36081001-大学英语1-第二组 参考试题 下载本文

试题解析: 考生答案:D 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

56. Lucy’s answer is different from ( ). I agree with ( ). A. me, us B. me, our C. yours, her D. you, you


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:D 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

57. Many people complained that the hospital ( ) patients too much for the medicine and medical treatment. A. charge B. charges C. charged

D. being charged


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:C 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

58. Mark told me that the job would be finished by September, ( ) personally I doubt very much. A. what B. why C. that D. which


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:D 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:D 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

59. Mathematics ( ) study or science of numbers. A. is B. are C. am D. be


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:A 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:A 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

60. Mike is better than Peter ( ) swimming. A. in B. at C. on D. under


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:B 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:B 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

61. He insists ( ) in this hotel. A. on stay

B. staying C. that he stay D. stayed


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:A 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

62. She said she met him ( ) chance yesterday morning. A. with B. by C. to D. on


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:B 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:B 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

63. More than one passenger ( ) in this accident. A. have been injured B. injure

C. has been injured D. injured


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:A 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:D 考生得分:***

是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

64. He isn’t likely ( ) now. It’s too late. A. come B. comes C. to come D. came


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:C 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:C 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

65. Mom, I’m thirsty. Would you please give me some ( )? A. salt B. sand C. food D. water


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:D 试题难度:一般 试题解析: 考生答案:D 考生得分:*** 是否评分:已评分 评价描述:***

66. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has ( ) time to read newspaper. A. little B. few C. a few D. a little


试题类型:单选题 标准答案:A