2013.11海淀区高二第一学期英语期中考试试题和答案 教研员原版 下载本文


Does your teen spend all of his or her free time playing video games, talking on the phone or hanging out with friends that don’t really meet with your approval? Is your son or daughter always asking you for money? Perhaps it’s time to tell your teen to get a job. You might disagree by asking ―But he’s still in school and if he gets a job his schoolwork might suffer.‖

Does he have a cell phone or want one? Are you going to buy it? Are you going to pay the monthly phone bill? If you are, that’s your choice but it might not be the best way to teach your teen responsibility. Helping kids out on the path to adulthood is teaching them to be independent, but buying them whatever they want and paying the bills for them is the first step in creating a dependent adult. This process is often referred to as enabling. You might ask, ―Enabling them to do what?‖ The answer is enabling them to depend on others throughout their lives rather than themselves. Teaching them to be self-supporting is the best alternative.

Parents may argue that it is their responsibility to support their children and it is true that as parents it is our responsibility to suit the needs of our children until they reach legal age but part of responsible parenting is preparing our children to be responsible and self-supporting as they move into adulthood. When teens get their own jobs it gives them a sense of achievement. It also helps keep them out of trouble since they have less time to be tempted(诱惑) by peer pressure. They are making their own money, which allows them to make purchases such as cell phones and pay the bill on their own rather than depending on their parents. Allowing them to pay their own bills also gives them a chance to get to know the world of adulthood.

All too often, teens view adulthood from the view of being old enough to drive and drink but they overlook such aspects of adulthood as working, paying bills, saving money and managing expenses responsibly. When your teen gets a job you should encourage him or her to open a bank account with the first paycheck. It may be best to suggest a savings account at first since balancing a checkbook may lead to problems for those who are not conservative spenders. Encourage your teen to spend money wisely. Believe it or not, it really does make a difference to them when they’re spending their own money rather than yours. 46. The purpose of the first paragraph is ________.

A. To point out a serious phenomenon B. To complain about careless parents C. To tell what kids are doing nowadays D. To raise the topic by asking questions 47. In the second paragraph, the underlined word ―it‖ refers to ________.

A. teaching your teen to be independent B. meeting the needs of your teen C. buying a cell phone for your teen D. paying your teen’s phone bill 48. The author wants to _______ through this article. A. persuade teens to spend money wisely

B. advise parents to help teens be independent

C. suggest teens being independent early D. encourage parents to be more responsible 49. It can be learned from the passage that _______ . A. it is very important for teens to be self-supporting B. nowadays teens are more dependent on their parents


C. it is very important for teens to balance a bank account D. teens often hope to have more freedom just like adults


My cousin Casi agreed to watch my children for me, while I went to a lunch meeting. To thank her, I went by Starbucks to get her a drink. I remembered she didn’t like coffee, so I ordered apple cider. I pulled up to the window, and the cashier informed me that they were out of apple cider. I said it was okay, and changed my order to a mocha. As I handed my credit card to the cashier, she handed me a coupon(赠券) ―This is good for a free drink on us, any time you want it. You would not believe how many people have yelled at us today.‖

The manager then told me how awful customers had been, and how much they appreciated my willingness to accept the problem of the lack of apple cider. I left Starbucks with a giant smile on my face because of my behavior of a patient, accommodating citizen.

A few days later, I went to the bank. I pulled up next to the window. The teller never even looked up, just continuing to count her money. Finally, she looked up and said, ―Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.‖ She opened the tray, and I placed my deposit in the tray, and she pulled it back in. However, to my surprise, I watched her walk away without my deposit. After ten minutes, this ―teller‖ finally took my deposit. By then, I had reached my boiling point. I violently grabbed the receipt and hit the gas of my minivan as hard as I could. I yelled, ―She deserved it. She didn’t see me.‖

A few days later, I had a rough day with my kids. Near the Starbucks, I knew I deserved to use my free coupon. I ordered my favorite. As I pulled up to the window, I handed the cashier my little gift card. She said, ―Oh, that’s nice.‖

I smiled, and explained how I had earned the gift by my remarkable display of politeness. The manager had a quick look at me, and said, ―Oh, I remember this lady. She was so sweet. We had run out of apple cider, and she said it was OK.‖

We only get one chance to make a first impression. I don’t know what the bank teller had to do was more important than my little deposit. I could have asked nicely, and to be honest, I wasn’t even in a hurry. I was only concerned with myself.

