The PQP may also be used by the sub-contractors or other companies as a guideline in the event there would not be a developed PQP available within their organization.
2 Project Details 2.1 Project Overview 2.2 Organization Chart 2.3 Roles and Responsibility
2.4 Distribution of Project Quality Plan 2.4.1 Purpose 2.4.2 Scope 2.4.3 Responsibility 2.4.4 Procedure
2.1 Project Overview
The Works under Contract C01 comprise the construction and completion of twelve (12) elevated station, approximately 11.4km of elevated MRT viaduct. Associated works include the construction of underpass, demolition of existing fly over and interface with one existing subway station.
The rail viaduct generally consists of single-track, double track and triple-track viaducts. The rail viaduct structure generally consists of piers, and pre-cast segmental post-tensioned beams spanning up to 37.5m. Bearings and expansion joints are required at the end of these continuous decks.Deep foundation elements forming the foundations are typically barrettes and bored piles.
The casting yard will be set up for the precast structural elements such as viaduct segment, precast crossbeam shell, pre-stressed station I beam, precast parapet wall and etc.
The track-form comprises a slab-track system . The Contractor shall undertake waterproofing as required prior to installation of the slab-track system by the System-wide Contractors (SWCs) and supply and install sockets in the viaduct decks for anchorage of the slab-track.
2.2 Organization Chart
The site organization chart is attached on the following page.
2.3 Roles and Responsibility Project Director
? To direct overall project mission.
? To appoint project operation team to ensure timely completion of project.
? To provide advice on human resources specialized skills, technological and financial resources essential to the successful completion of works.
? To assume ultimate responsibility for project and QAQC management and performance.
Project Manager
? To undertake overall planning and control of the project in relation to all site management. ? To formulate and implement systems and policies for efficient site management.
? To expedite progress within the constraints of available resources if the works are found lagged behind the programme of works.
? To carry out general management of the site that includes daily correspondences. ? To act as chairman of the safety committee.
? To attend progress meetings with CLIENT, consultant and Sub-Con.
? To liaise with the client and the consultant and to take instructions from the client. ? To ensure environmental, safety and health policies are in place.
? To review and approve method statements and risk assessments which are prepared by professional engineer, Safety Officer and sub-contractors of special trades. ? To organize and control site meetings with the sub-contractors.
? To liaise with the sub-contractors regarding progress, quality of works, and the provision of adequate resources to carry out their respective scope of works in a timely and workmanlike manner.
? To ensure that the permanent works are constructed in compliance with the consultant's specified codes in its entity.
Deputy Project Manager /Construction Manager
? To organize and control site meetings with the sub-contractors. ? To check the sufficiency of information for construction.
? To liaise with the client and consultant regarding discrepancy of drawings and specifications.