三级英语汉译英 下载本文


Unit 1

1. 他是在大二的时候转学的。 2. 没法知道他会去多久。

3. 大点声说话,让大家都听得见。 4. 他是如此之坏,我根本就不信任他。 5. 那时家里太穷了,不能供孩子们上学。


1. It was in his sophomore year that he transferred to another college.参考答案:参考答案:参考答案:There is no knowing how long he might be away. Speak louder so that everyone can hear you. He is so wicked that I don?t trust him at all.

At that time the family was too poor to send the children to school. Unit 2 他习惯于晚睡晚起。 他一到家就打开了电视。 你应该知道这样做是为什么。 我们现在把精力放在经济方面。


He is used to going to bed late and getting up late. He turned on TV as soon as he got home. You should know what you are doing this for.

At present our efforts are fpcused on developing economy.

No matter where/Wherever we are, we must keep in mind that we are Chinese. Unit 3 既然他已经道歉了,我们就应该原谅他。 他隔一周去看望爷爷奶奶。

令他失望的是,他考试只得了一个B。 他宁愿一个人呆着也不愿意去参加晚会。 为已失去的时光悲伤是没用的。

Now that he has appologized, we should forgive him. He goes to see his grandparents every other week. To his disappointment, he only got a B in the exam. He?d rather stay alone than go to the party. It?s no use grieving over past time.

Unit 4


她迫不及待地要回家告诉家人这个好消息。 就气候而言,这个城市是生活的理想之地。 他连自己都养不活,更别说养家了。


1. We are looking forward to watching the World Cup.

2. She couldn?t wait to go home to tell the good news to her family. 3. As far as the climate is concerned, the city is an ideal place to live in. 4. He can?t even support himself, let alone a family. 5. I was shopping when a young man stole my wallet.

Unit 5

1. 无论多么困难, 他都坚信自己有一天一定能成功。 2. 他的用心是非常明显的。

3. 一旦你让他开始讲话,就没法让他停止。 4. 考试时,越紧张就越容易出错。 5. 他的话是否真实让人怀疑。


1. However difficult it may be, he firmly believes that he will succeed someday. 2. There was no mistaking his intentions.

3. Once you let him start talking, there?s no stopping him.

4. The more nervous you are in an exam, the more likely you are to make mistakes. 5. It is doubtful whether his words are true or not.

Part A:真题练习

1、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班公共汽车。 2、直到昨天晚上他才改变主意。 3、同意这项建议的请举手。


5、每次访问他们都会发现这个城市呈现出新的面貌。 6、每个人都知道,学习对一个人的成长是至关重要的。 7、我们的新产品非常受欢迎,对此我们感到十分自豪。 8、您能说话大声点好让每个人都听得见吗? 9、除了英语,你最好再学一门外语。

10、在教育孩子方面,表扬比批评有效得多。 11、今年他们建造的房子跟去年一样多。 12、对不起,我忘了把你要的书带来了。 13、这项工作太难,你干不了。

14、无论多么困难,我也不会失去信心。 15、物品离我们越远,看起来就越小。 16、成功在于勤奋,这句话很正确。


18、如果有机会,约翰也许就已经成为一位杰出的画家了。 19、她行医已经有三年零四个月了。

20、就是在那间斗室里,他们勤奋地工作着,憧憬着美好的未来。 21、在我看来,他们很难掩盖事实真相。


23、我想说的是,在奥运会上做志愿者(volunteer)对于年轻人是有意义的事。 24、简而言之,每个人都该为自己的行为负责。 25、我下决心一个月内在功课上要赶上同学们。 26、使我感到惊奇的是,他的英语说得如此的好。


28、尽管有许多困难, 我们仍然决心执行我们的计划。 29、我们居住的地球是一个大球体。

30、我们向李先生学习,因为他有丰富的工作经验。 31、每个人都喜欢受表扬而不是批评。

32、人们抱怨当地政府在处理污染问题上力度不够。 33、只要你尽力而为,即使将来失败也没有人会指责你。 34、他告诉我要慢慢来,没有必要提前完成这项工作。


Par C:补充练习

1、在当今时代,人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种各样的难题。 2、这篇文章的目的是告诉学生怎样培养良好的学习习惯。

