七年级英语下册 Unit 4《Dont eat in class》(第一课时)教案(新版)人教新目标版 - 图文 下载本文

山东省枣庄市峄城区吴林街道中学七年级英语下册 Unit 4《Don't

eat in class》(第一课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

Learning Goals

This lesson mainly studies the fourth unit the new words and phrases, From the first word of sound,to form and meaning, To basic usage. Take physical teaching, word-building teaching method, comparative method and other methods, learn the use of them and try to spell the words, grasps the meaning in this unit to talk about rules. Students try to learn how to read and remember the words and how to learn individually and collectively. Help students' language ability of expression of ascension. Teaching and learning steps

Step 1 Learn to read the words

1. Ask students to read the words by themselves. 2. Then read words in groups.

3. Ask students to read students in front of the whole class. 4. Listen to and read the words and correct your pronunciation.

The teacher explained the pronunciation of words, emphasis on the pronunciation. 设计意图:利用音标读单词是一种能力,七年级学生这种能力差。让学生学会试读单词是一种学习习惯的培养,首先学生自己根据音标读单词,并标出试读时有困难的。接着两人一组或以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。然后找单个同学读单词,教师及时更正错音,帮助学生正音。最后让学生跟录音读。如此几步的学习,大多数学生可以熟悉单词的读音,正确试读出单词。最后还是不会的同学,就给他们找“老师”,他们组的组长就是他们的“老师”,负责课下教会他们。单词的学习坚持从个体—同伴—小组—整体的原则,培养学生自主学习和小组互助学习的能力。尽量培养学生利用音标读单词 Step 2: Learn to remember words

1.Remember the words by looking at pictures. Show pictures about some new words. For example:

We can eat in the dining hall dining hall

Can we run in the hallways?



Don’t listen to music in class.

listen to Can you fight?


I must do the dishes.


We have to wear uniforms.

wear uniforms

My mother makes breakfast in the kitchen.


I must make my bed. make my bed

I like reading.


She has long hair.


二.Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms.

1. ruler rule room

2. all hall tall /??l /



3. pear wear hair /e?/ 4. out outside around /a?/ 5. drive arrive ride / a?/ 6. bus luck cut /?/

三.Remember the words by conversion, complex words and derivative. 1. important(重要)—unimportant 2. bring(带来)----take

3. quiet(安静)----noisy(吵闹的) 4. dirty(脏的)----clean

5. remember(记住)----forget 6. follow(遵循)------break

四. Remember the words by their Chinese.

1. on time 准时 2. practice 练习

3. before 在??.以前 4. relax 放松 5. terrible 可怕的 6. feel 感受,觉得

7. be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 8.keep 保持,保留 9. learn 学习,学会 10. luck 幸运,运气


Step 3 Consolidation of words

Give the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first.

1. Get the students to read the word by looking at the Chinese. Then look at the Chinese and say English.

2. Then get them to work in pairs to spell the words or write down the words with the Chinese given in guide books. Underline the words they haven’t grasped. 3. Get the students to have a short dictation about the important words and phrases. If they can’t dictate after class in groups. 4. Play a game “Translation”, who will be the first like this:



to answer after one speaks

让再有一小半的学生顺利过关,其余的十几学生还需要时间和同学习们的帮助,教师应及时督促、让小组长反馈检查的结果,教师做好跟踪检查。 Step 4 Read the story and translate into Chinese:

1. Get the students to read the story, and underline the new words. 2. Translate the story into Chinese in groups of three. 3. Read the story fluently by themselves.

We aren’t happy. There are too many rules at school. Don’t arrive late for class. We must be on time. This is very important. We can’t run in the hallways. We can’t listen to music or eat in the classroom. We must eat in the dining hall and listen to music outside.

We always have to wear the school uniform. We have to keep our hair short. We can’t bring music players to school. Don’t be noisy. We have to be quiet in the library. We can’t fight with classmates?

There are also more rules at home. I have to make my bed every morning. After breakfast, I have to do the dishes. I can’t go out on the schools. I must do my homework first. After dinner, I can’t relax either. I must read books. I have to go to bed before10:00. On weekends, I must practice speaking English for an hour. Then I have to learn to play the piano. Rules, rules, rules!It’s terrible!And my parents are strict with me. I have to follow these rules. I feel tired. What can I do? 译文:




设计意图: 利用学生在学校的规则和家庭的规则,学生都熟悉的规则练习词汇;词不离句,句不离篇。在学生掌握本单元单词的基础上,再学习由本单元的生词编成了一篇小故事,引导学生不仅记忆词汇本身的意义,同时在具体的语境中体会它的意义。体现了词不离句,句不离篇的教学原则。有助于学生学习理解和使用本单元的词汇。

Family rules: make a bed/do one’s dishes/practice English

Not relax/ go out /watch TV