American Welding Society & Moody International China
Welding Inspection Technology Workbook
Third edition
Published by American Welding Society Education Department
Translated with permission by Moody International China
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Copyright ? 1995 by American Welding Society, Miami, Florida 版权? 1995 美国焊接学会,佛罗里达,迈阿密 Third Edition 1999 1999第三版 Revised 7/99 7/99 修订
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American Welding Society & Moody International China
Welding Inspection Technology Workbook 焊接检验技术工作手册
Module 1 第一单元
Welding Inspection and Certification 焊接检验和认证
请不要在此书上书写! Don’t write in this book!
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American Welding Society & Moody International China
Q1-1 为什么对焊接质量的需求正在增加? Why is there an increasing need for weld quality?
a. 安全 (Safety) b. 经济 (Economics)
c. 低保守系数设计 (Less conservative design) d. 政府法规 (Government regulations) e. 所有以上的 (All of the above)
Q1-2 哪个AWS文件所描述的有关CWI认证程序? What AWS document describes the rules for the CWI certification program?
a. AWS 5.5 b. AWS D1.1 c. AWS QC-1 d. AWS 5.1 e. AWS 14.1
Q 1-3 焊接质量控制应该在焊接已开始后进行? Weld quality control should begin after welding has been initiated.
a. 对 (True) b. 错 (False)
Q 1-4 AWS QC-1包括哪三种焊接检验师认证? What are the three welding inspector certifications covered in AWS QC-1?
a. CAWI, CWI, BWI b. CWI, CAWI, SCWI c. SCWI, CWI, ACWI d. Level I, II and III
e. 无上述任何一种 (None of the above)
Q 1-5 从总的来讲,作为一个焊接检验师,最重要的素质是什么? What is generally considered to be the most important quality of a welding inspector?
a. 毕业于焊接职业程序 (Graduation from a welding vocational program) b. 工程师 (An engineering degree) c. 助工 (An associate degree)
d. 专业态度 (Professional welder certificate)
e. 具有一个已认可的焊工资格证 (Hold a certified welder certificate)
Q 1-6 对一个CWI 视力的要求是近视度在 The vision requirements for a CWI are near vision acuity on:
a. 在24英寸内Jaeger J1 (Jaeger J1 at 24 inches) b. 在12英寸内Jaeger J12 (Jaeger 12 at 12 inches)
c. 在12英寸内有或没有纠正镜 Jaeger J2 (Jaeger 12 at 12 inches, with or without corrective lenses) d. 检验员不能配戴眼镜 (The inspector cannot wear glasses) e. 20/20视力 (20/20 vision)
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American Welding Society & Moody International China
Q 1-7首字母组合词 KASH代表: The acronym KASH stands for:
a. 知识,态度,技能和习惯 (Knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits) b. 知识,应用,技能和习惯 (Knowledge, application, skills, and habits) c. 知识,态度,技能和忠诚 (Knowledge, attitude, skills, and honesty) d. 知识,应用,技能和忠诚 (Knowledge, application, skills, and honesty) e. 知识,态度,诚实和忠诚 (Knowledge, attitude, sincerity, and honesty)
Q 1-8焊接检验师应该对------具有一个基本的理解: The welding inspector should have a basic understanding of:
a. 焊接工艺 (Welding process)
b. 无损试验方法 (Nondestructive testing methods) c. 以上a和b (a and b above)
d. 规范和标准 (Codes and standards) e. 所有以上 (All of the above)
Q 1-9 用于描述由于检验而使生产造成延迟的术语
The term used to describe a delay in the production schedule to permit inspection is:
a. 无损检测 (NDE) b. 停止点 (Hold point) c. 检验前 (Pre-inspection) d. 参考点 (Reference point) e. 电弧划伤 (Arc strike)
Q 1-10 检验报告的纠正应该由-----来做: Inspection report corrections should be made by:
a. 重新写整个报告 (Rewriting the entire report)
b. 把纠正报告给焊接班长 (Reporting the correction to the welding foreman) c. 告诉焊工应该做什么 (Telling the welder what was done) d. 忽略原始错误 (Ignoring the original error) e. 用单线划出错误,改正的错误,并标上日期及签上姓。(Single-line out the error, correct the error,
date, and initial)
Q 1-11道德规范的定义:(A definition of ethics is:)
a. 公共观念和忠诚 (Using common sense and honesty) b. 生活有规则 (Living by the rules) c. 公正和公平 (Being fair and impartial)
d. 以事实为依据作决定 (Basing decisions on facts) e. 所有以上 (All of the above)
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