3、有人认为男孩子的成绩总是比女孩子好。然而,事实并非如此。 4、他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他将用另一种方法来做。 5、她读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。

6、我们认为他不能在一刻钟内走完那段距离,但他却成功地做到了这一点。 7、国庆节要到了,我们把寝室彻底打扫一下吧。

8、老人读完信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手把它撕得粉碎。 9、众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。



12、史密斯今天早晨上学又迟到了。他应该早一点起床。肯定是昨晚睡得太迟了。 13、对学生来说,坚持这项规定是很重要的。 14、尽管困难重重,我们仍决心执行我们的计划。 15、据报道,那条铁路因洪水而停止修建。

16、萨姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。 17、王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗? 18、看外表,他一点都不像是个八十多岁的老人。 19、我怎么能为他的讲话负责呢?

20、他努力控制住自己的感情,假装没有听见那个令人悲痛的消息。 21、运用这种技术将引起水果生产的一场革命。

22、这位古希腊哲学家似乎能够用简单的文字来表达复杂的思想。 23、那个国家再一次卷入对外战争。 24、人的学习能力似乎是无限的。

25、一辆卡车驶进了学校白雪覆盖的操场。 26、就是在这间房子里,他们工作了近十年。 27、直到昨天下午他们才讨论了我的建议。

28、大多数学生发现,亚里士多德的哲学思想比他们原先所想的要复杂的多。 29、我已了解清楚,她的结论是以事实为根据的。 30、这个村庄是以它前面的那座大山命名的。

31、他病了一个月左右,这使他在学习上耽误了很多。 32、这封信必须交给大卫本人。


34、会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。 35、亨利创作的艺术品在许多方面都比他弟弟的要好。





39、就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她的妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。 40、千万别说可能被别人误解的话。

41、经过多次失败之后,他终于成功地发明了一种比已有的任何一种都好的自行车。 42、只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。

43、彼得的数学不好,但要说到体育,他却是班上最好的。 44、成功在于勤奋,这句话是对的。 45、一切都表明他的计划出了毛病。


47、数学老师知道,如果汤姆解不出这道难题,那么很可能班上别的学生也解不出。 48、科学家已经做了无数实验,表明在改进人的行为方面,表扬比批评有效得多。 49、我确实知道,现在有不少年轻人有一边做作业,一边听音乐的习惯。 50、不言而喻,青年人的教育对一个国家的未来是至关重要的。 51、她总是乐于帮助班上的其他同学。 52、黄河是中国的第二大河。 53、上课时他一贯认真听讲。


55、早知道他不来参加晚会,我们就不等那么久了。 56、这本书太难,我几乎无法看懂。

57、在不久的将来,北京将变得更加干净漂亮。 58、如你有空的话,请来参加我们的讨论会。 59、王教授建议我们举办一次英语演讲比赛。 60、从香港乘飞机到纽约大约需用多长时间? 61、我昨天去长城了。你去过长城吗? 62、一定要找出办法来防止污染。 63、他看起来好像无所不知。


65、我们应该尽全力去克服在学习中遇到的困难。 66、请你一到学校就给我打电话。

67、我若是校长的话,我一定会给学生减负。 68、用流利的英语跟外宾交谈不是件容易的事。

69、当听到北京成功的喜讯后,广场上所有的人都情不自禁的跳跃欢呼。 70、这是我二十年前住过的村庄。 71、有好几位同学前天到颐和园去了。 72、他每天早上七点钟骑车上班。 73、他确信他的朋友们会到车站接他。 74、下次小心点,别那么粗心大意。 75、你明天下午三点能到我办公室来吗? 76、你觉得那本小说怎么样?

77、妇女自从上个世纪末以来一直在争取平等权利。 78、—你们班谁最年轻?



80、上星期天我忙着准备考试,所以没回家。 81、他在雨停了之后才出发。

82、她待我们很好,就像是对待她的亲兄弟一样。 83、这封信不需要今天发。

84、我往车站跑的时候,遇上了约翰。 85、如果明天天气好的话,我就去划船。 86、史密斯问我,“今天晚上有英文电影吗?”

87、对不起,我没有把你的书带来。我一到家,就给你寄来。 88、这个房间比那个房间大三倍。 89、她正在找从图书馆借来的那本书。 90、毫无疑问他是适合做这项工作的。 91、你知道今天报上有一篇重要的文章吗? 92、他经常睡得很晚,有时候十二点才上床。 93、朱利安准备花大量的时间读当代作家的作品。 94、快点,他们在等着我们呢。

95、关于那个问题我找不到一个好的答案。 96、去年冬天没有下多少雪。


98、他害怕批评,要他认识自己的错误是不容易的。 99、会一开完,他们就开始工作了。 100、运动会已经延迟到下星期一了。 Part A:

1. He get up very early in order to catch the first bus in the morning. 2. He didn’t changed his mind until yesterday night.

3. The people who agree on the suggestion please raise your hands. 4. Whatever how busy you are, you should find time to visit your parents. 5. Every time he visit the city, he find it turn to a new change. 6.Everyone knows that learning is vital /very important to one’s development(growth).

7.Our new products are so popular that we are all proud of it.或Our new products are very popular,of which we are very proud.

8. Could you speak a little louder please so that everyone can hear you? 9. Besides English,you’d better learn another foreign language

10. In educating children,praise is much (far) more effective than criticism. 11. They have built as many houses this year as they did last year. 12. I am sorry to have forgotten to bring the book you want. 13. The work is too difficult for you to finish.

14. However difficult it may be, I will never lose my confidence/heart. 15. The farther an object is away from us, the smaller it looks.

16、It’s quite right that success consists in diligence.

17、As long as you go on working hard, you’ll solve this problem sooner

or later.

18、Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter. 19、She has practiced medicine for three years and four months.

20、It was in that small room that they worked hard and longed for bright


21. As far as I am concerned, it is difficult for them to cover the truth. 22. Until the end of the meeting, the manager kept silent.

23.What I want to say is that to be a volunteer in Olympic games is significant to young people.

24. In short, everyone should be responsible for his behavior. 25.I am determined to catch up with my classmates in one month.

26. To my great surprise, he speaks English so well/his English is so good. 27. It is time to start our conference, let us turn off the radio. 28. Even though there are a lot difficulties, we are still determined to carry out our plan.

29. The earth that we are living in is a big ball.

30. We should learn from Mr. Li because he is a man with rich working experience.

31.Everyone likes to be praised rather than be criticized.

32.People complain that the local government didn't try its best to deal with the issue of


33.As long as you do what you can, no one will accuse you even if you fail it in the future. 34.He told me to take it easy, because it was no necessary to finish this work in advance. 35. We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation

Part B:

1. Nowadays, people depend more and more on computers to solve all knids of problems. 2. The author wrote the article to tell students how to develop good study habits.

3. some people think that boys do better at school than girls. However, that?s not the case. 4. He decided to go on with his experiment, but this time he would try another method.

5. When she was reading the novel, she couldn?t help thinking of the five years she spent in the


6. We thought he couldn?t cover the distance in 15 minutes, but he made it. 7. The National Day is coming, let?s give our dormitory a thorough cleaning.

8. After the old man read the letter, he was so disappointed that he tore it into pieces with his

trembling hands.

9. As is well-know, lung cancer is partly due to too much smoking.

10. The experts say that the generation growing up with TV spent too much time in front ofTV

sets to find enough time to study. 11. Tom used to drink nothing but coffee.

12. Smith was late for school again this morning. He should have got up earlier. He must have

gone to bed very late last night.

13. It is very important for students to obey this rule.

14. In spite the difficulties, we are still determined to carry out plan.

15. It is reported that the building of the railway came to a stop because of the flood. 16. Sam couldn?t afford the camera that he dreamed of because it was too expensive. 17. Professor Wang, could you please do us a favor to come to our English evening? 18. It looks as if he were not an eighty-year-old man at all. 19. How can I be responsible for his words?

20. He tried to control himself, pretending not to hear the sad news.

21. The application of this technology will result in a revolution in fruit production.

22. It seems that the ild Greek philosopher could use simple words to express very complex ideas. 23. The country was involved in the aggression war again. 24. It seems that a man?s learning capacity is unlimited.

25. A truck pulled pulled into the snow ---covered sports ground at the school. 26. It is in this room that they have worked for nearly ten years. 27. They didn?t discuss my suggeation until yesterday afternoon.

