晨曦修改版 甲类航海英语(460+翻译) 下载本文

A. high water line B. low water line Key: A


C.1ow water spring line D. tide level

161. In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind ______. A. changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etc. B. changes direction violently and erratically C .remains constant in direction and speed

D. changes direction counterclockwise, as from south to east, etc Key: A

在北半球,当风顺时针,如从北向南,改变方向时,称为顺转。 162. The vertical distance between crest and trough is called the ____ A. wave heigh Key: D


163. In particular, which is not included in the Navigation System? A. ECDIS Key: D

特别地说,哪项不包括在导航系统中?GMDSS。 164. A navigator fixing a vessel's position by radar ______. A. should never use radar bearings

B. should only use radar bearings when, the range exceeds the distance to the horizon C. can use radar information from one object to fix the position D. use information from targets forward of the beam Key: C


165. Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the ___. A. Mariner?s Guide B. Tidal Current Tables

C. Nautical Almanac D. Tide Tables




B. wave aweigh

C. wave high

D. wave height

Key: B与回转流方向和速度有关的数据可以在《潮流表》中找到。

166. All charts and publications should be kept up to date with the ____ amendments A. latest

B. update

C. last

D. up-to-date

Key: A应利用最新的修订信息保持海图和出版物的更新。

167. If the rotation for this vessel is Felixstowe, Antwerp, Le Havre, Hamburg and Rotterdam, the container for Rotterdam is right at the _____of the heap.堆 A. uppermost Key: C


B. middle C. bottom D. aftermost

如果该船的卸货港序为FELIXSTOWE、安特卫普、Le Havre,汉堡和鹿特丹, 在鹿特丹卸下的集装箱应在堆堆的底部。

168. _____ moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000 GMT.

A. Developed low B. Developing low Key: B

发展中的低压快速向东移动,预计格林尼治时间16日00时00分到达Cape Farewell以南150海里处,气压为972百帕。

169. Chart legends 海图标题栏which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in ______. A. capital letters B. italics Key: A


170. What is the requirement of a navigator who used an ECDIS? A. Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude B. Good computer knowledge C. Good system knowledge D. Nothing special Key: A


171. What is the direction of rotation of tropical cyclones, tropical storms and hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere? A. Clockwise and outward B. Counterclockwise and inward Key: B

在北半球,热带气旋、热带风暴和飓风的旋转方向时什么?逆时针幅合。 172. Who is responsible for the voyage plan? A. The person who has done the planning B. The master

Key: B谁负责制定航次计划?船长。

173. Traffic separation schemes shall be_____ by the Organization for the purpose of these Rules. A. adopted

B. adapted

C. adored

D. adorned

Key: A为实施这些规则的目的,本组织应采纳分道通航制。 174. Which one of the followings is not required on survival crafts? A. Anti-seasickness medicine B. Immersion suits


C. Being developed low D. Low to be developed

C. boldface print D. underlined letters

C. Counterclockwise and outward D. Clockwise and inward

C. The navigation officer D. The owner

C. Axes D. Lifebuoys

Key: D


175. Two well-developed high pressure areas may be separated by a _____. A. hill of low pressure B. trough of low pressure Key: B


176. Any action to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, ______, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship. A. be initiative Key: B

如果当时情况允许,任何避碰行动应是积极的、及时的,并充分考虑到遵守良好的船艺。 177. When backing down with sternway, the pivot point of a vessel is _____. A. about one quarter of the vessel?s length from the stern B. at the bow

C. about one third of the vessel?s length from the bow D. aft of the propellers Key: A


178. It is important to remember that an inerted atmosphere in a cargo tank may become flammable again if air is admitted______.①during routine measuring ②on venting the mixture to atmosphere ③ during gas freeing with air A. ①②

B. ①③

C. ②③

D. ①②③

B. be positive

C. be negative

D. be positively

C. valley of low pressure D. ridge of low pressure

Key: D牢记这一点很重要:如果在例行测量中、将混合气体排放到大气时、用空气除气期间,货舱内的惰化空气可能再次变得可燃。

179. The angular difference between the true meridian (great circle connecting the geographic poles) and the magnetic meridian (direction of the lines of magnetic flux) is called _____. A. deviation

B. variation

C. error

D. difference

Key: B真子午线(连接地极的大圆)和磁子午线(磁力线方向)之间的角差称为磁差。 180. A medical examiner should be satisfied that the candidate has ability to _____ as to emergency duties on board.

A. don穿上 lifejacket or immersion suit B. operate the windlass

C. correct charts D. handle cargo

Key: A就船上应急职责而言,被检查者由能力船上救生衣或保暖救生衣,体检医生应该满意(应视其为符合要求)。

181. Right at the top is _____. It is 300 mm long and 25mm wide with its upper edge in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.


A. the deck line B. Plimsoll disc Key: A

C. Plimsoll line D. summer load line

最上边是甲板线,它300毫米长,25毫米宽,最上边缘与最上面的连续水密甲板成一条线。 182. A vessel is tender if cargo weight is _____. A. concentrated high and the double bottoms empty B. concentrated low and the double bottoms empty C. evenly distributed vertically with the double bottoms full D. concentrated and with the double bottoms full

Key: A如果货物重量集中于高处,而双层底舱空,船舶稳性小。

183. When a feature (标志,图标) remains in its existing charted position but has a change of characteristic, _____ command is used on a chart. A. MOVE




Key: C当以标志保留在当前海图标注位置,但特征改变,在海图上使用“修改”指令。 184. Mariners not entering the port are ____ to keep at least one mile off. A. advised

B. reported

C. complied

D. supplied

Key: A建议未进港的海员(船舶)至少保持在一海里以外。 185. Backing means the wind _____. A. is changing clockwise in direction B. is changing anticlockwise in direction C. is changing cyclonically or variably in direction D. remains unchanged in direction at the time Key: B逆转指的是风逆时针改变方向。

186. The disinfection of various compartments in a vessel by filling with a gaseous agent to destroy rats and all insects pests which act as germ carriers means _____. A. displacement

B. fumigation熏舱

C. discharging

D. compensation

Key: B船上通过灌注气体药剂灭鼠和消灭细菌携带者的害虫方法来给不同舱室消毒指的是熏舱。

187. Your vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your course. She is showing a black cylinder. What is your responsibility? A. hold your course and speed B. sound the danger signal C. begin an exchange of passing signals

D. do not cross the channel if you might impede the other vessel

Key: B你船正在横穿水道。左边船舶在水道内并横穿你船航向,她显示黑色圆柱,你船责任是什么?如果可能妨碍他船,不要横穿水道。 188. Where shall the key to C02 room be kept? A. In master's cabin