工程力学习题2 强度校核 下载本文

2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第1页


2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第2页






2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第3页




τ A a 60° A

τ C Y τBC B τ A ?



BC a 60° A

τ C

600600?Y?0, ??a?a?sin2???a?a?sin2??BC?a?a?0 600300?X?0,???a?a?cos2???a?a?cos2??BC?a?a?0

解得:?BC?3?,?BC?0 主应力:?1?

Y τAB 3?,?3??(?tan600?2?3?)??3? 3120° X

τAC 2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第4页

综合分析 第一题

(20 points) A circular shaft (d=200 mm) with bending moment M = 96kN?m and torque T= 84kN?m is shown in the figure. Points A and B are the points on the surface of the shaft. Let E=200GPa, ? = 0.25 and ?allow = 160 MPa. (a) find ? and ? on the cross section at A; (b)draw stress element at A (or B)(C) Exam the shaft with 4th (or 3th)strength theory

Z M A M y T y T T x B Solution: (1)(A点)单元体(3分) 每个方向错扣1分 未标应力值扣1分 ?

? ??MyM32M???122.23MPa (5分) IWz?d3??T?16T??53.5MPa (5分) 3IP?d?r4M2?0.75T2??153.36MPa??allow Safe (7 points)Wz

(2)(B点)单元体(3分) 每个方向错扣1分 未标应力值扣1分 ? ? ??MyM32M????122.23MPa (5分) 3IWz?d??T?16T??53.5MPa (5分) IP?d3?r4M2?T2??162.42MPa??allow Unsafe (7 points)Wz 2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第5页

综合分析 第二题

(25 points) A circular shaft (d=200 mm) with bending moment My and torque Mx is shown in the figure. Points A and B are on the surface of the shaft. From the test we know that the axial normal strain at A and the normal strain along 45? direction with axis at B are ?0 = 6?10-4 and ?45 = 4?10-4 respectively. Let E=200GPa, ? = 0.25 and ?allow = 160 MPa. (a) Draw the stress element at A and B;(b)Find the magnitudes of My and Mx; (c) Exam the shaft with 4th strength theory. z My A My y Mx B B 45 ? x Mx 单元体(3分) 每个方向错扣1分

? or ? ?

???0E?120MPa (2分) M??w?120?106??d332?30??103N?m 45E ?45??1E???2E??E(1??) (6分) ???1???64?106Pa (1分) T??w63t?64?10??d316?32??10N?m (4分) 2 ?.75T2r4?M?0W?163.4MPa??allow Unsafe (5分)

4分)( 2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第6页

综合分析 第三题

(15 points) The storage tank shown is made of a material

that has a uniaxial yield stress of 170MPa. If the tank has an outer diameter of 32cm and a wall thickness of 0.28cm, what is the maximum pressure the tank could carry without yielding according to the maximum shear stress (Tresca) yield criterion?


The critical points are on the outer surface of the tank as shown in the figure. (1pt)

A pD?0 2tpD?????0

4t????// ?/ So

?1????pD (2pts) 2tpD (2pts) ?2?????4t?3?0 (2pts)

According to the maximum shear stress (Tresca) yield criterion,

?1??3??Y (4pts)

2?t0.28pD??Y p?Y?2??170?2.975MPa (2pts) 2tD32

2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第7页

综合分析 第四题

2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第8页

综合分析 第五题

2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第9页

a) 取单元体


M1M132M1 ??31W?d3?d32MM216M2 ??2??31Wt?d3?d16y ?45??45?????45?y τ σ x b) 进行应力状态分析


σ? x ασx?σy2σx?σy?σx?σy2cos2α?τxysin2aτ??45???2sin2??τxycos2a


c) 应用虎克定律

B(?,??) (?45?,?45?) ??1? EO?A(?,???)

11??1??(?45?????45?)????E2EE1??1????0???2E(??45?,??45?) d) 求解拉力和扭矩 由上面的分析得到方程组


?d316M2EE1??????0? 45??d31??21?? 2008-2009年度工程力学双语(自动化07) 应力状态分析练习 共10页 第10页



