CWI考试习题 - Workbook - 图文 下载本文

American Welding Society & Moody International China

Q 2-6 缩写词“TLV”的意思 (The abbreviation “TLV” means:)

a. 总线性量 (Total Linear Volume) b. 临界限制值 (Threshold Limit Value) c. 附加长度值 (Tack Length Value)

d. 临界限定阀 (Threshold Limiting Valve) e. 无以上任一个 (None of the above)

Q 2-7 雇主必须使所有雇员都能得到可用的MSDS数据:

Employers must make all applicable MSDS data available to their employees.

a. 是 (True) b. 不是 (False)

Q 2-8员工必须培训以认识安全危害:(Personnel must be trained to recognize safety hazards)

a. 是 (True) b. 不是 (False)

Q 2-9 下列哪个工序要求有一个热加工许可证 (A ?Hot Work Permit? is required for:)

a. 所有焊接操作 (All welding operations) b. 所有切割操作 (All cutting operation) c. 所有预热操作 (All preheating operation) d. 在焊接,切割或预热过程中可能会出现火灾的区域 (Areas where a fire hazard may occur during

a welding, cutting, or preheating operation) e. 所有以上 (All of the above)

Q 2-10 在焊接操作中存在下列哪些对眼睛的危害

(Eye hazards found in welding operations include) a. 飞溅颗粒 (Flying particles) b. 辐射 (Radiation)

c. 烟雾 (Smoke and fumes)

d. 所有以上的 (All of the above)

Q 2-11 不适合于防止眼睛受到焊接辐射伤害的保护设施:

(Protective equipment not suitable for eye protection from welding radiation includes)

a. 带有滤光板的焊接面罩 (Welding helmets with filter plates) b. 清晰安全的护目镜 (Clear safety goggles)

c. 带有滤光板的安全护目镜 (Safety goggles with filter plates) d. 防护屏 (Protective screens)

e. 适当分布的屏障 (Properly positioned barricades)

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American Welding Society & Moody International China

Q 2-12 在焊接和切割操作中合适的衣服材料:

(Suitable clothing materials for welding and cutting are) a. 65%棉,35%聚脂 (65% cotton, 35% polyester) b. 毛 (Wool)

c. 化学处理后的棉 (Chemically treated cotton) d. 以上b&c (b and c above)

e. 无以上任一 (None of the above)

Q 2-13在一台去掉机械防护罩的设备上开始工作前,一个“停机,标识和试用”程序应该完成:(Before working on equipment where machinery guards have been removed, a ?Lock, Tag, and Try? procedure should be completed.)

a. 是 (True) b. 不是 (False)

Q 2-14 在焊接期间,为了避免烟雾,最重要的因素是:

(In avoiding fumes during welding, the most important factor is)

a. 母板的形式 (The type of base metal)

b. 填充金属的形式 (The type of filler metal)

c. 焊接工艺的形式 (The type of welding process) d. 焊机的位置 (The position of the welding machine) e. 焊工的头部位置 (The position of the welder?s head)

Q 2-15 在焊接和切割操作中,通风并不重要

(It is not important to consider ventilation during welding and cutting operations.)

a. 是 (True) b. 不是 (False)

Q 2-16 当进入一个狭窄的空间,不需要一名后备人员

(When entering confined spaces, a ?standby? is not required.)

a. 是 (True) b. 不是 (False)

Q 2-17 焊工可能暴露于某些有毒的材料:(Some of the toxic materials the welder may be exposed to are)

a. 镉 (Cadmium) b. 氯 (Chromium) c. 镍 (Nickel) d. 铅 (Lead)

e. 所有以上 (All of the above)

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American Welding Society & Moody International China

Q 2-18适当的使用和处置压缩气体钢瓶应包括:

(Proper usage and handling of compressed gas cylinders include)

a. 不在钢瓶上施焊 (Not welding on cylinders)

b. 不要把钢瓶放在地面上或在电路中 (not including the cylinders in the ground or electrical


c. 适当进行防护 (Securing them properly)

d. 在使用前对气体进行标识 (Identifying the gas prior to use) e. 所有以上的 ( All of the above)

Q 2-19 在什么压力值上乙炔会不稳定:(Acetylene becomes unstable above what pressure?)

a. 5psi b. 10psi c. 15psi

d. 无以上任一 (None of the above)

Q 2-20 氧气是一种易燃气体 (Oxygen is a flammable gas)

a. 是 (True) b. 不是 (False)

Q 2-21 大约6兆安以上的电流被认为是:

(Electric currents above approximately 6 milliamperes are considered)

a. 无危害的 (Not harmful) b. 主要电流 (Primary currents) c. 有害的 (Harmful)

d. 次要电流 (Secondary currents) e. 以上的b和c (b and c above)

Q 2-22 当进行操作气体钢瓶时,主要阀门应该是开启的:

(When operating gas cylinders, the primary valve should be opened)

a. 乙炔瓶是全开的 (all the way on an acetylene cylinder) b. 在氧气瓶是转一圈 (One turn on an oxygen cylinder)

c. 乙炔瓶转一圈或不到 (One turn or less on an acetylene cylinder)

d. 氧气瓶次要的阀门全开 (All the way on an oxygen cylinder to backseat the valve) e. c和d (c and d above)

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American Welding Society & Moody International China

Welding Inspection Technology Workbook 焊接检验技术工作手册

Module 3 第三单元

Metal Joining and Cutting Processes 金属连结及切割工艺

请不要在此书上书写! Don’t write in this book!

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