语法课:情态动词 下载本文

The wound would not heal(愈合).

During the vacation he would visit me every week. In winter morning she would sit at the gate waiting for his son. e. 表示决心

I will never do that again. f. 用\和\过去分词\的结构表示推测,主要用于第二、三人称。 前者表示对目前情况的推

测,后者表示对已经完成的动作或事态的推测。如: This will be the book you want.

He will have arrived by now。

It would be about ten when he left home.

I thought he would have told you a11 about it. 4. shall(shan’t)

a. 用于第一三人称的疑问句,表示说话人征求对方的


Shall I turn on the TV? Shall the boy come in?

let’s go for a walk, shall we? Let us go for a walk, will you?b. 用于二三人称的陈述句表示说话人给对方的命令、警告、允诺、威胁或决心等。 You shall have the money as soon as I get it.

He shan't come here.(I won't let him come.)

You shall fail if you don't

work harder.(警告)

He shall have the book when l finish reading.(允诺)

He shall be punished.(威胁) c. 用于法律、法规条文、合同等,按规定应该履行的义务等。

All payment shall be made in cash,according to the agreement.

Anyone who drives after drinking alcohol _________ be punished according to the