(浙江专用)19届高三英语一轮复习考点强化练18Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour4 下载本文

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(2017·9月浙江金丽衢12校高三联考) My Dear Stuart,

We are overjoyed at your generously long letter.We have been rather worried about you since your reticent Xmas card from Spain.We thought that your indignation at Fascist (Natsi) terrors might have made you join the Spanish Republican army on leaving Oxford.In that case,the world would certainly gain a hero,but we might (O horrible thought!) lose a friend.You can imagine our relief to hear from you again.

We shall be here for another four or five months yet,and we shall sail home in September.Not that we have homes to return to!Our houses,spared by the shell-fire,have been looted and gutted of all their valuable contents.Our families have taken refuge in mountains.My wife lost her mother,and I myself have no hope of getting jobs in China.However,one’s lot is with one’s own people;I don’t mind suffering a bit.The revolution of the Fortune’s wheel might bring us up,and,as Goethe (歌德,著名诗人) was fond of saying,abwarten Sie.

Yes,Stuart,I have been working entirely on my own.I have tried to read French literature systematically downwards,beginning with Villon,and already got as far as the mid-nineteenth century.I have also read the German romantics.I am reading Taine’s novel.Besides,I have not neglected my English and Chinese studies.

Oh,my baby daughter is bursting fat.She already boasts of six teeth (each tooth meaning a week or so of worries and sleeplessness on her part as well as our own).She is very naughty and self-willed.She will be able to walk a little next month.

My wife sends you her best wishes.Write to me at your earliest convenience.

Yours ever,

Chung-shu Tchi’ien

P.S.My wife wants me to tell you that the baby is really “her father’s

daughter”.She loves nothing so much as books—to tear and nibble at,certainly not to read.She throws away her toys to grab at the books we happen to be reading.



1.If published,the letter can be found in the column of . A.continued stories C.book review 答案D 解析推理判断题。本文是一封书信,内容是关于钱钟书的生活轶事。这封信如果发表的话,应该出现在生活轶事专栏,故选D项。

2.We can infer from the letter that .

A.the writer’s homeland was suffering from a terrible war B.the writer,as well as Stuart,was fond of Chinese literature C.the writer and his family had never planned to leave for homeland D.Stuart was leaving for China together with the writer and his family 答案A 解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Our houses,spared by the shell-fire,have been looted and gutted of all their valuable contents.Our families have taken refuge in mountains.My wife lost her mother,and I myself have no hope of getting jobs in China.”可知,作者的祖国正经历着战火,故选A项。

3.The expression abwarten Sie in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to . A.ignore helplessly C.seek desperately 答案D 解析词义猜测题。根据该段“However,One’s lot is with one’s own people;I don’t mind suffering a bit.The revolution of the Fortune’s wheel might bring us up,and,as Goethe (歌德,著名诗人) was fond of saying,abwarten Sie.”可知,作者并不介意生活艰苦一些,相信会时来运转的,正像歌德所说的(德语,等待吧),故选D项。

4.The tone of the writer’s writing about his daughter is . A.casual C.humorous 答案C 解析推理判断题。根据第四段“Oh,my baby daughter is bursting fat”,可知作者非常的幽默,故选C项。



B.cautious D.determined

B.escape hopelessly D.wait patiently B.cover story

D.anecdotes and life


When related to the afternoon tea,what would you think of?A cup of tea,a piece of cake and a good mood,what a good enjoyment!But do you know how the afternoon tea comes?

That we should thank for a lady,who had created the custom of afternoon tea in the year 1840.She is Anna,the seventh Duchess of Bedford.At that time,people of upper class usually had supper at around 8 o’clock in the evening.But Anna began to feel hungry at round 4 in the afternoon.This had left her a good long time of 4

hours.Therefore,she told the servant to bring a tray of tea,bread,butter and cake to her room during the late afternoon.It became a habit of hers.Soon,she invited her friends to join her.

Afternoon tea was favored by most women,because they then had reason to get together and kill the leisure time more meaningfully.After Anna’s launch of the afternoon tea,women of the aristocracy did the same in their home and it later became a fashionable social event,providing a place for people to meet new friends and get new information.

The traditional afternoon tea usually contains a teapot of tea,several teacups and pastries(点心).There are different types of pastries:a selection of dainty sandwiches,scones served with clotted cream and preserves,teacakes etc.English tea is mainly from India or Ceylon,which was originally transported by the East India Company.

Today,the afternoon tea has been simplified because of the change of

lifestyle.People use tea bags instead of infusing tea leaves.Pastries are no longer as various and sophisticated as that of long time ago.They usually are some pieces of biscuits or cakes.

But if you want to experience a real English afternoon tea,I would advise you to Devonshire,where produces good clotted cream and famous cream tea.The tea consists of cups of hot and sweet tea served in china teacups and scones,strawberry jam as well as the fine clotted cream—the vital ingredient of cream tea.You may indulge yourself for a whole afternoon to enjoy the best tradition.


5.From the passage,we know that the afternoon tea was created in . A.the 20th century C.the 18th century 答案B 解析细节理解题。由文章第二段“who had created the custom of afternoon tea in the year 1840”可知。故选D项。

B.the 19th century D.the 17th century


6.Anna asked the servant for something at about 4 pm because . A.she had such a habit C.she felt very empty 答案B 解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段“But Anna began to feel hungry at round 4 in the afternoon.”可知,Anna在下午4点左右让仆人给她拿东西吃、喝是因为她当时感觉饥饿,故选B项。

7.What is the main idea of the passage? A.The origin of the afternoon tea.

B.How to make a real English afternoon tea. C.When English tea was transported to Britain. D.A lady who created the custom of afternoon tea. 答案A 解析主旨大意题。文章全文就下午茶话题展开的,该文的主题就是下午茶的问世,文中虽然谈到了该女士(Anna),但并不注重介绍该人,故选A项。



Five biggest career mistakes young workers make

When you begin to dive into the working world,there are a few common mistakes you should try to avoid.


Whether it’s asking for a raise or just voicing an opinion,it’s important to stand up for yourself in the office.As long as you do it in a respectful and professional way,your colleagues will be impressed by your confidence.

Goofing off(混日子)

You may think no one is looking at what you’re doing all day,but the fact is your computer screen can be seen by all who pass by.2. Even though your boss may seem relaxed,he’s not going to appreciate an employee who seems to care more about his friend’s status updates than his actual work.

Dressing inappropriately

3. If you dress too casually,you could be sending the wrong message to your co-workers.Just because you have it,doesn’t mean the office is the place to wear it.If you want to be taken seriously,dress seriously.

Being late for work

You could be the hardest worker in the office or do extra work at home,but if you are consistently late for work,you give off the impression that you’re lazy.4. Your professional reputation is a vital part of getting ahead in your industry and

B.she was very hungry

D.her friends asked her to do so