新视野大学英语QUIZ4 下载本文

Part 3 Banked Cloze

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.

A. proceeded D. thrilled G. commenced J. discovered M. joke

B. thrived E. undergo H. commended K. occurrence N. dynamic

C. processed F. weave I. displayed L. occasion O. compatible

Understanding past helps explore future! We have been married for 21 years and were college sweethearts. Because we certainly (1)different characteristics and backgrounds, most people were amazed to see us become a couple. But what we had in common was that we both (2) n a great conversation, similar career interest (pre-med), and were very involved in student life at our university. When we (3) with marriage, a mutual friend was so shocked because my husband was very (4) but I was very reserved. He could not believe we were that (5)

My husband said if he hadn't seen me at his dorm on an informal (6), he would have never even gotten to know me. Likewise, I always like to remind him how shallow he was at the time and (7) with him about what a \had not noticed me that day. College days brought much growth in changing career goals and developing independence, but it allowed us to (8) a future together. We believe that our marriage is a great marriage since it (9) with a friendship and it is based on this friendship that it recognizes and values our differences. Our marriage has helped us 10 all of our difficult times. We'll continue to embrace the differences and allow them to enhance and add value to our romance.

Part 4 Cloze (with choices provided)

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four words or expressions given. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage.

Every culture in the world has marriage and wedding ceremonies. Usually marriages between one

woman and one man are (1) by many cultures. In other parts of the world a man, (2), may have several wives, or a wife may have more than one husband, a(n) (3) which is very interesting and somewhat amazing about culture.

(4), there are many different kinds of wedding ceremonies that are nicely (5) and practiced around the world. These ceremonies can be very short and simple, or very long and (6), but they are usually superb. One of the largest and most (7) wedding ceremonies in recent times was held in Dubai (迪拜) in 1981. The 7-day long wedding ceremony included many (8and cost $44 million. It was held in a large building which was (9)built for the ceremony and looked like a stadium. (10),the reasons why a man and woman get married may vary. Occasionally they marry because they are in love, (11) they marry someone through friends on their (12), and sometimes they marry because their parents tell them that they must marry. One weird example of a(n) (13)marriage took place in Bangladesh (孟加拉国) in 1986. Many people were (14) shocked, the groom was an eleven-month-old boy and the bride was a three-month-old girl. They were (15) the youngest married couple ever.

What was it all about? The (16) reason was that the parents of the bride and groom (17) the marriage trying to end a fight between the two families who had been arguing over a farm for twenty years. Both (18) that the other family owned the farm, but no one knew exactly. The fight ended for (19) when the little boy married the little girl at the wedding. With approval of this marriage, (20) family was forced to lose face. The two families agreed to give the farm to the little couple.

Part 6 Reading comprehension

(每小题:2 分)

Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.

You are the first to arrive at the table in the back corner of the restaurant. As you sit down, a handsome stranger comes to the table and takes the seat across from you. You read his name on his name tag. Once he is seated, a bell rings and your date begins!

As you scan your list of conversation topics, the man across the table asks about your hobbies. From there, the conversation naturally flows back and forth from your interests to his interests to your job to his job. You are both careful not to ask questions that are too personal. Then the bell rings again. It's time to move on. As you make your way to the next table, you quickly mark your date card. You write the man's name on the card. Under the

question \Then you take a seat for your next date.

This is the latest way for single people to meet other people they might like to date without pressure. Many businesses offering speed dating services have become popular. These businesses organize events where participants can have dozens of quick dates all on the same night. Each speed date is less than ten minutes, and some services limit each date to only three minutes. This gives people just enough time to make an impression, so that each person in the \meet the other again. If both people mark \will arrange for the people to contact one another to arrange a real date. The idea for speed dating came from Yaacov Deyo of Los Angles. In 1999, he wanted to provide an alternative way for his students to get together other than using blind dates arranged through family or friends. His speed dating idea was so successful that it quickly spread to other communities across the United States. However, like any date, speed dating does not always work out. 1.

How is speed dating different from traditional dating? A. The dates are usually very short.

B. It usually isn't possible to meet the person again.

C. The couples do many activities on one date.

D. The people usually know each other quite well.


What would be a suitable question for speed dating? A. Where do you live? B. What's your last name?

C. What sports do you like?

D. What's your phone number?


How long might it take a person to complete ten speed dates? A. Ten minutes. B. One evening.

C. One week.

D. Ten days.


Who is Deyo?

A. A man who has had many speed dates. B. The inventor of speed dating.

C. A man who got married after speed dating.

D. The president of a speed dating company.


Why is a speed date limited to a short time? A. Not to let people feel tired.