复旦《高级英语》下册答案(陈庆生) 下载本文


Ⅲ. A. 1. retract 2. potential 3. goaded 4. disobliging 5. agonies 6. deprecating 7. grudgingly 8.repulsive

9. forestalled 10.strident 11. unflinching 12. was bogged (down) in 13. accessible 14. invariably 15.pass muster 16. prowess 17. something of a rarity 18. wore off 19. intransigence 20. was divested of

B. 1. Her many years of laborious efforts culminated in a successful exhibition of her paintings in Hangzhou last year.

2. Known as a child wonder when he was a kid, for he could write beautiful poems at seven, he did not grow to be a poet or a scholar and his literary talent proved only a flash-in-the-pan.

3. It suddenly dawned on me that Lant was on the verge of bankruptcy. There had been reports that the finance of his business was in a deplorable tangle.

4. Wholesale indulgence of the only child in the family actually does no good but a lot of harm to its growth.

5. When we old friends met, we would talk about our careers and families. Susan told me that her brother Stephen, now on the bright side of thirty, is a successful lawyer in a southern city. And I learnt that Teddy, on the shady side of forty, recently married a Thai girl.

6. An occasional prod is good for children, but too many prods can only produce negative, if not disastrous, effect.


7. She can hardly believe that the expensive dress she bought last year has already gone out of fashion.

8. A Sino-British Exploration Team was being organized to cross the vast expanse of the Taklimakan Desert When he learned the news, the young reporter could not resist entering for the expedition.

9. Jim?s intransigence has proved a handicap to his relations with his colleagues. 10 .Every Saturday those kind-hearted people will go to the Children Welfare Institute and each will bring a child home, and the handicapped child, showered with love, will spend a happy weekend in his new home where he is made to feel to be a member of the family.

11. I could visualize my childhood friend, now a rising film, star, surrounded by fans, smiling and nodding to everyone who was trying to accost her.

12. I am all too familiar with Harry type. He will invariably make a fuss over a trivial matter.

13. The son played the game both ways successfully, which culminated in a harmonious relationship between his mother and his wife.

14. Somerset Maugham may rightly be referred to as a versatile writer, whose novels, plays, short stories and other works are still extremely popular and are widely read today.

15. In the four-star hotel lobby the Chinese artist was accosted by two overseas Chinese who later hosted a dinner party in his honor.

16. Because Jack had a facility for figures he took to accounting like a duck (takes) to water.


17. In the dusk of the evening the young girl became a little scared when she found she was the only person on the country road with a car bogged down.

18. Everyone should try to look on the bright side of life even when misfortune befalls him.

19. You can never imagine what fun the few of us far away from home got out of spinning yarns after work in those days.

20. The Nazis wholesale murder of Jews during World Ⅱ is the most outrageous crime in human history. CLOZE

prepared before nervous blank tests knew similar take shaking hold answers something tension result recognized excuse courses courses anxiety relax calm controlling Learned results about imagining C works rest With

Lesson Nine


Ⅲ. B. 1. overlook 2.palavering 3.news behind the news 4. off the record 5.acted as a brake 6.masher

7 .rejoicing 8.Melancholia 9.was holding forth 10. a cut above 11.aglow 12.give him his due 13. reeling 14.despondent / in distress 15.goings-on


16. wear off 17.dawned on 18.came on 19. split their sides 20.make sport of

F.1. Because of his backache; the once vigorous scholar can?t walk for more than two hours at a stretch.

2. Before the job interview, nothing could have soothed him as much as the knowing smile on his mother?s face.

3. The young manager is becoming stuffed up with his recent success in turning the bankrupt textile mill into a profit-making enterprise.

4. New laws and regulations should be formulated and passed and passed and passed by the Congress to act as a brake on the rampant corruption among leaders at various levels.

5.The Chairman told the people present at the meeting that futile palavering won?t solve any of the critical issues.

6. After years of closed-door policies in governing the land, the country suddenly found that other nations were miles ahead of it when it started to adopt a foreign-oriented market economy.

7. That girl student in red is smart and well-bred. She is always a cut above the rest of the class in all courses.

8.1993 was a year of anti-corruption. Movements to expose corrupt officials and crush illegal activities were carried out in various countries around the world. 9. When it dawned on the Dean that the boy had played truant for lucrative dealings, the smile on his face quickly wore off.

10.The young woman bowed reverently to the bishop and whispered, “I?m really