山西省右玉一中2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 下载本文

speakers, “burn” it onto blank CDs or exchange MP3 files with friends using E-mail. How much?

Software needed to play and convert MP3 music is often free. It comes preinstalled on most new computers or can be downloaded from many websites, including MP3.com. Some MP3 sites are free. Just type “MP3 sites ” into any search engine. The popular MP3 players start at around $50 and can hold hundreds of songs.A blank CD on which you can record music costs about a dollar. Advantages

Mp3 turns your home PC into a tape recorder. Tiny MP3 players are the size of a card, making it easy to take hundreds of songs with you. Disadvantages

You may find that music at many sites is limited. And some only allow you to listen rather than download offerings. Others let you download music that can’t be copied to MP3 players. And a growing number of new CDs make it impossible to copy songs to a computer. 12. How can you get MP3 music?

A. By turning your home PC into a tape recorder. B. By taking your own music or songs with you. C. By copying songs to a PC through the speakers.

D. By downloading from websites which have converted music libraries into MP3.

13. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Software needed to play and convert MP3 music is often free of charge.

B. MP3 music can be with friends by e-mail.

C. MP3 music can be downloaded for free at any site.

D. A greater number of new CDs make it possible to copy songs to a computer.

14. The underlined word “burn” probably means _________. A. fire B. copy C. download D. play 15. How much will you pay for a MP3 player?

A. Free of charge. B. Free downloading.


C. At least fifty dollars D. About a dollar.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


Reading for Fun-Top Tips to Encourage Your Child

You know reading is fun. However, it’s a visual world, and kids may think of reading as boring uninteresting. But showing a child how wonderful reading is can be a lifelong gift. 16 1. The Right Environment.

17 Whether in school or at home, you can create a good reading area. This kind of area should prove very attractive to your kids-but the rule is that only reading can be done there. No phones, no electronics, no games, and so forth. Creating a comfortable environment gives kids an instant reward for reading. 2.18 Sometimes kids who don’t like to read for fun still like it when you read books to them. Try reading a chapter or section of a book, and leave off at a very exciting part for them to read. Then, tell your child that you can’t read any more now; you have something else to do, but he or she is welcome to keep reading these exciting parts on his or her own.

3. Read to and with Your Child

You’ve probably heard it said before, but it bears repeating. 19 You don’t always have to use the “exciting moments” to get them interested; just read to them and show them the wonderful world of books.

4. Regular Trips to the Library.

20 If he or she picks out a book, there’s more likelihood that he or she will actually read it. Also, many libraries host reading workshops and other programs to encourage reading. So get involved! A. Using exciting Moments. B. Reading Makes a Full Man.

C. Take your child with you on trips to the library.

D. Creating the right environment can help so much in encouraging



E. Nothing discourages reading as much as not being able to find or reach the books!

F. Reading to and with your child is a great way to encourage them to read on their own.

G. Here are some tips to encourage your child to read and convince him or her that reading is fun!



Soon it would be the holidays, but before that, there were final _21. All the kids had been working hard for some time, reviewing their_22_. If they didn’t pass the exams, they would have to_23_them in September. There were usually a few who __24__, but Jane didn’t want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year, but she was working so hard that her mother __25_her health. She went to bed too late. The night before the big day, her mother __26__ that she should have an early night and take a sleeping pill. She promised to __27__ her up in the morning. Jane was too __28__ to fall asleep. Her mind kept jumping from subject to subject. At last, the __29__did work. In no time at all, she was sitting in the examination hall, looking at the paper, but she couldn’t answer __30_ of the questions. Everyone __31_ her was writing paper pages and pages. __32_she thought hard, she couldn’t find anything to write about. From time to time she looked at her _33_. Time was running _34_. There was only an hour to __35_. She started one question, wrote two sentences, __36_and tried another. With only half an hour left ,she wrote __37_ two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started __38__. Her whole body shook. It shook so much that she woke up. She was still in bed and it had all been a terrible __39_. A minute later, _40__called her name. 21. A. harvests B. exams C. reports D. papers 22. A. exercises B. jobs C. books D. lessons 23. A. take B. write C. attend D. do 24. A. cheated B. succeeded C. passed D. failed

25. A. cared for B. felt proud of C. worried about D. thought


highly of

26. A. insisted B. agreed C. promised D. allowed 27. A. ring B. wake C. bring D. pick 28. A. sad B. tired C. happy D. nervous 29. A. dream B. pill C. suggestion D. music 30. A. all B. none C. any D. some

31. A. ahead of B. behind C. in front of D. around 32. A. Unless B. However C. Though D. As 33. A. watch B. paper C. teacher D. book 34. A. up B. down C. out D. over 35. A. run B. leave C. remain D. go

36. A. gave out B. gave up C. put off D. put out 37. A. another B. more C. other D. the other 38. A. thinking B. dreaming C. crying D. writing 39. A. exam B. dream C. story D. night

40. A. her mother B. her teacher C. a classmate D. a friend




第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said_41__was a wonderful holiday destination. Before we went, we had planned for months. When the day came, we were ready.

After our plane landed, we went to the hotel. We had made our reservation(预定)six months__42__(early), but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake. We 43__(tell)that our rooms hadn’t been reserved for that week, _44__ for the week after. I didn’t understand 45_this would happen and my credit card had already been charged_46_ the reservation. What’s worse, the hotel had been fully booked. When we were wondering what to do, the manager came out. She was 47_(help).