江苏省职业学校 Unit 5 Book 3 教案 下载本文

人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

教学过程 复习提问 导入新课 主要教学内容 Ask students to preview the new words and expressions in this part. Review what we have learnt in last class by asking them to read the dialogue on page69 Step I Scanning Read the text by themselves. Then underline some sentences and words they don’t understand. Step II Skimming Read again and try to finish task 2, 3, 4 by themselves. Step III Checking Then the teacher checks the answer and correct their wrong ones. Step IV Class Inquiry 1. company n 公司,商号[C] ; 陪伴[U] keep sb company 陪伴某人 in company with 与…一起 2 . compete vi 比赛;竞争 相关词组:compete in +比赛,参加比赛 compete with / against sb for sth 为获得某物与某人竞争 competitive adj 好竞争的 讲授新课 competition n 比赛,竞赛 in competition with 与…..竞争 3. fit v 符合,合适,合…..身 fit sb adj 适合的,能胜任的,健康的 be fit for sth / to do sth 适合……;适合做……. keep fit / healthy 保持健康 复习match / fit / suit 的区别 4. rather than 而不是;与其说…….. 宁愿做……而不愿做……: prefer to do sth rather than do sth would rather do sth than do sth rather do sth than do sth prefer 用法: 5

人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

prefer sb /sth 比较喜欢某人或某物 prefer (sb ) to do sth 比较喜欢(某人)做某事 prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过B prefer doing to doing 喜欢做……胜过做…… prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做…. 而不愿做….. prefer to do instead of doing宁愿做…. 而不愿做….. 5. ……. a monitor to make decisions based on facts……… be based on 以…..为基础,此处为过去分词短语作后置定语 分词,不定式作后置定语的区别: (1). The bridge built last year is the longest one in the city . (后置定语built last year表示动作已经完成,用done 结构) (2). The meeting being held now is very important . (后置定语being held now 表示一个被动的动作正在进行,用being done 结构 ) (3).The sports meet to be held tomorrow will be put off . (后置定语to be held tomorrow表示动作尚未发生,用to be done结构) 练习:(1)This is the problem __________ (discuss) at the next meeting . (2). Most of the artists _______(invite) to the party were from South Africa. (3). The girl _________(stand) over there is my sister. Consolidation: 巩固检测 1. Ss read the passage aloud together. 2. Complementary reading on WB Assignments: 1.Read the passage and learn the key words, phrases and sentences by heart. 作业布置 2.Finish all the Exs on WB 3. Write a composition about teamwork goes without saying play an important role in point of view learn from the failure 板书设计 competitive with cooperate with focus on as the saying goes


人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

授课时间 授课教师 课程名称 课题 信息化 手段运用 英 语 授课班级 授课课型 授课章节 新 授 授课课时 专业部 2 一 部 Unit5 Together We Are Stronger 总第 3 个教案 Real life skills PPT,E-book 知识与技能: 1. Leading in the new part –Real life skills by asking and answering some questions. 2. Let students know how to design a questionnaire, including its format and questions 3. Students need to take an active part in the activity. 教学目标 过程与方法: Through doing some exercises and discussion with their partners, students can have a better understanding of this unit 情感、态度和价值观: By learning, Ss will understand the team spirit better 教学重点 Review the important words and phrases in this unit. 教学难点 Important language in focus. 教法 Communicative Method, Discussion. 学法 Learning through doing exercises. 与授课进度安排是否一致 课后作业完成状况 Yes 教学后记 教学反思: 7 人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

教学过程 主要教学内容 Step one : Greetings with each other to make Ss get ready for the class. Step two: Revision Review what we have learnt by asking and answering some questions. Step three: Learning the new part ---real life skills. 1. Five teams , each team should choose two items out of the given options to cross over an open area without touching the ground ,discuss how they may help you achieve your goal . 2. The language points: Notes: 倒装句: 全部倒装和部分倒装 全部倒装: (1)地点副词 Here、There 时间副词 Now 、 Then 位于句首时 句子完全倒装 方位副词 Up、Down 、In 、 Out 、Off、 Away等 (2)表示地点的介词短语 讲授新课 注:完全倒装通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。 谓语动词常用come, go, be, lie, run, rush等 若主语为人称代词,则无需倒装 部分倒装: ⑴ . 否定副词及否定意义的介词短语位于句首时 常考的这类词或词语有:never , not, seldom, hardly, rarely, barely, little, nowhere, by no means, in no time等 。 常考句型: ① Hardly/Scarcely /Barely+ had+主+done…when… No sooner +had +主+done…than… ② Not until...+ 助动词+ 主语+ 谓语+… (主倒从不倒) ③ Not only … but also连接两个并列分句 (前倒后不倒) ⑵ as/ though (虽然/尽管)引导的让步状语从句 名词 形容词 + as\\though+主语+其他 副词 动词原形 注: as必倒/ though可倒/ although 不倒 若从句的表语是名词,名词前不加任何冠词 8