50. The author was given a coupon because ________. A. She was willing to change her order B. She yelled for the lack of apple cider C. her behavior is different from other customers D. She bought a lot and the cashier appreciated her

51. Looking back on her own behavior in the bank, the author felt ________. A. annoyed B. guilty C. grateful D. concerned 52. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. First impressions count. B. Being polite is important. C. Forgiving others matters. D. Patience deserves reward.



When you look for a job, you probably take salary, location and chance for advancement into consideration. Most people don't stop to consider that they should be choosing a career based on the type of person they are. You are going to spend a large part of your life at work—you should choose a career that is compatible with which personality you really are.

These personality types were developed by career psychologist John Holland, who identifies six general types of people. Here are some basic personality types and careers that go with them:

1. Realistic Personalities

If you are a realistic personality, you are hands-on, practical and straightforward. No beating around the bush for you! For example: Engineer, Surveyor, Computer Support, Specialist, Electrician, Orthodontist.

2. Investigative Personalities

You question any idea that doesn't have cold, hard facts behind it. You spend time gathering information before you take action, or make a decision. You investigators are scientific, intellectual and analytical. These jobs include: Computer Software Engineer and Developer, Anesthesiologist, Doctor, Professor, Librarian, Veterinarian.

3. Artistic Personalities

Not only are artistic people creative and imaginative, they are also great problem solvers. They bring another way of looking at something. Artistic people are intuitive. Multi-Media Artist, Art, Drama, and Music Teacher, Postsecondary, Architect, Editor, Graphic Designer, Director, Producer.

4. Social Personalities

These people are ―helpers.‖ They are patient, empathic and generous. For example: Registered Nurse, Health Specialties Teacher, Postsecondary, Physical Therapist, Psychologist, Mediator, Social Worker.

5. Enterprising Personalities

These are big picture people, born leaders. These extroverts are competitive and energetic. For example: Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents, Financial Managers, Computer and Information Systems Managers, Sales Manager, Sales Representative CEOs.

6. Conventional Personalities

These are the detail keepers. Without the Conventional personalities nothing would really get done. They are orderly, careful and efficient. For example: Accountant and Auditor, Financial Analyst, Cost Estimator, Actuary, Technical Writer, Building Inspector.

53. What kind of job is suitable for a person with a realistic personality? A. Computer Engineer B. Art Teacher C. Social Worker D. Computer Support 54. Which of the following statements is true?

A. People with Investigative Personalities are patient, empathic and generous. B. People with Enterprising Personalities are likely to be Accountants. C. People with Artistic Personalities are expert at solving problems. D. People with Social Personalities are competitive and energetic. 55. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article? A. To introduce the six types of personalities. B. To tell the information about choosing a job.

C. To know the relations between personalities and jobs.

D. To give tips about finding the right job with different personalities.


第四部分: 课文诵读(共两节,7分)

第一节 (共6小题; 每小题0.5分,共3分)

下面是一段课文节选,请每空填写一个单词,使之完整。 ..

I sighed with 56 and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. I was so grateful! Of course you’ve guessed who Jenny was. She was the girl I had shouted at for singing. When I 57 her in the convenience store, I was filled with shame and apologized her several times for my rude 58 , I felt so guilty, but Jenny just 59 and told me she was glad to see that I’d also left my 60 in the library! I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a 61 cup of tea.

第二节 (共4小题; 每小题1分,共4分)

下面是一段课文的缩写,请每空填写三个单词,使之完整。 ..

Three months ago, when my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart 62 . I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump 63 . I felt I had done something wrong. I know this isn’t true though.

At first, I enjoyed being a full-time housewife. But soon got bored and decided to do a business course and 64 my own company.

The course has been helpful and I have prepared a business plan for starting my own company. I think that 65 will prove to be best thing that ever happened to me.

第五部分: 文句翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)

66. 人们通常认为高情商的人善于接受新事物,并对生活持积极的态度。 67.我羞愧极了,为自己的粗鲁做法接连道歉。


69.职场上,一个人的智商决定了你是否被录用,而情商决定了你能否得到提拔。 70.只要我们坚持不懈,永不放弃,成功就会在那里等候我们。

第六部分: 书面表达(满分15分)

某英文报纸正在举办“我眼中的魅力教师”(The Most Attractive Teacher in My Eyes)征文活动,请你用英文写一篇词数不少于80词的短文投稿。内容要求如下:

1. 该教师的性别、年龄、外貌、性格等基本情况。 2. 举例说明该教师“魅力”所在。 注意: 要回避你的老师的真实姓名。

海 淀 区 高 二年 级 第 一 学 期 期 中 练 习

英 语 2013.11


第一部分:听力理解 第一节(共12小题; 每小题1分, 共12分)