28. Most students find out that Aristotle?s philosophy is more profound than they expected. 29. I have found out that her conclusion is based on facts.

30. The village is named after the big mountain that lies in front of it.

31. He has been ill for about one month, which makes him fall far behind in his study.

32. The letter is to be sent to David himself.

33. Although Nancy wanted to join in the discussion very much, she was too shy to say a waod. 34. It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of 11 people be appointed to make the new


35. The drawings painted by Henry were superior to his brother?s in many respects.

36. If I were left to decide whether we would have a city without bicycles or a city without cars, I

would not hesitate a monent to choose the latter. 37. It is clear that her assistant runs the bookstore.

38. As soon as the proposal was announced at the meeting, he stood up to express his different


39. So far as hobbies are concerned, Jenny and her sister have nothing in common. 40. Never say anything that may be misunderstood by others.

41. Having failed many times, he finally succeeded in inventing a bicycle which is superior to any

others in existence.

42. So long as you work hard, you?ll solve the the problem sooner or later.

43. Peter is poor in maths. But when it comes to sports, he is thebest in the class. 44. It is true that success lies in diligence.

45. Everything shows that something has gone wrong with his plan.

46. It is well known that it is more difficult to apply a law than to understand it.

47. The maths teacher knew that Tom couldn?t work out the problem, chances were that the other

students in the class wouldn?t, either.

48. Scientists have done countless experiments, showing that praise is much more efficient than

criticism in improving a man?s behavior.

49. I do know that there are not a few young people who have the habit of doing homework while

listening to music.

50. It goes without saying that education of the young is vital to a nation?s future. 51. She is aalways ready to help the other students in the class. 52. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 53. He always listens carefully in class.

54. The issue can be discussed at the next meeting.

55. If I had known that he wouldn?t come to the party earlier, we wouldn?t have waited so long. 56. The book is too difficult for me to understand.

57. In the near future, Beijing will become cleaner and more beautiful. 58. If you are free, please come to our discussion.

59. Professor suggests that we hold an English speech contest.

60. How long does it take to go from Hong Kong to New York by plane? 61. I went to the Great Wall yesterday. Have you ever been there? 62. A way must be found to prevent pollution.

63. He looks as if he knew everything in the world. 64. The ground is wet. It must have rained yesterday.

65. We should try our best to overcome the difficulties we encounter in our study. 66. Please call me as soon as you get to the school.

67. If I were headmaster, I would reduce the students? learning load. 68. It is not easy to talk with foreign guests in fluent English.

69. Hearing that Beijing was successful, all the people in the square coundn?t help jumping and shouting.

70. This is the village where I lived twenty years ago.

71. There were a few students going to the Summer Palace the day before yesterday. 72. He goes to work by bike at 7 every morning.

73. He is sure that his friends will meet him at the station. 74. Be careful next time. Don?t be so careless.

75. Can you come to my office at 3 tomorrow afternoon? 76. How do you like the novel?

77. Women have been struggling for equal rights since the end of last century. 78. Who is the youngest in your class? ---Xiao le is, he is also the tallest. 79. Would you please lock the door when you leave the room?

80. I was so busy preparing for the test last Sunday that I didn?t go home. 81. He didn?t set off until the rain stopped.

82. She treats us very well, as if we were her brothers. 83. The letter needn?t be sent today.

84. I met John when I was running to the station. 85. I?ll go boating if it is fine tomorrow.

86. Smith asks me, “is there going to be an English film this evening?” 88. This room is three times as big as that one.

89. She is looking for the book which she borrowed from the library. 90. It is beyond doubt that he is qualified for the job.

91. Do you know that there is an important article in today?s newspaper? 92. He often goes to bed late, sometimes he doesn?t go to bed until 12 o?clock. 93. Julian is going to spend much time reading works by contemportary writers. 94. Hurry up! They are waiting for us.

95. I can?t find a good solution to that problem.

96. It didn?t snowmuch/We didn?t have much snow last winter.

97. The farmers? living standard has been improving in recent years.

98. He is afraid of criticism. It is not easy to make him realise his own mistakes. 99. Hardly had the meeting been over when they began to work. 100. The sports meet has been put off till next Monday.

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