QUALITY PLAN 质量计划 下载本文

5.1.2Tendering Arrangement for subcontracting works分包商工作安排47 5.1.3 Procedure for Subcontractor! Supplier Selection 分包商程序,供应商筛选47 5.2 Kick Off Meeting with Sub-contractors & Suppliers分包商和供应商产品启动大会48 5.3 Performance of Suppliers and Sub-contractors 供应商和分包商的执行49 5.3.1General 总则49

5.3.2 Procedure for Assessing Performance of Suppliers & Sub-contractors 供应商和分包商的绩效评估程序49

5.4 Purchasing of Materials &Equipment材料和设备采购50

5.4,1 Material & Equipment Arrival Schedule材料和设备到达日程表50 5.4.2Material Receiving. Storage & Handling材料接收,储存和交付50 5.5 Material Identification &Traceability 材料识别和追溯51 5.6 Material Testing 材料测试, 52

6 Design Management 设计管理53

6.1 Engineering Design Team for Temporary Work临时工程的工程设计团队54 6.2 Authority Submission提交权威54 6.3 Drawing Management图纸管理54 6.3.1Shop Drawings 施工图, , 54

6.3.2Construction Drawings Issued by CLIENT客户发布施工图56 6.3.3 As-built Drawing 竣工图58

7 Construction Management 施工管理59

7.1 Permits &Statutory Compliance 许可和官方承诺61 7.1 .1General Statutory Requirements一般法规要求61 7.1.2Schedule of Statutory Submission 法规提交计划表62

7.1 .3Inspection &Testing Required by Statutory Authorities 法规部门的检查和测试要求62 7.2 Mobilization and Logistics Management 动员和物流管理63 7.2.1 Purpose目标, ,63 7.2.2Scope 范围63 7.2,3 Responsibility职责63 7.2.4 Procedure 程序, , 63 7.3 Survey Control 测量控制64 7.3.1Objectives 目标64

7.3.2 Control 01Survey Data and Records 控制测量数据和记录64 7.4 Request for Information (RFI)信息要求65

7.5 Method Statement and Inspection& Test Plan施工方法和检查测试计划66 7.5.1 Purpose目标66 7.5.2Scope 范围66 7.5.3Responsibility职责66 7.5.4 Procedure程序 66

7.5.5Method Statement andInspection& Test Plans Review and Approval施工方法和检查测试计划,复审和批准

7.6 Testing 01Worlls & Materials材料测试69 7.7 Control of Non-conformance 不符合控制70 7.7.1 Purpose目标70 7.7.2Scope范围70 7.7.3 Responsibility职责70 7.7.4 Procedure程序70

7.8 Control of Sub-contractor/Supplier供应商/分包商的控制73 7.8.1 Purpose 目标73 7.8.2 Scope范围73 7.8.3Responsibility职责73

7.8.4 Procedure程序73

7.9 Calibration of Measuring &test Equipment 测量标定和设备测试76 7.9. 1 Purpose 目标76 7.9.2Scope 范围16 7.9.3Responsibility职责76 7.9 .4 Procedure程序 16

7.10 Maintenance of Plant & Equipment设备维护77 7.10.1 Purpose 目标77 7.10.2Scope 范围77 7.10.3 Responsibility职责77 7.10.4 Procedure程序 77

7.11 Protection of Completed Works 成品保护78 7. 12 Handover 交验79

7.12.1Working Area Handover Schedule工作区域移交计划79 7.1 2.2 Hand over inspection移交检查79

7.13 Quality Record & Archives 质量记录和归档80 7.13.1 Purpose 目标80 7.13.2 Scope范围 110 7.1 3.3 Responsibility职责80 7.13.4 Procedure 程序 80

7.14 Defect liability Period缺陷责任期 82 8 Contract Administration 合同管理83

8.1 Payment Claims 索赔84

9 ·Site Safety-Risk, Health .&Environment Management 现场安全风险,健康和环境管理85

9.1 Workplace Safety & Health Management (WSH Management)工作区域安全和健康管理86 9.1.1 Risk Assessment (RA)风险评估 86 9.2 Environmental Control 环境管控87

9.2.1 Environment Impact Assessment .(EIA) Report 环评报告87

1 Scope & Details

The scope of this Project Quality Plan (PQP) incorporates the quality management of various stages and aspects in the course of the project construction including (I) Quality Management System; (ii) planning & scheduling; (iii) Procurement; (iv)Design Management; (v) construction management; (vi) contract administration,and (vii) site safety-risk, health & environmental control.

By adopting the above quality management to various stages and aspects of the project construction, it aims at enhancing customer satisfaction and controlling the construction process for a safe, clean and healthy working environment. This includes meeting in accordance with specified requirements and in compliance with statutory rules, legal requirement and environmental regulations related to the project.