2018届牛津译林版高中英语高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块七 unit 4) 下载本文


The visit_______ ________ ________ expanding relations between the two countries. (3)这本书的目的是要对这个问题作个大概描述。

The book_______ _________ giving a general outline of this subject (4)他想成为计算机专家。

He ________ ________become (=at becoming) a computer expert 词汇-10. arise from

【教材原句】The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has

increased over the past year. (P62)


(1)They didn?t expect that so many problems would arise when they were carrying out the plan. (2)He arose and walked to the door. 【自主归纳】

(1)arise from 译为____________= _____________ 比较: arise, rise, raise (2)arise 词性 __________ 过去式__________ (3)rise 词性 __________ 过去式__________ (4)raise 词性 __________ 过去式__________



过去分词__________ 词义


过去分词__________ 词义




(1) I thought it easy to do it, but a lot of new questions ____________. (2) He ____________ his eyes from his work. (3)The cost of living continues to __________. (4)All the errors ___________your carelessness.


1. 【教材原句】Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes,

undertook improving the system… .(P51)

【句法分析】having seen the situation是现在分词的完成式作状语,表示该动作先于句子的谓语动词完成。

【即时巩固11】根据汉语提示,完成下列句子 (1)排了半小时的队,这位老人突然意识到身上没带钱。

_________________ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had no money with him.


___________________ several times, he still doesn?t understand the problem. (3)因为没有完成项目,他们不得不在那里再呆两周。

___________________ the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks. 2.【教材原句】… many new stations were constructed, the most famous of which were designed by

an architect named Charles Holden. (P51)


介词放在引导词前,则先行词是物时,引导词只能用which,先行词是人,引导词只能用whom。n. / num./ pron. / the adj.(最高级) + of which/whom ks5u of 表示部分与整体的关系]


(1)The book, a few pages __________________ are missing, is of no use.

(2)I am doing different types of exercises, all _________are quite helpful to my health. (3)Many people , some ________are not overweight , are going on diets. (4)There are 54 students in my class, three _________come from US. (5)China has hundreds of islands, the largest _______is Taiwan.

3.【教材原句】 Why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today? (P51)

【句法分析】why not do…? 意思是“为什么不做……呢?”表示提建议或对某一提议表示赞

成。why not 后要接动词原形。此句型可换成:Why don?t you do…?


(1)Why not have a picnic this afternoon? = __________________________ (2)Why don?t you try it again? = __________________________

4.【教材原句】 Drivers should be careful near schools in particular, because there are likely to be

many children. (P62)

【句法分析】此句是there be 句型与be likely to 短语的混合用法。句中谓语动词单复数体现

在be likely to 中的be 上。there be 还常与happen to, seem to 连用。

【即时巩固14】根据汉语提示,完成句子。 (1)碰巧冰箱里有两只鸡蛋。

There _____________to be only two eggs in the refrigerator (2)现在树上似乎有两只鸟。

There _____________ to be some birds in the tree now. (3)今天下午似乎要有一场大雪。

There _______________ a heavy snow this afternoon。

5.【教材原句】Many cyclists often ride too close to cars to allow them space and time to stop.(P63) 【句法分析】句中too? to?表示“太??而不能??”。 但当too被only, but, all 等词修

饰时,too…to…结构就不再表示否定的意思,而有肯定的含义。因为only, but , all+too,表示“实在、非常、十分”等意思。当too 用来修饰ready, kind, eager等词时,too…to…结构也不表示否定。

【即时巩固15】根据英语提示,完成汉语句子 (1)I am only too glad to go to the movie with you. 我____________跟你一起去看电影。 (2)We are but too glad to follow your advice. 我们_____________听取你的建议。 (3)It is___________ of you to help me. 承蒙帮助,不胜感激。

(4)The little boys are___________ to play soccer every weekend. 每周末这些男孩老是喜欢踢足球。




1. convey 2. via 3. postponed 4. sections 5. choked

6. ownership 7. authority 8. architects 9. enlarged 10. anniversary


1. drop of people at different stops 3. have the distinction of 5. raise a large amount of money 7. pull through the narrow tunnels 9. undertake improving the system 11. function as bomb shelters 13. in honour of 15. a handful of students 17. be aimed at 19. accidents in connection with vehicles 21. violate the law 23. be crowded with people 25. in particular 27. an invitation to accidents 29. have a responsibility to do sth

2. over long distances 4. give approval to the construction 6. beneath the surface of the ground 8. accelerate the pace of 10. under the authority of 12. the defence against air attacks 14. fill in a form 16. split up into groups 18. be aware of the potential causes 20. result in crashes 22. risk your own life 24. watch out for people crossing the road 26. fail to pay attention to sth 28. in need of repair 30. cross the road safely



1. Having seen the situation 2. the most famous of which 3. Why not 4. there are likely to be 5. too close to cars to



词汇-1. convey


(1)运送油 (2)把我们送到车站 (3)输送电 (4)向你哥哥表示我的祝贺 【自主归纳】 vt. 运送,输送;表达