江苏省职业学校 Unit 5 Book 3 教案 下载本文

人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

授课时间 授课教师 课程名称 课题 信息化 手段运用 英 语 授课班级 授课课型 授课章节 新 授 授课课时 专业部 2 一 部 Unit5 Together We Are Stronger 总第 1 个教案 Listening and Speaking PPT,E-book 知识与技能: 1. The teacher try to improve the students’ listening comprehension and oral English. 2. Know the awareness of teamwork and the expressions of agreement and polite disagreement . 教学目标 过程与方法: Ss will learn to understand the conversation by underlining the sentences about polite disagreement . 情感、态度和价值观: Ss will learn to express agreement and polite disagreement and realize the importance of teamwork. 1. How to express agreement and polite disagreement 2. Key words and phrases: 教学重点 divide up sth into not see eye to eye with sb in complete agreement with sb go off as I see it work out go solo 教学难点 教法 学法 Key words and phrases 听说法 (Audio-lingual Method) Learning through remembering 与授课进度安排是否一致 课后作业完成状况 教学反思: 教学后记 敬业 爱生 求新 务实

1 Yes.. 人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

教学过程 导入新课 主要教学内容 Look at the two pictures. Are they showing a successful team, and why? Step I: New words Lead Ss to read and learn the new words and expressions( team player~ team up ) Step II: Learning the new part – listening and speaking Listen to the tape and try to finish tasks and check the answers. Step III: Class Inquiry 1. call for 需要,要求;call off 取消 call up 打电话 ; call back 回电 call in 请来,找来,召集 call at sp ; call on 拜访(~sb);号召(~sb to do ) 2. effectively adv 有效地 effective adj 有效的 take effective measures 采取有效措施 effect n 作用,效力 have side effects 有副作用 have (an) effect on /upon 对……产生影响 3. agree with/ on/ to sth的区别 讲授新课 agree (sb) to do sth 4. be in complete agreement with sb 完全同意某人的看法 not see eye to eye with sb on sth 与某人就……看法不一致 5. rush v 催促 rush sb into sth/ into doing sth 催促某人做某事 sb be rushed into sth/ doing 某人被催促做…… 6. work out 计算出,制定,研究出,成功地发展,理解,锻炼 break out 突然发生;爆发 carry out 贯彻;实行 find out 发现;查明 give out 分发 look out 注意;小心 make out 认出;理解 miss out遗漏;省去 pick out 挑选 put out 熄灭,扑灭 try out 试验 2

敬业 爱生 求新 务实

人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

7. go off 离开 cut off 切断;中断 put off 推迟 set off 为….. 送行 take off 脱衣;起飞;休假 Step IV: Practice Read the dialogue. Step V: Production Consolidate what we’ve learnt in class by asking them to read the dialogue together or in groups. 1. Recite Conversation A. 2. Learn the key phrases and sentences by heart and get prepared for a 作业布置 dictation. 3.Preview Reading and finish the relevant Exx. on WB. Agreement: I agree I think so, too I really agree with you I think you are right. I’m in complete agreement with you. That’s true, and …….. That’s right, and…….. 板书设计 Polite Disagreement : I understand your concern That may be, but……. That’s not how I saw it . I’m afraid we just don’t see eye to eye on this . Yes, but don’t you think that ? Perhaps , but I can’t help thinking that…… I take your point , but that’s not the way I see it . That’s an interesting idea, but….. 3

敬业 爱生 求新 务实

人本为先·乐业为天 江苏省高邮中等专业学校理论课程教案

授课时间 授课教师 课程名称 课题 信息化 手段运用 英 语 授课班级 授课课型 授课章节 Reading 新 授 授课课时 专业部 2 一 部 Unit5 Together We Are Stronger 总第 2 个教案 PPT,E-book 知识与技能: Let students have a good understanding of teamwork and master the key language points in the text. 过程与方法: 教学目标 Using the method of scanning, skimming and careful reading to learn the passage. 情感、态度和价值观: Ss will understand the team spirit and put it into effect at the same time write a composition about teamwork 1. Enable to translate some important sentences by themselves. 2. Key points: it goes without saying play an important role in 教学重点 point of view learn from the failure competitive with cooperate with focus on as the saying goes 教学难点 教法 学法 1. Key sentences. 2. Learn to write a composition about teamwork 情境教学法(Situational Teaching Method) Learning through cooperating and remembering. 与授课进度安排是否一致 课后作业完成状况 Yes 教学后记 教学反思: