山东省东营市2018年中考英语试题(word版,含答案) 下载本文

meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. And the restaurant was near a busy road, there might be some danger. 82. ①This way can avoid noisy children disturbing other customers./ This way can help the adults have meals quietly.

②Do nothing. The restaurant is a public place, everybody should be allowed to go in.

③Ban children during certain times of the day. I think people can choose the right time to go to the restaurant according to their needs.

④Reward well-behaved children. This way can encourage parents to control their children. / This method can encourage children to behave well.


84.这些方法在一段时间内可能有用,但很难彻底解决这些问题。 85. ①Ban or Allow

②Methods to Deal with Noisy Children in the Restaurant ③NO CHILDREN ④Ways to solve the problem (二)评分说明:


2、第81题,答出①②③中的两个要点,得2分;若只答出其中的一个要点, 得1分。



3、第83、84题,若与答案表达方式不同,但与所给参考答案意思一致,符合汉语表达习惯,也可得分; 4、第85小题,⑴答①②中的任何一个,都可以得2分;答③④中的任何一个,得1.5分。

⑵ 若与答案表达方式不同,但与所给参考答案意思一致,无语言错误,符合英语表达习惯,也可得分。 八、书面表达 A possible version

A precious present

The title “A Precious Present” reminds me of quite a few gifts I’ve got. Yet, the first come to my mind is the book, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

On my tenth birthday, my father gave it to me as a gift. Because I didn’t like reading, I put it on the bookshelf. One boring day, I picked it up and looked through it. Unexpectedly, the story interested me greatly. I found pleasure in reading books. From then on, I became fascinated in reading.

Though the book is not valuable, it’s precious. I’ll regard it as a treasure forever.

(二) 评分说明:

评分时,要从内容与结构、表达的逻辑性、层次性、连惯性和创造性、语法运用的恰当程度、单词拼写、标点符号的使用等方面综合考虑。本题共20分,分四档评分: 1、短文通顺完整,表达清楚, 语言基本无误,17-20分;


3、能写明基本要点,短文不够通顺完整,语言有较多错误,但尚能达意,6-11分; 4、仅能写明部分要点,短文不完整,语言错误多,影响意思表达,0-5分。