The following table lists commonly encountered errors, a description of the error, and possible solutions to eliminate the error. A complete listing of errors may be found in the Reference Guide Appendix A - Error List. Number Displayed Error Description Solution Message 10000 The allowable The value entered in the Enter device response was Allowable field in the specific values for unrecognized: Response Options allowable response. (Duration/Input Property Page) is not recognized by the input mask. 10001 The allowable The Allowable field in Enter device response Response Options specific values for cannot be (Duration/Input Property allowable response. empty Page) must contain a value when input is enabled. 10002 Cannot have A single value has been Verify that unique duplicate entered more than entries are entered response once.Since the Allowable only once field in the Response Options (Duration/Input Property Page) represents a mask of values, entering duplicate values would be redundant. 10017 Invalid The value entered in the Enter device Termination Termination Response field specific value for Response in the Advanced Response the termination Options (Duration/Input response Property Page) is not recognized by the input mask. 10018 Correct The value entered in the Specify a value that Response is Correct Response field in is included as part not part of the Response Options of the Allowable Allowable (Duration/Input Property Response. Page) is not included as part of the Allowable 10019 10044 10046 18005 Response Options Termination The value entered in the Response is Termination Response field not part of in the Advanced Response Allowable Options (Duration/Input Property Page) is not included as part of the Allowable Response Options The name An object was named in the cannot be interface with a length of longer than 80 more than 80 characters. characters! An object name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, must begin with an alphabetic character, must not contain more than 80 characters, and must be unique within the system Name contains An object was named in the an invalid interface with a value that character contains an invalid character. E-Object names are generated to E-Basic script, which does not permit variable names to have invalid characters. An object name can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9 Cannot load An error occurred while sound file attempting to load a sound . file. This can be due to file not found, file already open, lack of resources, invalid configuration, or improper driver. Specify a value that is included as part of the Allowable Response Enter a valid name through the Properties window, Procedure time line, or Structure view windows that does not have more than 80 characters. Enter a valid name through the Properties window, Procedure timeline, or Structure view window that does not have any invalid characters. 18010 The value for MaxLength is invalid Ensure that the configuration of the file matches the configuration of the sound device, that the file is not already open, and that the filename and path are valid The MaxLength field of the Set the value of Sound object (General MaxLength to a property page) represents a value no less than value that is not valid. Valid 100. values for MaxLength cannot be less than 100 18011 18012 The value for The BitsPerSample field of BitsPerSample the Sound device is invalid (Experiment Object; Devices tab) represents a value that is not valid. Common values are 8 and 16, but the settings are hardware dependent. The value for The Channels field of the Channels is Sound device (Experiment invalid Object; Devices tab) represents a value that is not valid. Valid values are 1 for mono and 2 for stereo. The value for SamplesPerSecond is invalid Set the value of BitsPerSample to 8 or 16 to match the format of the WAV file. All files must be saved using the same format. 18013 Set the value of Channels to 1 or 2 to match the format of the WAV file. All files must be saved using the same format The SamplePerSecond field Set the value of of the Sound device SamplesPerSecond (Experiment Object; to 11025, 22050, or Devices tab) represents a 44100 to match the value that is not valid. format of the WAV Common values are 11025, file. All files must be 22050, saved using the 44100, but settings are same format hardware dependent.