(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分):
第1题:How many artists designed the mascot?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Eight. 【正确答案】A
讲解:Haibao was designed by two artists, one from Shanghai and the other from Taiwan. 选A
第2题: Passage AA mother in Australia was told by a doctor that her newly-born son was 《dead》, but she helped bring him back to life by holding the baby
against her body. She used a method known as 《kangaroo care (袋鼠护理法)》. The child, named Jamie, was born after only 27 weeks with his twin sister, Emily, at a hospital in Sydney. Her birth went well, but his was a different story. The doctor struggled for 20 minutes to save Jamie before declaring him dead.《His little arms and legs were just falling down away from his body,》 Kate Ogg said, 《I took my coat off and put him on my chest with his head over my arm.》 She and her husband, David, spoke to the child as she continued to hold him for nearly two hours.
During that time, the two-pound baby showed signs of life. She said, 《I told my mom, who was there, that he was still alive. Then he held out his hand and grabbed(抓住) my finger.》 Their tiny baby grew stronger and stronger in his mother's arms, and their final goodbye turned into a hello.The doctor at first
ignored the baby's movements, but when he put the stethoscope(听诊器) to its chest, his mouth was wide open and he said, 《It's my fault. It's a miracle.》《The 'kangaroo care' helps the baby keep body warmth,》 Dr. Pinchi Srinivasan said. 《It also regulates(调节) heart beat and breathing rates and is believed to help weight gain and improve sleeping habits. Fathers can also use 'kangaroo care'. The key to the method is skin-to-skin contact.》The practice began in less developed nations. It has become a recognized practice in helping premature babies. The technique is good for babies, and is used in many baby care centres.
After hearing what the doctor said, the mother ________.A. chose to believe the doctorB. didn't give up and tried to bring her baby to lifeC. became so sad that she almost became madD. became angry at what the doctor did to her son 【正确答案】B
讲解:【解析】推理判断题。根据短文第一段描述but she helped to bring him back to life by holding the baby against her body.但是她通过紧贴自己的身体抱着孩子帮助挽救了孩子的生命,可推断出她没有放弃而是努力救孩子,故选B。
第3题: Passage C A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him. At last an old soldier came by, and the
young officer stopped him and said, 《Have you got change for ten pence?》 《Wait a moment,》 the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, 《I'll see whether I can help you.》 《Don't you know how to speak to an officer?》 the young officer said angrily, 《Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?》 《No, sir.》 the old soldier answered quickly.The young officer looked around for help because he_____________.
A. wanted to change moneyB. didn't have coins for the phone callC. had no money to make the phone callD. didn't have the local money 【正确答案】A
讲解:第一段He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the
right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.可知他四处张望找别人换零钱。选A
第4题:It's clear that the Eatery __________.
A. can hold 150 people at most B. only provides Chinese foodC. was set up in the year of 1980 D. doesn't offer many choices 【正确答案】C
第5题:What can be inferred from Paragraph3?
A. Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2.B.T he business centre of London is in Zone1.C .Hosts dislike traveling to the city centre.D. The traffic system in London is inconvenient. 【正确答案】B
讲解:【解析】细节退推理题。根据Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential(居住的).可知大多数寄宿家庭都生活在伦敦的商业区。可知商业区在伦敦的寄宿家庭区了。
第6题:fever( )
A.sickness B.warship C.seize D.Planet 【正确答案】C
讲解:【解析】fever [i:] A [I] B [I] C[i:] D [I]
第7题:A.number B.student C.music D.introduce
讲解: A、/ʌ/ B、/ju:/ C、/ju:/ D、/ju:/
第8题:What's the special difference between the TYPING course and the other two? A. People with different skill levels may learn at different speed.B. You will
take a test after the course.C. You will pay less money.D. You will pay more money. 【正确答案】A
第9题:A.pleasant B. pleasing C. pleased D. please
讲解:【解析】sb be pleased to do sth 某人很高兴做某事。
