七年级英语下册Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere教案新版 下载本文

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?


本单元主要让学生练习如何来描述各种地区设施的地理位置,并学会使用相应的介词,同时练习了There be 句型的问答;在此基础上进一步拓展话题,让学生通过各种相关活动,了解如何用英语问路和指路,最后学会描述自己的街坊邻里,通过一系列的训练学生的听说读写各种能力得以提高。



1. 掌握本单元重点词汇:post office, police station, bank, hospital, street, town,…

2. 能正确使用there be 句型询问和描述事物所在的位置 3. 能正确使用where 引导的特殊疑问句询问事物的具体位置 4. 能正确使用各种方位介词表达事物的地理位置


采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,学会描述事物的地理位置并能熟练地为人指路。


通过课堂活动锻炼学生的听说读写的能力。 教法导航

采用直观教学法,遵循以学生为主体的原则。 学法导航

采用Using contest guessing和Role playing的学习策略, 课时支配

第1课时:section A 1a-2c 第2课时:Section A 2d-3c 第3课时:Section B 1a-2a

第4课时:Section B 2b-Self Check

第1课时section A 1a-2c

教学目标 一、知识与技能

掌握一些重点单词,并能运用句型:Is there …? Yes, there is . Where is …? It’s ….进行交际,应用介词描述事物的地理位置。


采用目标和直观教学法,调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。 三、情感态度与价值观

通过课堂活动提高英语表达能力。 教学重点

掌握一些重点单词,并能运用句型:Is there …? Yes, there is . Where is …? It’s ….进行交际,应用介词描述事物的地理位置。 教学难点

并能运用句型:Is there …? Yes, there is . Where is …? It’s …进行交际。 应用介词描述事物的地理位置。 教法导航

课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多练。 学法导航

加强小组合作学习,积极回答问题。 教师准备 PPT。 学生准备

识记本单元词汇,拍摄所居住地区的图片。 教学过程 Step 1 Greetings

T:Greet the students as usual. Step 2 Warming-up and new words

展示学生所拍摄图片同时出示自己所拍摄图片来导入新单词的学习: It’s a post office, police station, hotel,bank, hospital … Step 3 1a-1c

Ask the students to finish the exercise in 1a Check the answers with the students

Play the tape for the first time and ask the students to circle the places they hear.

Play the tape for the second time and ask the students to read after the tape Show the listening material on the screeen and let the students read aloud Let two or three students read aloud

Let the students ask and answer in pairs to practice the conversation in 1c Have some pairs act the dialogue out before the class

Step 4 2a


教师引导学生回顾1a 的图片,根据图片内容让学生描述各个建筑物的地理位置,必要的时候给予学生一些帮助,目的是引入一些新的介词:across, between…and…in front of…, next to…等


2. let the students watch the picture in 2a and match the sentences with the


3. check the answers

4. let the students read the sentences aloud

Step 5 2b-2c

T:let the students read the prepositions aloud

Then play the tape for the first time and ask them to fill in the sentences Play the tape for the second time and have them check the answers

Play the tape for the third time and let the students read after the tape 2c:Ask and answer questions about thepiture in 1a using the following structure: Where is…? It’s …

Ask a few pairs to go to the blackboard to act it out. Step 6 Homework

练习本节课所学对话内容 课堂作业 Oral Task

Remember the new words and write it down three times 教学反思

本节课充分利用了课本素材,采用生动灵活的方式调动学生的积极性。教师要特别注意利用好“对话练习” 环节,达到学以致用的目的。

第2课时Section A 2d-3c



1. 掌握There be 句型结构。

2. 应用句型:Is there …? Yes, there is. Where is …? It is … 3. Improve the speaking ability 二、过程与方法



Develop the cooperative ability. 教学重点

1. 掌握There be 句型结构。

2. 应用句型:Is there …? Yes, there is. Where is …? It is … 3. Improve the speaking ability 教学难点

Develop the ability of making a conversation.




多听积极参与。 教师准备

精心制作的课件。 学生准备

练习上节课对话。 教学过程

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step 2 2d

1. Teacher give the following questions: Where does Tony want to go? Who is new in town? Where is the ank?

Is there a park near the bank? Ss:Read and answer the questions.

2. 导学生在对话中找出一些日常交际用语的句子:

Excuse me, How can I help you? Oh, that’s great…. 3. et the students practice the dialogue in pairs. 4. sk two or three pairs to act it out Step 3 Grammar focus

T:Show the following sentences on the screen There is a book on the deak. There are two books on the deak.

There is a book , a clock, some pens on the deak. Is there a computer room in your school? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Are there any free tickets for us? Yes, there are . No, there aren’t. 学生观察,师生共同得出结论:

当句子的主语是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,动词用is; 句子的主语是复数名词时,动词用are; 而且需要用就近原则。

Step 4 3a-3b

Let the students ask and answer in pairs and write the answers down. Have two or three pairs read their sentences aloud.

Give the students enough time to write three sentences. (提醒他们使用本单元所学的介词)

同桌互换句子,互相交流,及时修改。 教师巡回给予必要的指导。