at the mercy of 6. has come his way 7. darn 8.shimmering 9. varnish 10. reeled in 11.grope 12.Dwarf 13.deluge 14.jocularity 15.daubs


G. 1. The goat is an ancient creature that has done much for man. One of the small services the goat has rendered to man is in the way of language. For example, some men wear goatees, thin whiskers that hang down their chins like the whiskers on a goat.

2. The would-be boss smiled as he came into the reception hall, which put the employees immediately at ease.

3. Some poets want to live in a perpetual lethargy so that their life can proceed with the utmost quiet and freedom and they might compose poems in a semi-somnambulant state.

4. Vultures are hovering over the cliff, below which a fierce battle was fought the night before, and hundreds of dead soldiers are still lying unburied there.

5. The Indians in North America often send news over long distances by beating out a message on a hollow log.

6. The senior journalist sank into his easy chair with great relish and began to indulge in recollection of those battles in the war that he had witnessed at first hand. 7. In that remote and backward mountain, the tribal chieftains often scourged captives with whips and then made them slaves.

8. The well-groomed secretary had to run all the way at the news, and yet he arrived with not a hair out of place.

9. It raining cats and dogs outside! I rather sit by the cozy fire and not venture out in the pouring rain.

10. The upshot of the young man infatuation with his study of butterflies made him so restless with the present job that he asked to be relieved of his duties and later


went to Africa.

11. At the commencement, everyone was in a fever of excitement. Graduating students shook hands with their beloved professors, embraced their buddies, and threw their caps into the sky.

12. When the war-time hero appeared on the rostrum, the audience gave him a standing ovation and looked at him with admiration and respect.

13.The members of the joint exploration team tried their best to save their slender stock of water for the camels, their ships in the desert.

14. In those difficult years, he was sent to Inner Mongolia, where he rode herd for a collective farm near the border.

15. I should say he is a unique landscape painter, at any rate for someone who is colorblind.

16. Tom was none too happy about the outcome of the election.

17. His aloofness has strengthened the estrangement between him and his colleagues.

18. The President?s advisors tried their best to prevail upon him to cancel the trip. CLOZE

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