第10题: 什么是天然气水合物呢?它真有如此巨大的潜在能力吗? 天然气水合物是天然气(主要成分为甲烷)和水在中高压和低温条件下混合时产生的晶体物质,外貌极似冰雪,点火即可燃烧,故又称之为《可燃冰》或者《气冰》、《固体瓦斯》。它在自然界分布非常广泛,海底以下0到1500米深的大陆架或北极等地的永久冻土带都有可能存在,世界上已有79个国家和地区都发现了天然气水合物气藏。 从能源的角度看,《可燃冰》可视为被高度压缩的天然气资源,每立方米能分解释放出160-180标准立方米的天然气。迄今为止,在世界各地的海洋及大陆地层中,已探明的《可燃冰》储量是全球传统化石能源(煤、石油、天然气、油页岩等)的两倍以上。 到底在什么样的条件下才能形成《可燃冰》?专家认为,形成《可燃冰》最少要满足三方面条件。首先是温度,海底的温度是2℃至4℃时,适合《可燃冰》的形成,高于20℃就分解。其次是压力,在0℃时,只需要30个大气压就可以形成《可燃冰》。如果在海底,海深每增加10米,压力就增大1个大气压。因此海深300米就可达到30个大气压。海越深,压力越大,《可燃冰》就越稳定。第三是气源,海底古生物尸体的沉积物,被细菌分解会产生甲烷,或者是天然气在地球深处产生并不断进入地壳。在上述三个条件都具备的情况下,天然气可在介质的空隙中和水生成《可燃冰》。甲烷分子被若干个水分子形成的笼型结构接纳,生成笼型固体结晶水合物,分散在海底岩层的空隙中。在常温常压下,《可燃冰》分解为甲烷和水。最有可能形成《可燃冰》的区域一个是高纬度的冻土层。如美国的阿拉斯加、俄罗斯的西伯利亚都已有发现,而且俄国已经开采近了20年。另一个是海底大陆架斜坡。如美国和日本的近海海域,加勒比海沿岸及我国南海和东海海底均有储藏,估计我国黄海海域和青藏高原的冻土带也有储藏。二者之中,海底的《可燃冰》储量较大。 天然《可燃冰》主要埋藏于海底的岩石中,中国科学院院士、中国地球物理学会理事汪集认为,开采这种气水合物会给生态造成一系列严重问题。因为《可燃冰》中存在两种温室气体——甲烷和二氧化碳。甲烷是绝大多数《可燃冰》中的主要成分,同时也是一种反应快速、影响明显的温室气体。《可燃冰》中甲烷的总量大致是大气中甲烷数量的3000倍。作为短期温室气体,甲烷比二氧化碳所产生的温室效应要大得多。有学者认为,在导致全球气候变暖方面,甲烷所起的作用比二氧化碳要大10-20倍。如果在开采中甲烷气体大量泄漏于大气中,造成的温室效应将比二氧化碳更加严重。而《可燃冰》矿藏哪怕受到最小的破坏,甚至是自然的破坏,都足以导致甲烷气的大量散失。而这种气体如果进入大气,无疑会增加温室效应,进而使地球升温更快。 此外,《可燃冰》也可能是引起地质灾害的主要因素之一。由于《可燃冰》经常作为沉积物的胶结物存在,它的形成和分解能够影响沉积物的强度。美国地质调查所的调查表明,开采《可燃冰》可能导致大陆斜坡上发生滑坡,这种地质灾害对海岸及海底的各种设施是一种极大的威胁。 和石油、天然气相比,《可燃冰》不易开采和运输,世界上至今还没有完美的开发方案。《可燃冰》气藏的最终确定必须通过钻探,其难度比常规海上油气钻探要大得多,由于《可燃冰》遇减压会迅速分解,极易造成井喷,进而使海水汽化,引发海啸导致翻船。 由此可见,《可燃冰》作为一种被寄予厚望的未来新能源的同时,也是一种具
有一定危险性的能源。《可燃冰》的开发利用就像一柄《双刃剑》,需要加以小心对待。 ——选自向杰《《可燃冰》将解千年能源忧?》 下列对《可燃冰》《是一种危险的能源》的理解,不正确的一项是( )
A.和石油、天燃气等能源相比,《可燃冰》在开采和运输过程中,可能给生态造成一系列严重问题。 B.《可燃冰》有利有弊,本身就像一柄《双刃剑》,从目前情况看,《可燃冰》的危害远大于功用。 C.如果开发《可燃冰》资源发生井喷事故,无论对海洋生态还是对海上航行,都会构成极大的威胁。 D.《可燃冰》在常温压力会分解为甲烷和水,能够影响沉积物的强度,进而可能诱发海底地质灾害。 【正确答案】B
第11题:A. write B. writes C. writing D. written
第12题:The library has just _______ .
A. completed B. been completed C. completing D. complete 【正确答案】B
第13题:下列加横线注音完全正确的一组是:( )
A.飒爽sà 框架kuàng 榛莽zhēn 大厦shàB.睦邻mù 河畔bàn 栖息qī 文牍dúC.发酵xiào 混淆xiáo 绥靖jìng 楔子xiēD.手绢juàn 轴心zhóu 土坯pī 正月zhèng 【正确答案】A
讲解:B. 河畔pàn 栖息qī C. 发酵jiào D.正月zhēng
第14题:When I got to the station, the train ________.
A. leaving B. leaves C. left D. had left 【正确答案】D
第15题: Passage B Everyone knows the small insects called mosquito. It is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or where it is very dry. During the summer, it is
almost certain that you find many mosquitoes near swamps, ponds and lakes. Mosquitoes have an interesting life style. The female mosquito bites a person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs this blood before she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and depositsher eggs in the water. In a few days the eggs open, and the baby mosquitoes,called larvae, come out. In a short time, they will be mature and fly away. It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood. She has a special mouth which can go into an animal's skin or a person's skin. On the other hand, the male mosquito can only drink plant juices with his mouth.
The author suggests that all mosquitoes like ______.A. blood B. wet areas C. cold weather D. dry climates 【正确答案】B
讲解:It is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or where it is very dry. During the
summer, it is almost certain that you find many mosquitoes near swamps, ponds and lakes.可知蚊子喜欢潮湿的环境。选B
第16题:Who is the passage most probably written by?
A. Parents who have bought phones for their kids.B. Someone who does cell phone business.C. A teacher who cares most about school safety.D. Someone who works for children's education. 【正确答案】D
第17题:The little girl (A)practices (B)playing (C)violin (D)every day.
讲解: C. violin改为the violin 。西洋乐器前加the
第18题: Which of the following sentences is true?
A. In the 1960s, computer networks worked wellB. In the early 1970s, the Internet was easy to use.C. Sending e-mails is more popular among students than before.D. Today it is still not easy to get on-line. 【正确答案】C
第19题:A. lend B. read C. learn D. write
讲解:读书用动词read ,为固定搭配,故选B
第20题:All the watches ____ by the end of next week.
A.have repaired B.will have repaired C.had been repaired D. will have been repaired 【正确答案】D
讲解:【解析】 by the end of next week是将来完成时的标志。表示在将来某个时间之前势必要完成的动作。结构是will+have +pp(过去分词)